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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Possibly, but maybe a more niche thing? I dunno if BAM could be that big. It would be interesting, but it might not fit thematically.
  2. Good catch! Yeah, that’s probably it!
  3. Well, I can’t speak for everyone, and I figured out my gender, not sexuality, but I can share how I discovered my gender. basically I had to first figure myself out. Figure out what I liked and dislikes about my gender at birth. I figured that out after some reflection, and I learned about agender. I found that fit what I felt about my gender. Now gender is definitely different than sexuality, but it was a process of figuring out myself, and then figuring out what label best fit. I bet it is something like that for others.
  4. So, the thing with Drehy is that he is an actual person in real life. Brandon Sanderson modeled that character off of a friend of his, who was gay. So saying Drehy’s bad rep is walking a risky line, given that he was fairly realistically modeled off of an actual person. Plus, we don’t get to know too much about em. He’s a very shy and reserved character, so we don’t get to know the personality of him very well. So you can definitely make the argument that there isn’t enough gay or just overall LGBTQ+ rep in Brando’s books, but I think that ya might not want to use Drehy as a part of your argument (in my opinion, obviously). Now it seems like this thread has resurfaced fully, so I will butt in more fully. If ya want inclusivity, which is obviously understandable, it is very important, then you can see a good example in Mistborn era 2. Now I do think that there is a valid point that Brandon does not have enough LGBTQ rep in his books. You can only count a few (pre Rhythm of War and Dawnshard), so he needs to add more. The good news is that he is trying. if you go back in the thread, it will be mentioned that he wants more LGBT characters in his books, but he worries that he will do it wrong, since he doesn’t have much experience with the LGBTQ+ community. So he is trying. OH HOLD ON. THIS HAS BEEN MOVED TO ROW. ok so, Ranarin and Rlain are gay. Two main characters are, in fact, gay. And Thude might possibly also be gay. We have won! Or have we? Brandon has done good with these characters. They are very three dimensional, and definitely well handled with their gayness. I’d say those two are a win. But now we only have 4 gay characters in all of the Sandolord’s books. LGBT-wise, there is more. Shallan is I believe confirmed to be bi, which is fantastic. I’m still betting my spheres that Jasnah is asexual. But that’s just me. trans wise, there is also one more person. (Dawnshard spoils) It’s a very small notion, but my non-binary heart warmed at it. Lift, though not trans, gave off some body dysphoria vibes in RoW, which resonated with me. I even made a thread about it! so does that mean that us, T h e G a y s, have won? I think so. I think Brando Sando is going on the right path and is adding more and more of the LGBTQ community, as well as better mental disorder rep! I really like where this is going. We even got a gay main character, which this thread was made for! That beings me much joy, and yes, I do think we have won.
  5. So mistborn is all about arcs. More so than Brando’s other books. And Elend’s arc was wonderful. He began as a nieve sheltered Noble that was aspiring to be a revelutionary, but really couldn’t. WoA makes him grow from a nieve idealistic king that sees the best in everyone to a Still very optimistic ruler that learns how to be a king and a true leader. HoA broke him. He had one great quality; his optimism and seeing the best in people. In HoA, he had to give up that to be an emporor. He did that to save all of Scadrial, but in doing so, he lost Elend. In his biggest, truest moment, he gave up himself to help others. That signifies that he grew out of that nieve little Noble that read books at balls (though he still did that), he was now a life-hardened ruler that had seen the worst of the world, and that broke him. It is one of the best arcs in the whole of the mistborn series, in my opinion.
  6. That’s an interesting idea, but then you would probably want a just voidlight godspren. Maybe with Todium, that will happen, though.
  7. Ooooh! I like this idea! More bondsmith spren... BAM makes sense to be a bondsmith spren, but who were they a splinter of? Cultivation?
  8. You gotta be careful with that right there. Dabbid has a mental disorder. Some might say that that is not something to be ‘fixed’. Now, if you are talking about stormlight healing, that is based off of spiritual identity. I think it’s safe to say that Dabbid wants what he sees as his stupidity gone.
  9. I came to the same conclusion. Their connection to Ba-Ado-Mishram was likely severed due to their trappedness, which is like the Shaod. Technically, it is like what happens to saons when their human gets the Shaod, but yeah.
  10. You’re thinking along the same lines I am. Connection is what is severed. Their bond to something else. I do think you are right that it might be a better comparison to compare them to elantrian spren, rather than the elantrians themselves. And yeah, I do think there was some vulnerability when they broke off their oaths, so when they bond a human again, it would make sense for the spren to regain their connection and liveliness, reforming the connection they need to be alive. What I’m now wondering is this; why does it only happen to spren that break their oath? There are plenty of radiant spren who are alive and well, but they didn’t break bonds. So what state did they get in when they broke their bonds before the Recreance that no longer works because of the severed connection?
  11. ...uhh, hate to break it to ya, but there are autistic gay peeps out there. And yeah, they can also be outcasts. I do think it is fair to think that the situation could go south, but I have confidence in our Brando Sando. He generally gets things right, unless it is Rosharan metaphors in TWoK.
  12. Brandon said in the livestream that the deadeye spren is a relashonship that has been seen in other parts of the cosmere. My mind immediately jumped to elantrians. The elantrians had their investiture and their link to the Dor blocked because the command was incomplete. Because it was incomplete, they had sickly blotches, had no heartbeat, and could not heal. They themselves said that they were dead. That is what is happening to the deadeyes. Their command allowing them to exist or transition to their unbonded state or whatever happens after they break their bond is being interrupted mid-transition. This would explain the dead and clawed out eyes. This would explain why they seem to not access investiture or do anything with bonds. Ba-Ado-mishram Somehow allowed that transition to happen, so trapping her interrupted the command, just like with Elantris.
  13. Yeah, that’s what I realized. Likely, you cannot ask non-Stormlight questions.
  14. So I have an important ask to ask to all of my 20 (how did that happen?) followers. 

    at the livestream today, someone needs to ask Brandon a question. We need to know what happens when you steal the senses of an animal and give it to a human. I cannot do it myself, but I think it is an important hypothetical.

    1. Koloss17


      Wait. Since it is a stormlight archive stream, does that even allow us to ask non-stormlight questions?

    2. Stormtide_Leviathan


      Yeah I think it’s a stormlight only deal. Not 100% sure though

  15. IMPORTANT MISSION! Calling all cultists! at the livestream today, someone needs to ask Brandon about @Stormtide_Leviathan’s question. We need to know what happens when you steal the senses of an animal and give it to a human.
  16. So the big issues is that many things in sight rely on your eye structure. A fish’s eyes are built differently than our eyes. So wouldyou only have your sight enhanced from the attributes you can already see? And what would those attributes be?
  17. Obligatory thanks to @Stormtide_Leviathan for coming up with this question. As well as a thanks to @Ookla the Grammatical for wanting this post made, I guess. So hypothetical here. You have a H-tin spike, and you want to stab an animal (let’s say owl) for its sight. You then stab it into yourself. Would it increase your sight normally, or would you gain owlsight, since sight just works fundamentally differently for owls than it does for humans? Would you get better night vision? an even better hypothetical. What if it was snakesight? Some snakes see basically through thermal vision. Does that count as a separate type of sight? and if they do count as different types of sight, would there be a toggle? Would it just be a permanent overlay? Could you gather many different animal’s sights and see everything? and what happens when you are a tin Ferring? Do you now have a new sense in your arsenal that you can store? Does that mean that you now can easily see in a hundred different ways and choose how much you see of each of those sights? and this applies to ALL of the senses. Hearing, taste, touch, smell, pain, balance, and location. Many animals have very different ways of experiencing the world. Can you steal all of those experiences and claim them as your own?
  18. You. You get it. A-Steel and F-tin. F-tin, because...I mean...isn’t it obvious? It’s the most versatile Ferring metal and assists you in pretty much every scenario you could think of. A-steel because you can reverse compound steelsight for super investiture sense, and you can FLY which is awesome. Plus, murder coins are lit.
  19. Hmmmmmmmmm. I mean... maaagiiiic? Maybe? I have no idea, really. Great theory, though! If you won’t post it in the Mistborm forum, I will. IT MUST BE ANSWERED!
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