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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Can odium have a bondsmith? I dunno if that is possible. Would it be a bind with some unmade?
  2. Sorry I’m a bit late for Christmas stuff, but CHRISTMAS

  3. Buuut you can reverse compound it using F-zinc!
  4. I think voidlight is currently odium’s, but I don’t think it was always his. It is one of the three pure tones of Roshar, which means that likely, it was there since Roshar began and was inhabited by the shards. Cultivation and Honor inhabited the planet before Odium got there. So I’m willing to bet that voidlight was something else before Odium adopted it. Maybe even another shard’s...
  5. I actually like this idea. What if it was accepted by testament? I mean, it’s likely they were with her the whole time. What if cryptics will a accept different truths? Pattern accepting things about shallan’s murders, and testament accepting truths about what Shallan knows to be true about herself? on another note, I think Shallan doesn’t need to confess more murders. I think she needs to accept that she can forgive herself for what she had done, potentially swearing ideals for both of her spren. I think that would be great. obviously this is pure speculation, but I really like it thematically.
  6. I’m sorry, but your name is currently ookla the scandalous? And You think that a nasty dirty boy is a nono? Really?
  7. Sorry for not doing things for so long! I’ve been kind of lingering on the shard, but not doing much. Here’s one that is a more scholarly one. If you were to give an elemental analogy to one of Brando Sando’s magic systems, what elemental tie will give what, and why? (Example: hemalurgy is like fire because it destroys everything it touches)
  8. If you were to give an elemental analogy to one of Brando Sando’s magic systems, what elemental tie will give what, and why? (Example: hemalurgy is like fire because it destroys everything it touches)
  9. To the whole deadeye screaming, the answer lies in oathbringer. Oathbringer does not scream when he is held by dalinar in Oathbringer (this gets confusing fast), instead it was a small wimpier. That was because the blade did not exactly hate Dalinar. I bet if aeolian were to bond a spren, Maya would not scream. The same thing is at play here. Testament does not hate Shallan. I mean, this is a cryptic that decided to bond a human before almost any other spren tried. That type of character will not lead to a deep hatred of the one that they bonded. That is why they do not scream when they are summoned.
  10. This thread will never die, will it? The eternal thread. @Honorless, I commend your power in creating such an engaging thread. It sparked a whole lot of conversation, and people really did get a lot out of it.
  11. Battle axe bisexuals are different. They were originally made to fight biphobia, but are now saying that pansexuality is biphobia and such. It’s a community within the LGBT community that can be filled with hate. But yeah, spear queer!
  12. It is something that would follow the rules of a tinmind. You store your sense of taste. You don’t store your lack of taste. Likewise, you store the sense of pain, not the sense of lack of pain. If you want a reason to tap the sense of pain, you can tap it when you are eating spicy food. Increasing the pain will make the spicy food spicier.
  13. Yeah, I might have sold it a bit too hard. There are disadvantages. But it is still cheating the whole end-neutral thing.
  14. That is definitely chordish. Very skilled playage as well.
  15. WHO HATH SOMMONED ME THE GREAT! F-TIN! OVERLOOORD? welp. I have been summoned. you underestimate the power of feruchemantic tin. You looking for storing benefits? Taste, smell, touch, and hearing are the basic things to store for benefits. There is a lot more senses than that. the one sense that you are forgetting about that will be very useful to store is your sense of pain. It actually fully cheats the system for the end-neutral aspect of feruchemy. Storing the five basic senses can be interpreted as a bad thing, but storing pain? There is almost no reason to not store it. Sure, it might have the downsides that a pewter savant would have of not noticing that you are bleeding out, but it can be managed a lot more easily than pewter savantism. And it has great practical normal non-fighter lifestyle advantages. Headache? Gone. Burned hand? Gone! Scraped knee? Gone. It can get bad, and you do have to be smart with it (like bandaging you even if you are not feeling the pain), but as long as you aren’t a fool, you’ll be just fine. That would be my choice all the way.
  16. I’d say coercion isn’t exactly cheating endowment. It does effect your willingness to say the words, like with alcohol or other drugs, but the person would generally be right of mind and aware of what they are doing, unlike with alcohol or other drugs. So while it might be a tactic for getting more breaths more easily, it isn’t cheating the system.
  17. Oh I noticed it. I found it odd. What exactly does it mean? Shard’s capabilities and magic systems are only really limited to where they are and reside. You can take stuff from there and use it, but this just seems odd. I have no idea what is going on here. It also isn’t quite allomancy. It isn’t end-positive, exactly. It’s like it is always in effect. I WANT ANSWERS STORMMIT!
  18. I mean, who wouldn’t take garlic bread over sex on most days?
  19. Oh it’s an ongoing joke with the ace community. I’m not ace, but I know of the stuff. Basically, garlic bread is great, and for the ace peeps, superior to sex (although it isn’t too difficult to get better than sex for the ace community)
  20. They are each good for their own reasons, but era 1 has the best arc. Era 2 is nice and smaller scale, and a bit more like “the adventures of _____” it is fun. It is silly. I love it. But it doesn’t have the arc of mistborn. But book 4 isn’t out yet, so we will see if that changes.
  21. Smart! Takes some effort, not quite cheating endowment, but smart!
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