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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. So I was wondering how you can get more breath without needing to have it given willingly. It’s a fairly simple question. But it is a complex solution. one option is taking it from a lifeless awakener’s stuff. This is a in-world cheat, but it has to be in a very particular scenario. So it’s not quite for the average person. another option is through blanking your identity or adopting another person’s spiritual identity. This will allow anything you make to be taken by anyone without need for consent if it is stored in an object, and possibly even taking it from other people’s objects, kind of like stealing metalminds. That one is a tough one, given that the only way we know how to do that (as far as I’m aware) is through aluminumminds. It is a tough thing to pull of for an ordinary person, again. A third option is nicrosil compounding. Sadly, it requires a very rare set of powers. It is definitely not for the average person, but it is the easiest way to get a TON of breaths with the least amount of effort. A fourth option is kind of cheating the system. This is using rioting and soothing. They still have to give it willingly, but you can manipulate their willingness to do it. Still not for everyone, but more common than the other three. this fifth one is the easiest for the average person to do, but it is the least effective. That is through drugging someone. This can be through normal alcohol or through more serious stuff. This will be doing what a soother or rioter can do, but more...diluted. It will not be a sure way to get it, but it makes it easier. that is the list of knowledge I know, but there is doubtlessly more. Can the grand beings of the shard come up with more?
  2. I’ve always kinda imagined him as ace, but possibly not aro (Darn, can’t put RoW stuff). He’s always ambiguous about those types of things though. I think he is not discriminatory when it comes to species or gender. So I’m going with ace and pan myself.
  3. Uuuuuh General LGBTQ+ on reddit I believe. Might have been in some YouTube videos reacting to LGBTQ+ subreddits. It’s a genre of lesbian. (really me? Saying genre instead of like type or style? HAVE YOU BEEN SO BOOK THINKING LATELY THAT YOU FORGOT HOW TO ENGLISH????) But sword lesbians are just lesbians that like swords and will probably protect other girls from homophobes (possibly slaying them in the process). EDITOR’S NOTE: I don’t know any sword lesbians, so this is me just picking up from context.
  4. it’s been a while! If you were to rip a hole in the space time of the cosmere and link one planet in the cosmere to a world outside of the cosmere, which worldS would you connect? The other world doesn’t not need to be Brandon Sanderson made, but it obviously can be.
  5. Hello!!!! If you were to rip a hole in the space time of the cosmere and link one planet in the cosmere to a world outside of the cosmere, which worldS would you connect? The other world doesn’t not need to be Brandon Sanderson made, but it obviously can be.
  6. Fair. Also fair. Sometimes things just give off vibes, but you don’t know why.
  7. Yeah I feel like Raoden is pretty clearly a cis guy, but doesn’t really seem masculine or feminine. I think Sarene is very feminine, but her view of femininity is different from everyone else’s. She’s basically a sword lesbian, now that I think about it. Except straight. Hmmm.
  8. What is your typical gender role/steriotype that you associate with femininity or masculinity that you saw as indicators that Sarene is the more masculine one? sorry if that came off as a hostile question. I’m deeply invested (ha) in social concepts and in general how society works, but I am biased. I don’t like gender roles and Stereotypes, since they are kinda why I decided to be agender. But I do want to be learned on these types of things. Sorry for possibly sounding hostile.
  9. Didn’t notice that. Doesn’t necessarily mean anything queer, but an interesting note.
  10. You’re in the right here, in my opinion. You are allowed to dislike some characters in your favorite (or close to favorite) series. We don’t want to start up arguments here though. Mods don’t like it. Civil discussion is probably fine, but targeted attacks bad basically.
  11. Yeah I’m with writer on this one.
  12. Well shardblades aren’t exactly fabrials. Fabrials work by trapping a spren and forcing them to do your bidding. Shardblades are corned vis the Nahel bond and do not have a trapped spren. The spren is a deadeye if it is not a sprenblade, but it is still not quite trapped like a fabrial, as far as I’m aware.
  13. Well I didn’t know he had a sprenblade! Huh. On your point on godmetals, you are sadly mistaken. The almighty Brando has said that they are godmetals, and the coppermind has it written down. And voidspren are not quite splinters if odium like radiant spren are, as far as I’m aware. There is likely a different dynamic going on.
  14. So there are a lot of links in the stormlight archive. What I mean by that is a character being a link between two groups. I know this is a theme throughly the cosmere as well as all books, frankly. But SA has a lot more groups. So without further adeu, here is my list of characters and what they link and why. Navani is an easy link between the humans and the spren. The sibling seems to be the parent of all spren and vouches on their behalf. Navani is the lead artifabrian, being the voucher for the humans and fabrial making. Dalinar is the link between humans and their oaths. He vouches for those that stray from their oaths, and the stormfather makes sure the spren are not harmed by the oaths. We saw this a lot in WoR and OB, but a tad less in RoW. Adolin is the link between the deadeyes and the humans. This is pretty clear with the whole maya dynamic (which I’m really excited for!). Rysn is the link between (dawnshard spoilers) Kaladin is...a bit tougher. I don’t think his grand role is fully established. He used to be the link between darkeyes and lighteyes in TWoK and WoR, but that mission wasn’t accomplished by OB. Now he is a much, much smaller role, in the grand scheme of things. He is currently the link between those without mental disorders or trauma and those with mental disorders or trauma. It is a very important role on a small scale, but will win no wars. This one has room to work on, so if you can come up with more, be my guest. Ranarin’s is interesting. I just made a separate post about it, actually. He is the link between Odium and honor. More specifically between the radiants and Sja-Anat, but with having a surge for both and not a strong hatred for odium, he can be that link. Venli is the link between the radiants and the singers.Her spren doesn’t like humans, but she is a radiant herself. Her role is going to be really big later on, but right now she is a bunch of potential energy, if you get the science metaphor. Moash is a terrible person. He is also the link between odium and his armies. How this will change now that todium is here, I don’t know. But currently he is Odium’s representative in Roshar. Shallan is also complex. She is on a small scale a link between the Ghostbloods and the radiants. On a bigger scale, I don’t think we know yet. She is also untapped potential. She CAN be a HUGE link, but I don’t think she is currently linking anything. Lift is another complex one. She likely going to play into cultivation’s plots, so she might be a link between the radiants and cultivation. Currently though, I think she has no solid link. I might be wrong on that one, though. Jasnah is the fourth and last link to look out for. She is currently pretty close to being a link between Hoid and the radiants, but Hoid hasn’t quite stopped communicating with the radiants. I think he will in the next book, though, based on the epilogue. That’s gotta shove him back into the not being as involved, right? The last one I will mention is a small one. The Herdezian General is the link between the Alethi and the Herdezians. I bet he will play a large role later on, but right now he is not that. I think that’s all of them (at least what I know)! Feel free to share your thoughts, especially if I missed some links. I do think it is useful to think of these links because they can play a big role in the plot of future books. It is also nice symbolism, which is also great. I hope this was a useful addition to what we know about the characters of the stormlight archive.
  15. So if and when Renarin gains a shardblade and Shardplate, he possibly will have an alloy of honor, cultivation, and odium. That can have actual implications as well as symbolic implications. The blade might have some aspects or Raysium, like drawing investiture from things, but that isn’t quite how god metals work. It will have interesting effects possibly. There are at least 10 alloys of honor and cultivation’s godmetals, and we don’t know what special properties each of those had. But with those, the heralds might possibly help. For all we know, this will be a new metal. A compound of the three god metals (most likely), and more specifically, an alloy of truthwatcherium (rolls off the toungue) and Raysium (again, most likely). There is the implication that you could make 10 other god metals with the corruption, which is crazy. That is 20 separate godmetals, each presumeably with different capabilities. there is also symbolic implications. Renarin is the link between the Truthwatchers and odium (technically Sja-Anat, but she is of odium, so odium), and currently the only link between odium and the radiants, and through extension, honor. He even has one surge of each of them. That is a big thing. He is basically the rhythm of war in physical form, sort of. There is one other that can be a link, but not exactly. That link is Venli. She is bonded to a spren that does not like humans anymore, BUT is using voidlight to fuel the surges. She can also create the rhythm of war, which is the much more physical representation of the bridge, but the intentions are not quite there. She doesn’t want to be a regal and serve odium. She is more of a bridge between honor and the singers. But it is useful to point out. But Renarin being a link is big. He can be the Harmony between the two and can possibly make a truce or a treaty. It’s something to look out for, for sure. I have no idea where I am going with this, but it’s interesting to note.
  16. YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH *starts burning stuff, possibly transphobes* EEEEEENNNNBBBYYY!!!!!
  17. Storm it! Now I want Kel in stormlight soon. I doubt he will show himself next book, but I want him to.
  18. Honestly, I want him to choose to stick behind to help those that are in need of mental help. That would be great. Don’t think it’ll happen, but would still be great.
  19. What this theory doesn’t explain is why was wit truly terrified? That was what makes me not believe that wit won. He does have a bajilion indicators to show that his memories have been meddled with, though.
  20. Yeah, that’s what I do. They is easier to say and type, and is more inclusive, so there’s no reason not to use it.
  21. Oh I’m wondering if they are referring to a random human on the shard and use he/she as a “I don’t know their gender, so here is a catch all” which is false and bugs me, but I dunno if I should be petty enough for that.
  22. Ok rust it! I need to ask. Do y’all feel the urge to scream JUST USE THEY when someone says he/she? i dunno if I should just correct people on the shard if they say he/she once or if I should let it be.
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