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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. I personally like flaws in my character. Shallan probably has the hardest problem to overcome of all of the main characters. She is broken. There’s no other way to say it. She has what is basically a lightweaver-assisted multiple personality disorder, but only as close to MPD as Stephen leed’s schizophrenia. It is distinctly different from any of earth’s mental illnesses, which is why some people might not be able to relate to her. She is the peak of a lightweaver, frankly, since she has so many secrets. I did like her reveals of trauma in WoR, but I also like Shallan now. Her careful balance to her broken mental state is a wonderful thing. It is fascinating that her way of coping with the stress that she has had in her life-killing her mother and father, bonding and killing a spren, and doing all of this as a CHILD-is to create personas that she can hide behind. She is a complex and tough character, and I see how you can dislike her; because she is just hard to relate to. It’s hard to relate to a character that has the trauma of killing her parents, and coping with that through creating fully conscious beings. I don’t need to relate to her, but you can obviously have different opinions than me. Thanks for sharing this!
  2. Sorry I haven’t done much, to the three people that actually respond to these things. Here’s one! Out of the Brandon Sanderson books you have read, which character do you think would be the best fitted for being a beaver?
  3. Hello! Out of the Brandon Sanderson books you have read, which character do you think would be the best fitted for being a beaver?
  4. Well, stealing senses work about as good as storing senses. What animal senses could you steal from animals that you could then store? I wonder... this adds so many possibilities.
  5. Cheese. Go pack. fairytail? Hmmmmmmmmmmm. I dunno, frankly. favorite candy be Blue raspberry licorish maybe(That’s not spelled right). sociology definitely. Does ethics and political science count in that? I love that type of stuff. I love controversy with a passion. I will debate anyone that wants to debate something.
  6. So what would it be like to bond a formless sibling? Or a sibling that has the form of a different building? Currently their power set (as far as I know) is making towerlight and controllling the tower, which is not much compared to the nightwatcher giving boons and the stormfather opening perpendicularities.
  7. Well, Vasher was scared to let out the secret of awakening metal without the ninth heightening I believe, so if it was something hard and obscure, he wouldn’t be scared.
  8. Beautiful. “Oh fidolin, you want the honorblade? Go fetch! Good boy.”
  9. What would the sibling be like if they didn’t reside in the tower and practically make it up? I am thinking of doing an RPG of sorts, but I want to not have to deal with the sibling being the tower, but a more free spren, like the stormfather and nightwatcher. How would that work?
  10. Oh heck thank you. We still don’t know everything about what Gavilar did while he was in the sons of honor, and I think the events he set in motion are yet to unfold.
  11. Wait this is news to me. Scadrial is endgame? MB4? Source?
  12. WARNING: THERE WILL BE DAWNSHARD SPOILERS, AS WELL AS GENERAL COSMERE SPOILERS So we now have lot more pieces of The cosmere endgame after reading RoW (and dawnshard). We now know more of the ghostblood’s influence, what dawnshards are, and that the sons of honor exist. so here’s the updated endgame characters and groups ORGANIZATIONS •The 17th shard These guys will definitely prevail until the endgame. They are wide reaching and powerful. They want to keep Adonalsium from reforming for seemingly unknown reasons (other than Adonalsium dangerous and really powerful). They will probably be a force of good, in the end (probably). •The Ghostbloods these guys will also have a fantastic chance of making it until the endgame. They are scheming and about as powerful and far reaching as the 17th shard. It’s not entirely certain what their motives are either, but it is probably not good. Now that we know that their leader is likely Kelsier, they are more dangerous than ever. They are likely going to be a force of evil in the endgame. •the ‘cult’ of Trell the cult of Trell (which is what I’m calling them now) is pretty dangerous and seems to be an invested third party, likely working for autonomy, though we are not sure. They are currently sieging Scadrial for mostly unknown reasons. The set also seem to be part of this organization. We don’t know what they are doing, but they seem to be powerful enough to be in the endgame. They will probably be a force of evil in the cosmere. •the IRE this organization is one that I doubt will be in the endgame, but is a notable group. They are very cosmere aware, and seem to have connections all across the cosmere, through scholarly knowledge or trade deals. They could be a wild card, but likely they will not last into the endgame. •The Sons of Honor This group is another unlikely one. They seem to be specifically Roshar oriented. They will likely play an important role within Roshar, therefore playing a role in creating the endgame, but will likely not remain until the endgame. If they do, they will likely be a wildcard. •The Dysian Aimians these aimians have a few members on other planets, have guarded one of the dawnshards, and is now helping that dawnshard’s vessel. There is a decent chance they will get slain by Todium by the end of the stormlight arc, but if they survive until the endgame, they will be a force of good. SHARDS AND PRIMORDIAL COSMERE OBJECTS •Odium this one is fairly clear. They are the most dangerous shard, has already shattered four other shards. Taravangian might not hold it, but it will definitely be a force of evil, likely having odium’s vessel only holding one shard. •Harmony this is also a pretty cut and dry one. Currently, it is one vessel holding two shards. I think that will stay true until the endgame, but the vessel might not be Sazed (though I hope it is). Harmony will almost certainly be a force of good in the endgame. •Endowment Endowment seems to have some master plan, we just don’t know what it is currently. There is a lot of funky things going on with Nalthis, and that is likely due to Endowment. Edgli will likely prevail to the endgame due to her plan. She will probably be a force of good, but it is an uncertain good. •Autonomy autonomy is another shard that is currently scheming. She seems to have avatars all over the cosmere, has restricted access to Taldain in the cognitive realm, and is likely meddling with Scadrial in the form of Trell. Bavadin will likely stay until the endgame, given their plots, and will almost certainly be a force of evil. •Honor We all know that Honor is probably going to have a vessel by the end of the stormlight arc, possibly even during stormlight 5. The question is, by who? There’s a chance it’ll be Dalinar, there’s a chance it’ll be someone completely different. Whoever it is though, there is an almost guaranteed chance that they will be a force of good in the endgame (if they make it there. I think they will, though). • Dominion and Devotion these two are currently shattered by Odium, but I bet they will be brought back before the endgame hits. I think they will be another merged shard, because I think it makes sense (and would be cool). If that is the case, I think they will be a force of good. If that is not the case, each of them are wild cards. •Cultivation she has a grand plan, likely involving the next vessel of Cultivation (possibly Lift!). Whoever controls cultivation, I’m sure Cultivation will be a powerful force of good in the endgame. •the dawnshards These bad boys will DEFINITELY be in the endgame. The only questions are who will hold them and which side will they be on. The dawnshard of change might stick with Rysn until the endgame, but I’m not sure on that one. I think there will be at least one (maybe THE one) that will be a force of evil in the endgame. They will all definitely be very integral pieces of the endgame. CHARACTERS •Hoid This one is the most obvious of them. He will almost certainly be part of the endgame (talking like 97% here) and will undoubtably be a force of good. We still don’t know what his plans are and why he is collecting magic systems, but I think that will definitely play into the endgame. •Nightblood This one is also an obvious one. He is way to powerful to not make it until the endgame and his “destroy evil” command makes it pretty much impossible for him to be a force of evil. He will be a dangerous (and comedic) tool on the side of the ‘good guys’. •Kelsier He’s a cognitive shadow that is meddling in the affairs of gods. He will either be smited long before the endgame or live until the endgame because of that. The fact that he is likely the head of the Ghostbloods will help his chances. He can either be a force for good or a force of evil, though I am leaning toward a force of evil. Many years of existing in the roughs of the cosmere will definitely do something to the mind, especially one of a psychopath’s. •Vasher He’s immortal, so he could live until the endgame. We do see he is a man that has given up on fighting, so I doubt he will fight in the endgame. There is no reason for him to get killed off before the endgame, so he might live. I bet he’s part of edgli’s master plan. He will be a force of good if he gets there, though. •Rysn There is a decent chance she will not be alive to see the endgame, but if she does, she will be a strong force of good. •Marsh This is one I somewhat doubt. He has enough atium to last ‘til mistborn era 3, likely era 4, but he is no immortal. I doubt he will last until the endgame. If he does though, he will be a force of good. •Khrissalia She will be probably an important part for influencing what happens in the endgame, but I doubt she will survive until the endgame. Maybe if she controls a dawnshard though... I think that’s a wrap! That is my updated idea for the contenders of the final fight for the cosmere! Tell me if I missed anything important (as well as your thoughts on it)!
  13. READ RYTHM OF WAR. It will be nice and change a lot (probably morphing the whole moash>kaladin statement, but you’ll have to decide). It’s also fun to read!
  14. Oh nooooooo! I have failed in my quest for vagueness! How could I do such a thing!
  15. Ok I’m officially joining because of RoW. Not cool moash, not cool.
  16. Oh wait I was going to say that I’m glad the argument is over because the mods are not happy when arguments break out, but I just noticed one of the arguers IS a mod. Huh.
  17. It’s interesting how humans do that. Generally us beings default to thinking that others are not part of our group, which ends up not being too great.
  18. Yeah, I see where some issues can stem. I do relate to some of the stuff, but yeah, some might not relate, which is fine. I mean, I associate with it, but I get what you mean generally A bit of a generalization, but yeah, most feel that. Personally, my body is kind of a burden. Being a shapeless void wearing a hoodie would be my ideal form, but I can’t have that, so here I am. Could you elaborate on that one? I bets it’s a fact, but my brain can’t quite compute what it is supposed to fully mean with that wording. you get what I mean, but I dunno if you get what kingsdaughter means. I think she’s saying that her symptoms aren’t quite what trans peeps feel, and it could in fact be a bad idea to say the two are the same. Oh I want to get into that! But maybe in private message chats. That titling doesn’t quite hit as hard as “lift, the trans icon,” but yeah. Icon in this case has lost its meaning a tad. In this case, it doesn’t quite mean a role model or somethin, just someone to relate to. I might be stretching the word a tad, but that’s what I meant. Yeah, I dunno what the title could be. This title hits right on the emotional level, but does not quite compute on the logical level.
  19. So you make someone else accept an oath that will be a very silly burden on them in an unexpected way. (also don’t double or triple post. Mods aren’t happy about it.)
  20. I’m so happy to see kaladin tackle mental illness and advance the medical field in the shattered plains. He seemed to have finally found his purpose. I really hope that he can continue on that path, even after he got over his battle trauma.
  21. Ok, so lift is not trans, so far as I can tell. But her nightwatcher wish portrayed the feeling of physical dysphoria very well. Not wanting the body to change is pretty much what physical dysphoria is. I related with lift so hard on that part. Did anyone else relate?
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