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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Ok! Sorry I’ve been off the shard for a while. I’m checking in now. If you were to invent a new spren, which spren would you invent (and why)?
  2. Piano is great. Chords make good sounds.
  3. Hello! If you were to invent a new spren, which spren would you invent (and why)?
  4. So while I do agree with you, I do think Kelsier can change. He can be broken like the heralds, or can just go through a drastic change as he realizes the world is not as he thought. I also think he could be like Taravangian. Kill the few to save the many. Now I have my own issues with the idea. I see all the similarities, but Kelsier is NOT a leader of an organization type. He gathers a small group of friends or does amazing things alone, then gathers a group of followers to worship him. We saw this in both era 1 and 2, and I have a feeling that will not change as his morals change.
  5. OhhoHO I didn’t think this thread would return (and in season too!) you just need to reread all the posts if you didn’t already. The topic’s been brought up, and has been talked about. We don’t want to upset the mods, so we gotta be civil if we are going to restart this discussion (which I don’t NECESSARILY advise, given that I think all the points that can be made have been made). Since I like to inform humans (Even though this is my opinion, not actuall fact. That stance doesn’t quite apply here does it?), I will say it is all about representation. minority groups need more representation in any media more than is statistical. It’s all because of the role model thing. Obviously someone that is gay can have a non-homosexual role model, but it is easier as humans to have a model that has the same problems that you need to overcome. That is why you need some more LGBT characters-as role models. For example, Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who. He doesn’t necessarily NEED to be omnisexual, but he is, and he is a BOSS. He is a role model to the flamboyant gays all around the whoniverse. So the more LGBT characters, the better. Even a small thing, like in dawnshard, was fantastic. He has added some LGBTQ in the past and plans to add more. He is doing amazing currently. Dawnshard and RoW had some WONDERFUL stuff that I could relate to and made me smile. And both times were flawlessly done, not making you feel like it was shoved down your throat or pushing an agenda., which is important for some. So basically, Brando Sando is doing just fine and is doing it well, while still staying within the whole statistics thing.
  6. I still can’t get over the fact that whimsy is an actual intent for a shard. Highlight of the book.
  7. I was really surprised by the book. It was really fun to read! Obviously I knew that, but some stuff was a bit of a surprise. Sazed was in the pre-chapter texts? There is a shard of WHIMSY??? The sibling being a mix of cultivation and honor? Navani figuring out inverse light? The fact that the three types of lights behave like sounds, which are a type of wave, potentially allowing a lightweaver to manipulate them? Navani becoming the second bondsmith? Those things were surprising. I legitimately teared up when Kaladin spoke the fourth ideal. It was wonderful. also I love that there was a lot of depth in the way of mental illness. Nice messages, variety of viewpoints, giving people that have such illnesses role models. That’s the good stuff right there. Also moash has officially gone too far. TEFTY WEFTY IS GONE AND I AM SAD. There is also the whole thing with the deadeyes, which I am excited about. Maya coming back from the dead will be exciting. Also shallan’s spren was a surprise. Just when I thought we had all the secrets out of a lightweaver, there is more. How the heck will two shardblades work anyway? I also like the trans inclusion, intentional or not. The sibling being non-binary and a boss is great. They would be a grand voidsona indeed. There is also lift, which somehow portrays physical dysphoria perfectly. I resonated with the feeling of not wanting to change. That was wonderful. sadly I got spoiled by the coppermind with the whole Taravangian reveal, so I can’t comment on that much. I will say that it is clear that the cosmere is far from safe from Odium because of a change of vessel. Now, I was confused with the whole Wit epilogue. What happened there?
  8. I’m so sad that I did see it coming. I got spoiled by the coppermind. I wanted to remember the name of the vessel that held Odium, but there the name Taravangian was, instead of Rayse. Storm it!
  9. *happy enby noises* Thank you for making this! I feel special as a closeted agender human.
  10. I found it!!! https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2018/10/heres-complete-list-lgbtq-holidays-commemorations-just-time-spirit-day/
  11. Oh darn. Is there a gay calendar I can access? I need the calendar for the gays! queer calendar? gaydates? I dunno.
  12. Hello fellow LEGO liker! If you were to make one series a stop-motion-ish LEGO movie, which of Brando Sando’s series would you do?
  13. 3. Bah! Misspelled whatevah. 5. You heard me. also feruchemy CAN store the surges-using a nicrosilmind! But yeah it would be nice. ALSO new one! If you were to make one series a stop-motion-ish LEGO movie, which of Brando Sando’s series would you do?
  14. If you were to destroy any aspect of one magic system and replace it with another aspect of a different magic system in any of Brando Sando’s works, what would make the most interesting results?
  15. Hello! If you were to destroy any aspect of one magic system and replace it with another aspect of a different magic system in any of Brando Sando’s works, what would make the most interesting results?
  16. Hello fellow human! If you were to have one character in the cosmere have a chubby greatshell/lanceryn crossover that kind of resembles meatlug from How to Train Your Dragon in size and bulbousness, which character would you want to have it?
  17. Hi! If you were to trap some fauna of the cosmere in a room with another fauna, which to fauna would have the most interaction?
  18. Welcome! If you were to make an oath that can never be broken, but be the sillies burden of one cosmere character’s life, what would the oath be, and who would it bind?
  19. Yeah. It was my first one with the most unorthodox and cool magic system. I just had to have it as my favorite.
  20. @Mystic Syn, if you were to force a character into apple bobbing, which character would it be and why?
  21. I know how it works...sort of. I know there are things you can reverse compound to a degree-such as storing bronze sense in a tin mind. You could also store fortune from an atiummind, but all that is really doing is giving you extra fortune. Now it can be useful to become a savant. Brando Sando has stated that it’s hard to become a savant in feruchemy because of its end-neutral ways. Now if you somehow break the end-neutralness, like storing stuff from end-positive allomancy, you can become a savant in that way. Not quite the same as using feruchemy to fuel allomancy, but still interesting.
  22. Ooh! How about pushing a coin that is an inch in front of my hand with steel.
  23. Oh I like this! I was excited about warbreaker and Elantris when I first read them, but when I read the more ambitious works of the cosmere, they seemed meh. I now have a growing appreciation for them ever since I reread them. They are pretty darn good, they just need some rereading.
  24. 1. what would be the most profoundly useless thing you could do as a misting (of any type)? 2. if you were to force a character into apple bobbing, which character would it be and why? 3. If you were to make an oath that can never be broken, but be the silliest burden of one cosmere character’s life, what would the oath be, and who would it bind? 4. If you were to trap some fauna of the cosmere in a room with another fauna, which to fauna would have the most interaction? 5. If you were to have one character in the cosmere have a chubby greatshell/lanceryn crossover that kind of resembles meatlug from How to Train Your Dragon in size and bulbousness, which character would you want to have it? oh no. There is too many questions.
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