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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Why can’t you work with white sand? If you don’t like the format, I advise you read the prose, which is way better anyways. The downside there is that none of it is really canon. anyway, what would be the most profoundly useless thing you could do as a misting (of any type)?
  2. Yeah I was wanting to go with friends not food stuff. You did it good. Now I have no idea if that should be spoilered. It’s not too important to plot stuff, so probably not, I think.
  3. Oh that’s actually smart! I didn’t think of that! Also yes you are responsible. Good human! That might be my close second favorite combo. I’m a truthwatcher, so I probably Won’t get a cryptic, but I like it!
  4. Okay you know what, this needs to be revived and I’m curious. what are you guys’ favorite magic system combo with windwhisperers? mine is A steel and F-tin twinborn. You can fly, you can be a steelsight savant, you can get back to your home without walking when you want to walk somewhere and realize that you don’t want to walk anymore. come to think of it, how would steelsight savant work?
  5. Animals! if you were to befriend an animal in the sandoverse (any of the worlds in his books) in the strangest way, how would you do it?
  6. Ooh! A lurker! Glad to have ya. if you were to befriend an animal in the sandoverse (any of the worlds in his books) in the strangest way, how would you do it?
  7. I like you. You give me the chance to answer my own questions. It’s obvious. You just awaken a shotgun with the command “destroy holiness” shotgun beats glock, and you’re all good. Or make the command “destroy destroy heresy,” but that might be a tad silly. You could also splash it with holy lava. Any of those could work.
  8. New one inspired be TABS unit creator and bread boys! If you were to defeat a holy glock that is awakened with the command “destroy heresy,” how in the cosmere would you do it?
  9. Hello! If you were to defeat a holy glock that is sentient with the mission to “destroy heresy,” how in the cosmere would you do it?
  10. So @ThreadyBowl, I was asking that if you had the power to make literally any task take one week to complete in any of Brandon sanderson’s worlds (sandoverse), which action would you want to take exactly one week to do? This can be for silly, chaotic, or even useful purposes!
  11. Ok there is a new sharder spree, so here’s one more! if you could make the most ridiculous gun in all the cosmere, how would it be made?
  12. I love traumatized humans in SA! anyway, if you could make the most ridiculous gun in all the cosmere, how would it be made?
  13. Have you read any non-cosmere works (other than WoT) if so, which non-cosmere book would you want to Join the cosmere for the funzies for a year and what time period of the cosmere would it be in?
  14. Reddit seems to be a weird part of the fanbase that doesn’t quite connect to the shard, I think. Anyway, if you were to make the most ridiculous prediction for rhythm of war (that does not elude to things that you have read in the preview chapters or Dawnshard) that might come true, what would you predict? (No need to say why)
  15. a three for one yaaaaaay!!! No need to answer all of them, but you can! If you were to make the most ridiculous prediction for rhythm of war (that does not elude to things that you have read in the preview chapters or Dawnshard) that might come true, what would you predict? (No need to say why) If you were to establish a university that has a course on the study of magical creatures and where to find them, but in Boy Scout form, which world of the sandoverse would you choose and how would it work? which non-cosmere book would you want to Join the cosmere for the funzies for a year and what time period of the cosmere would it be in?
  16. Hey @Autobrecciation! If you were to establish a university that has a course on the study of magical creatures and where to find them, but in Boy Scout form, which world of the sandoverse would you choose?
  17. Okay! A more open one! If you were to make something in the sandoverse take exactly one week, what would you pick (for usefulness or chaos, your pick)?
  18. -__- I have my eye on you. Smart question, fine if you try to steal my thunder, but if you get popular enough on the shard, our battle will be legendary! Also, @ThreadyBowl, Glad to have a quick reader! If you were to make something in the sandoverse take exactly one week, what would you pick?
  19. I’m fine with Christmas only starting in December, but eggnog NEEDS to be all year round because it is so good.
  20. So the shardblades and shardblades mean that Roshar will likely stay medieval, BUT guns allow you to break a shardblade pretty easily. And guns are pretty useful in Scadrial and taldain. They would probably be useful in the forests of hell, given that silver bullets would be great against shades. So they are useful, but there are other matters to deal with within the magic systems, such as fabrial tech and twinborn experiments, and literally just surviving the shades.
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