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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. I think we’ve encountered each other on the same thread, but nothing informal. favorite Sanderson book eh? Probably mistborn: the final empire. First book I’ve read of Brando Sando’s, and it was just too perfect an arch. Also, I love the mistborn magics. 13 probably. Nice number. Prime. Unlucky, which is more special than many other numbers. If we are talking about doctors, I’d go with 9th. 13th has potential and is fun to watch, but isn’t super special. Also 9th is a traumatized child, which I love. Also he is dead serious when Daleks are involved.
  2. Wait heck that’s actually really smart. Wow. I would give you rep, but I can’t >:(
  3. If you were to reform a world in the cosmere, which planet would you want to reform to include unicorns? (And why) ((you can also reform some other stuff about it, but it has to include unicorns)) tada! I almost made this one a good thoughtful question, but I had to stop myself and add unicorns.
  4. Welcome to the shard my friend! If you were to reform a world in the cosmere, which planet would you want to reform to include unicorns?
  5. Now I love this. I think there is definitely things that are not addressed that should be addressed. Another thing is LGBT inclusion. Now, I think dawnshard did this right. Both in LGBT matters and in disabilities. spoilers! Now @Claincy, I will say that you did not say anything that would be doing things right, or at least not many. It would be useful if you listed some of the things you should do in addition to what you shouldn’t do. That would help people not just know what to blacklist, but also know what to whitelist for their writing.
  6. Oooh yes! my first impression of you was that you were a cool human to be with. I don’t know much else from ya, probably because I don’t interact with you much in the shard. as for inspirations it’s a combination of two things. 1. Whatever I have on my mind at that time (for example, the latest one is kind of based on Chiri-Chiri, because I just read dawnshard). 2. Whatever the person who I’m asking the question says they like or have read or are excited for. I can even base it on their profile! so yeah, mainly it is funneled random from there.
  7. New one yay! if you were to make one character from the cosmere possess your favorite character, which character would do the possessing and why?
  8. Welcome friend of the cosmere! if you were to make one character from the cosmere possess your favorite character, which character would do the possessing and why?
  9. No problem! It isn’t an issue. I mean, how the heck would you know? but pro tip, if you want it, saying he/she to encompass all genders, you might as well use they. It’s less characters as well as not implying that man or woman are the only genders. It’s a win/win in my opinion.
  10. You know? I’d like to have a WoB confirming that. I know that breaths latch on to your spiderweb (you can store it in a nicrosilmind no problem because of that). What I’m wondering is the fact that because it is just blank investiture that has latched on to your spiderweb, that has the side effect of giving heightenings. I don’t know if that is true. That would mean that nalthis doesn’t have a magic system, because hieghtenings are just a rule of the cosmere. That’s what I’m wondering, cuz that seems a bit of a stretch.
  11. So I’m actually kinda famous (am I famous?) for my silly questions that I ask for newcomers! In fact, I have made my own thread sharing those silly questions for non-newcomers! you can check it out here if you want more silly questions. I recently made a thread, but I have made multiple status updates on it before then. But yeah, I’m an anomaly. Most people ask the ordinary questions like “what is your favorite book” which can be useful, but I ask the silly questions, usually based off of what the human said that they like or have read. Also they/them be my pronouns.
  12. If you were to give one character the boon of having cool dragon wings, but with the curse of only being able to chirp, which character would it be (and why)?
  13. Welcome! If you were to give one character the boon of having cool dragon wings, but with the curse of only being able to chirp, which character would it be (and why)?
  14. So this expanding from the fact that edgli, the vessel of endowment, has some sort of master plan. Edgli is peculiar with who can enter nalthis. She also chooses out returned carefully without any known pattern. This also includes the five scholars and the god kings. She also does not like Hoid, given that he is “unpredictable.” we now know more stuff, namely, the dawnshards. there are four, possibly with different abilities that predate the shards. at least ONE of them gives you hightenings. Now, there are some possibilities. 1. there are 4 dawnshards and 16 shards. The shards’ abilities could be distributed between them, each having 4 of the systems 2. they all have all 16 shard’s magic systems. now, those two options kind of go against the whole thing that has been established with magic systems. it has been established that the magic systems are based off of the shard(s) intent, but other than that, it is mostly out of their control. given that, the way this one dawnshard operates seems to go against those two possibilities, unless the dawnshards have changed over time. But given that the amians seem to have been protecting this over many generations, I think that is unlikely. there is one other possibility that is this: 3. The dawnshards has a specific tie to endowment. This seems the most likely since the aimians said this: “The most powerful forms of Surgebinding transcend traditional mortal understanding” “All their greatest applications require Intent and a Command.” Which I interpret to mean that the dawnshards are formed through Commands and Intent. Now, that sounds a whole lot like bow breath and commands work in nalthis. And that paired with the heightenings that Rysn has gained seems to prove a link. Now the question is this: Who did it first? likely Endowment somehow morphed their magic system to be based on the dawnshards, which is crazy. I have no idea what Edgli is planning, but given this new bit of data, there is more than I once thought.
  15. HOLY CRAP I am so excited! Dawnshards! WHAT. Are you telling me that they are things POTENTIALLY MORE POWERFUL THAN A SHARD!? And why does the one Rysn have give her hightenings? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU HIDING EDGLI? I’m scared and excited and I want more Rysn. Also cosmere!!!!! Yaaaaaay! also yeah Lopen is cool, but he can’t quite compare to a FLIPPING DAWNSHARD THAT IS NOW RYSN! i just can’t get over that. I mean, what the hell is brando sando doing? I LOVE IT!
  16. I do not specifically rely on status updates, though recently have been posting a lot. I use an iPhone SE with the most recent iOS version.
  17. Wait hold ON YOU LEGEND OF A HUMAN. The rep box is greyed out for me when I try and fail to give rep to someone because of the rep cap. They ARE reserving it! You are a hero. Thank you.
  18. I am on mobile. It always works the second time I do things, it is just the first time that is problematic. I actually have two separate problems. One, I have something that I pasted before that didn’t send. two, When I paste something, it sends as something else that I wanted last time I went to paste something in a status update. This might be a problem because of how saving something that was made, but not sent works. It might compound with problem 1. You fail to send one thing that was pasted with formatting, then later when you want to paste something else, it sends what you failed to send before. This second problem would be solved easily if I could edit status updates, though.
  19. OhhoHO I love it when people say that. I am so sorry I have run out of rep for today, but I want you to know I’d give you rep if I could. I think it would be nice for there to be some communism in Roshar. Partially because I think there is a lot of cultural and racial diversity in there, but not much political diversity, and also I think it would be interesting how communism would play out in medieval(ish) times.
  20. I mean, we are humans. It’s fine as long as it doesn’t start fights. The admins and mods don’t like fights in the forums, but civil discussion or just mention of politics are just fine.
  21. New one! Which world do you think would be the most interesting to force at least part of it to be communist?
  22. Hello! Which world do you think would be the most interesting to force at least part of it to be communist?
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