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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. No. Basically what happens is I paste, post, then it does not show the post. I have to go back into create new topic and post it again.
  2. I have trouble pasting something in a status update. Sometimes it doesn’t paste the same thing I intended, other times it does not actually send the message once I click send. This has happened multiple times to me.
  3. Yes. The prevailing theories for trell is autonomy or odium, or An avatar of autonomy.
  4. Wait this is actually very useful to know. I think some worldhopper did some stuff. Likely taldain-based ones. Which further helps the theory that trell is autonomy!
  5. Well, the IRE was selish, so maybe he got them there. Nice catch!
  6. Heh. I just like to know your motives for choosing such responses. Also did you change your profile pic?
  7. y’all are so good at explaining why you chose what you chose. Are you implying the lord ruler is a witch? That’s the funniest crem I have heard today.
  8. Hello fellow beings of the shard! I have been told that I should put these things on a forum, so I shall. this is a place where I ask ridiculous questions I asked to newcomers of the shard to the general public, because everyone should get a chance to answer them. since this is my the first time, I shall put two. 1. If you were to put a nunchuck wielding nun anywhere in the cosmere and have it gain something from that planet’s magic system, which planet would you put it on? 2. Which of Brando Sando’s books do you think would be more interesting if it had a house containing a little girl that fell and crushed a witch in it?
  9. You make fair points. I will say that my argument is biased, given that I storming love medieval warfare and weaponry.
  10. Building on that idea, guns in warfare are no fun. In medieval warfare, you were constantly figuring out new war tactics and inventing new weaponry to solve the issues in war. As soon as guns were invented, the problem was no longer “how do I deal with horses” or “how do I deal with archers” or “how do I deal with siege weaponry.” Those problems were easily solved. Just use a musket (after they got good enough to do that). The problem was now “how do I deal with a musket?” and “how do I harness the power of a musket?” And the solution to that was equally easy. Just use muskets against the muskets! warfare became less and less fun from there. You just need to optimize the speed at which you can mow down enemies and kill the other gun wielders before they kill you. Shotguns, Gatling guns, and eventually modern weaponry was invented. It made battle a lot more boring. You weren’t figuring out what you need to do with your army to beat the other army’s wide and diverse weaponry and battle tactics, you just need to optimize bullet fire rate, velocity, accuracy, and range. It’s no fun! I mean, trench warfare was sooo boring! Warfare was no longer an art, it was just a simple question with a simple answer, with the achieving that answer being the difficulty. that is probably why there are less guns. Eventually, there will have to be, but gun-based warfare if a lot less amusing to read than sword-based warfare. That’s all there really be to it.
  11. Ok this is a new one, but it has a tax. You have to vote for keep these questions in status updates or in a thread somewhere in the forums. You have to vote when you reply. If you reply to the question without the vote, it does not count.


    if you were to put a nunchuck wielding super cool fighting nun somewhere in the cosmere, where would you want them to be put, and do they get any of the planet’s shard’s abilities to make them even cooler?

  12. It is always a good time to join the shard, but yeah, now is one of those times. if you were to put a nunchuck wielding super cool fighting nun somewhere in the cosmere, where would you want them to be put, and do they get any of the planet’s shard’s abilities to make them even cooler?
  13. if you were to force one stormlight character to be a chull until it was freed by true love’s kiss, which character would it be?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar

      I like the idea of creating a mega thread for all these questions, because for one thing, it will mean you get more replies and opinions, and for another, it means that all your followers won’t get pings all the time.

    3. Doomstick


      I'm mainly opposed to the pings, they make me scared to answer the qusetion

    4. Condensation


      Adolin, he'd finally have to choose. It'd obviously be Shallan, though.

  14. Might want to spoiler tag some of that stuff, since some people that see yer stuff on this forum might not have read the stuff Also, if you were to force one stormlight character to be a chull until it was freed by true love’s kiss, which character would it be?
  15. If you were to have another character other than Shallan have that multiple personality thing, which character would be the most amusing?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chasmgoat


      because it is what is needed when you have a stick and fire

    3. Aspiring Writer
    4. Condensation


      Jasnah. No explanation needed.

  16. Greetings! If you were to have another character other than Shallan have that multiple personality thing, which character would be the most amusing?
  17. It’s in social groups, guilds and clans forum. Glad to have you!
  18. So I think it will lead into something important. It also added some spice. Baby yoda not caring if they eat babies because Y U M. Also it lets you know what the rebellion did post-empire, which I thought was useful. I think we will need to watch the next episode to make an opinion on this one. wait hold on should i spoiler tag this or is this thread now the S P O I L E R Z O N E
  19. Oh heck I haven’t been keeping up with this because I thought it was dead before it was born. I'm doing okay, Sometimes being an enby can be tough, though. favorite shard emoticon, huh. I’m assuming you mean the little avatar thing people have, so ill say mine! It was made by scout fox and aspiring writer, and it is great. I'm currently not reading any books because I am just waiting for dawnshard (now coming November 10th for those that didn’t kickstart). larkin/cryptic spren. End of debate. favorite fruit? Probably mango. elephant. so usually I like on a scale of 5-16 as a system, but 23-27 works. One downside is that it only has four even notches. If you mean that I can only choose from 23-27 on a scale from 1-10, then that is a different matter. I think it depends on the chocolate chips. 24 for milk chocolate, 26 for White chocolate. favorite Sanderson character, huh? Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Doomslug, pattern, or Wayne probably. Kaladin has a special place for me because ho goes out of his way to be traumatized, which is always fun to read.
  20. Hello beings of the 17th shard! I am making this post because I think it is nice to know what other people think about you. This is a thread dedicated to giving honest thoughts on what other sharder’s vibes are. I’ll start it off. @Honorless, you were kind of like the big guns of the shard to me when i first joined. A valuable and knowledgeable wizard that can share some of their power or knowledge if you ask them for it right. @Scout_Fox, you seemed like the almighty friendly human of the shard. Someone nice and approachable. @Aspiring Writer, you are like a character off of a typical quest-esque fantasy book. You started with humble beginnings, but quickly made your skill and talent known to the world. @Channelknight Fadran, you are like a merging of honorless and scout fox. You are a friendly human that has plenty of experience within the shard, and is a human worth knowing. this is hopefully a start to some knowing on how other people perceive you on the shard! I hope this will take off because it is useful to know how other people think of you.
  21. This is a really nice guide! Now this doesn’t incorporate resonances, but that is for all twinborn, not just compounders. Will you do reverse compounding at some point?
  22. So that would be on brander Sanderson website, right? I found out about it like a month ago or so, so I missed my kickstarter chance I think.
  23. Aaaaaaand I’m sad now. Damnation. I forgot about that thing. Backers first and non-backers second. Makes sense, but storm it.
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