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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. That is fair, I suppose. If we are speaking average people, or more specifically, average feruchemists, the average Ferring, which would be at least era 2, would not be in many fights. If we are talking books, though, there are two big things that are entertaining in your average cosmere setting. That is fights and interconnectivity of the cosmere. And off of your point, there is reason for just day-to-day average human Stuff. That’s my reasoning for why I chose those three. I am welcome to adjustments on what I should be arguing, though.
  2. So that is definitely a contender for the most useful in day-to-day life. Now, would it be useful throughout the cosmere or in combat, where we see a lot of things used? I don’t think so, but I might be wrong.
  3. if you were to grant a creaking the full power of any one magic system (not shard) in any of Brando Sando’s works, which would it be and why?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Aspiring Writer
    3. Koloss17


      Huh. I guess my shardiversery celebration shall also be @Chasmgoat’s birthday Celebration as well.

    4. Koloss17
  4. This is really cool! I hope that you post more! if you were to grant a cremling the full power of any one magic system (not shard) in any of Brando Sando’s works, which would it be and why?
  5. I found some more uses for F-tin! You can tap your painmind to make spicy things more spicy, and numb all of the things for meditation or getting lost in a book!
  6. Ooh yeah! One more thing to add to reasons why tin is good!
  7. Eeh. You’re off the hook-for now. Sleep is good.
  8. . F-tin. Most versatile metal, hands down. I could store hearing or smell or taste or touch if I don’t want to sense something. I can store pain to not get hurt by something. I can be the most balanced human on the block when I tap my sense of balance. I can tap taste to make a bland thing taste really strong. I could even tap pain for when I’m having something spicy to make it more spicy! I will never get snuck up apon again with enhanced hearing, sight, and feeling (air feels, like airbenders and their bald heads do). I will never get lost because I can tap my sense of direction to know exactly where I am. And it’s not too hard to store! shameless self promotion @Aspiring Writer
  9. So basically it isn’t scripted, but they do multiple takes and only submit the one that is actually entertaining and close. That is why dream never dies in the beginning.
  10. Wait he’s a psychopath? I didn’t think of him expressing those qualities, since it seems that he is driven by the joy of mare’s world, but if it’s canon, it’s canon. Where’s the source of the canon?
  11. If you were to make two worlds of Brandon’s collide, which ones would create the weirdest result?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Experience


      Probably Yolen and something

    3. Doomstick


      Yolen and Vax, for the memes

    4. Koloss17


      I got it: Roshar and Alcatraz vs. the evil librarians’ earth. I know using our world is technically cheating, but I mean...

  12. If you were to make two worlds of Brandon’s collide, which ones would create the weirdest result?
  13. I think ising is future tense, but wasing is past and present tense. I think.
  14. Atium for me was silver. Lerasium? Also silver. But...different? I dunno how, but they be different silvers okay?
  15. Oh I think he is a fantastically well made character. One of the best, I’d say. I love the dynamics being explored. The legendary hero fueled by a deep hatred, corrupted by that drive. That is some great stuff right there. Is he good? Yes. Has he gone over the edge of good because of his hatred? Also yes. But that’s what makes him great. I don’t think there are a huge amount of haters for him, but he is fun to talk about!
  16. Hello friend! Welcome to the 17th shard! I’m wondering, if you were to crush a character with the weight of what they hold closest to them, which character would be the most fun to crush?
  17.  If you were to blast one person in the cosmere with the almighty power of the almighty and secretly hope they survive, which character would it be?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      @Doomstick A nightblood blackhole versus a Sel, the sentient planet. Wonder who will win? (Nightblood, clearly!) 

    3. Doomstick



      Jasnah. She'd have a trouble time explaining that.

      That would be pretty easy, she knows Shards exist, so she would probably attribute it to a Shard.

    4. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      Well, not exactly. She knows there are powerful beings that are considered gods in their religion, but she doesn't really know what a shard is. That would need a bit more cosmere awareness.

  18. Hello! If you were to blast one person in the cosmere with the almighty power of the almighty and secretly hope they survive, which character would it be?
  19. And here we have it folks! Meme of the year! 2020 just got better. you need 20000 rep for this. have you ever considered making your rank 17th shard memelord? Cuz I think you deserve it.
  20. Ok so it hasn’t been mentioned here yet, but spoilers for S2 EP1.
  21. Ok you win. HUMAN? the grand bunny rabbit? Swearing he is human but also wanting to do koloss stuff? now I want to see a bunny spiked with four strength spikes.
  22. Well, ya see, that’s where the whole identity key comes into play! You can tap from things that have your identity stored in them. That is how unsealed metalminds work-or at least part of it.
  23.  If you were to merge A bunny rabbit with a Brando sando character, which character would it be? 

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer


    3. Condensation
    4. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      oh yeah, Koloss, now you know why that so funny.

  24. Hello and welcome to the shard! If you were to merge A bunny rabbit with a Brando sando character, which character would it be?
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