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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Listen here you little crem. I am offend!
  2. if you were to cook the best soup in the whole of the cosmere, how would it be done (without rock)?

    1. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      Put chull dung and make Sadeas, Amaram, and Moash eat it. Best soup ever.

  3. Soup. if you were to cook the best soup in the whole of the cosmere, how would it be done (without rock)?
  4. If you were to make the most dangerous salad the cosmere has ever seen, how would you do it?

  5. Greetings! If you were to make the most dangerous salad the cosmere has ever seen, how would you do it?
  6. Welcom back! If you were to stab a character in the jugular and pezdispense their vertebrae out, which character would it be?
  7. Seems like that could go quite nicely! I’ll see what happens.
  8. That’s great! and just cuz aspiring writer’s stealing the spotlight here doesn’t mean I don’t want yours, @Scout_Fox! I might actually want to have half and half, depending on how good they both are!
  9. To a rough degree, but I think if there is some color magic, it can definitely look more jack o’ lantern like. Just orange and yellow looks weird. I dunno how to explain it. Maybe if the shades are right?
  10. Yellow symbol, orange backround. Like a jack o lantern! btw thanks so much for this!
  11. This was just the default google image search for the cosmere symbol. Orange and black works, but I think orange and yellow, if done right, would look more original. https://images.app.goo.gl/8ubhdoBpH8rT8W1o7
  12. Darn. Now I want some orange and yellow cosmere symbol. Where can I get that?
  13. if you were to launch a cow to the moon using the metallic arts, how would you do it?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      No, it was in an F-Tin thread. I believe whether or not you could Store perfect pitch 

    3. Koloss17


      Ah. A good place to begin in my epic saga. You should’ve seen my F-nicrosil obsession when I first joined. I had to know how it works. Now it seems, there are still people looking. I’ve kinda given up. I’ve learned stuff and I think it is all there is to learn. Will that happen with F-tin? Prolly not. There is a lot more you can do with it.

    4. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      have a feeling both will be interested in application.

  14. Hello and welcome! I love mistborn, it’s my favorite and my first series too. But trust me, stormlight is friggin awesome! Also, if you were to launch a cow to the moon using the metallic arts, how would you do it?
  15. Me: I’m not the messiah! Aspiring writer: they is the messiah!!
  16. F-tin cultist memes @Aspiring Writer! Spread the word! or just something about me memed cuz I like being memed.
  17. Hmmmm not remove the tin feels fully. Also twinborn A-steel and F-tin and then ya got it. oh but then you wouldn’t do the whole get the idea of searching through somebody’s body out of your head. Darn. challenge! We need to solve this predicament using F-tin that would be about as efficient as just forgetting it with a coppermind.
  18. Yes. It is great and you should join it. Read the pamphlet. If you can’t beat the challenge at the bottom, join.
  19. Are you saying F-tin, the one that stores senses, will not remove the FEELING of something? Sense of touch is a thing . also real answer. Remove sight once stabby, remove the feels, then get the objects out! The best cult.
  20. Just use F-tin. You really think the members of the F-tin cult doesn’t have people that use F-tin?
  21. I love bullying newcomers.


    If you were to employ the magic systems of the cosmere, what would you do to make sure you are lonely for the rest of eternity?

    1. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      Create a bunch of inquisitors to kill everyone who comes close to me. That or us F-Tin to take away all my senses. Then I am basically alone.

    2. Koloss17


      I like your thinking ;). F-TIN SOLVES ALL!!!

  22. Greetings @Falkir ! I’m sad to hear about your loneliness. I hope this question will help. If you were to employ the magic systems of the cosmere, what would you do to make sure you are lonely for the rest of eternity?
  23. Darn. You’re right. come out come out from your heavenly lurking, I call apon the mods of working! also @AonEne.
  24. Doomslug and pattern (in minutes 0-10: confusion on pattern’s part, doomslug couldn’t give a frick; loves imitating the mmmmmms. 10-20: fascinated analytical pattern, doomslug showing curious its in pattern’s curiosity. 20-40: many discoveries on both sides, mostly silent, to doomslug’s dismay. 40-120: friendship is made; doomslug is happy with this, but not happy that pattern is 2d. Does like pattern being on doomslug, though. I honestly think pattern in a room with anything is always bound to be good
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