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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. So bronze senses kinetic investiture; burning a metal, tapping/storing a metal, life sense, aeons. Basically if you are actively using the investiture, bronze will sense it.
  2. If you were to take down a bunch of nuns that were hired to assassinate you at the pope’s command (nobody suspects the pacifists), which god (That Brando sando made) would you pray to?

    1. Channelknight Fadran
    2. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      Honor. Maybe he'll see this as a break of their oaths and help.

    3. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      I guess odium would love killing a bunch of monks

  3. Hello! Welcome aboard! If you were to take down a bunch of nuns that were hired to assassinate you at the pope’s command (nobody suspects the pacifists), which god (That Brando sando made) would you pray to?
  4. I made a drawing! I’m fine at drawing, I just don’t do it too much. I actually sketch, but shush. I have a cartoonish style. Give me your honest thoughts!
  5. Prolly the lots of post in little time + you are a creator. Creators get all the rep on the shard. I’m considering drawing some stuff to test my hypothesis...
  6. I think 16 heightenings checks out! I like that idea! maybe the heightened heightenings help senses.... but if we’re going with multiple of 5, 10 is already a multiple of 5.
  7. @Aspiring Writer has some reason to be scared of mods...(still surprised ur alive)
  8. Sorry if there is a billion stays updates or something.


    What is your most obscure theory on how instant noodles will appear SPECIFICALLY on Roshar?

    1. Scout_Fox


      Wit/Hoid will "accidentally" reveal it to the royal chefs because he got tired of not being able to eat them.

      That or the recipe will be written on the rear, right, hoof of the third to the left horse in the royal stables.

  9.  if you could dub any animal in the cosmere a truthwatcher, which one would it be?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Scout_Fox


      Bagels are eternal. Everyone loves bagels, so everyone eats bagels. But a bagel cannot be destroyed, it can merely be transformed. After undergoing some minor decomposition it is reformed into a bagel. It never dies because it was never living in the first place. The infinite consciousness of the bagel lives on through generations, allowing it plenty of time to pursue the concept of truth and to study, making it the perfect Truthwatcher.

    3. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      ... guys, I think Scout Fox might not be a fox

    4. Scout_Fox
  10. Hello! What is your most obscure theory on how instant noodles will appear SPECIFICALLY on Roshar?
  11. Herowannabe I recently picked up the Mistborn Adventure game and am loving it. I made a character who is a blind Mistborn because hey, I thought it would make for some interesting possibilities. As I understand Allomancy, he can hear/sense well enough to get around with Tin, plus even though he's blind he can still "see" steel lines (like the inquisitors), and I assume Atium would work the same way- that is, he could still "see" Atium shadows. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Brandon Sanderson No, you're right. That works. He'd have to burn metals a LOT though. It might warp him a little. /r/fantasy AMA 2013 (April 15, 2013) Proof! This WoB is saying that he could see atium even if he doesn’t have sight, so it is a separate sense. Steelsight was also mentioned as yes. From there, I think it’s fair to extrapolate gold, malatium, and electrum, given that they basically do the same thing. on bronze, the inquisitors, though blind, can still use bronze. Ergo, not the same as sight. If it isn’t the same as sight, I don’t think it’ll fit into any other sense, so we have a new separate sense. Therefore, it can be stored in a tinmind! I’m happy that I got to share my research other than the claims I make! also tin theology or tin theologians is an idea, but I think if we can get enough ideas for names, I can do a poll.
  12. You fool! We are all truthwatchers! anyway, if you could dub any animal in the cosmere a truthwatcher, which one would it be?
  13. This is the best video and I have watched it seven times before, but I shall watch it again. And again.
  14. The issue is with gunshots. That amount of noise from any gym will surely temporarily incapacitate spook. And if he stops burning tin, he is numb and can’t hear jack. That’s why it’s tough for spook to be in a gun fight. A cane fight, however, would be a treat.
  15. I’d say you can make an arguement for that! I honestly don’t know, but awkwardly is different from miserably failing because you never fell up or sideways before. But it is a question to ponder. And more members! I’ve given some thoughts to what you do aaa a cult, and I thought that we should figure out some more ways Tim is superior than anything else and come up with names for people with the combos. I’m thinking that an A-steel F-tin twinborn should be a scout or something like that. They can see everything with steelsight and 360 vision as well as ordinary tin. Plus, they can push themselves into the air for a better vantage point. The perfect scout or guard. The one downside is that “scout” is kind of lame sounding.
  16. Second one!

    If a character lost its memory and it got replaced with another character’s memories, which two characters do you want to swap memories?

    1. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      okay, two answers. First, Vin and Daliner, because I want to see VIN leading the radients, and I'm sure Daliner will kick chull in Vin's body.

      Other suggestion is Elend and Daliner, who are similar enough that I don't think any problems would arise and we'd get to see them adapt to their situation. Elend and the stormfather would get along nicely, and Daliner will still kick chull and love being dictator.

    2. Scout_Fox


      Ooh good answers @Aspiring Writer! I'll add just for the memes that a Jasnah, Kaladin swap would be kinda hilarious too. Jasnah as a scruffy, brawny, bridgeman leading Bridge 4 would be terrifying and a moody, angry, and unruly Kaladin as a very proper Lady would be sight to behold!

    3. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      Dude, they would try and kill each other once they find out what happened. 

  17. Welcome to the remembering of the shard! If a character lost its memory and it got replaced with another character’s memories, which two characters do you want to swap memories?
  18. Well nalthis is under some mastermind plan by endowment that might not involve guns. Roshar is a bit held up with all the
  19. So basically there’s this thing in the cosmere called identity. It basically makes you you on a spiritual and cognitive level. Certain things need your identity to exist to work, such as metalminds. Metalminds basically have a spiritual fingerprint recognition that checks if you are who you say you are. If the check turns out to be someone else, you’re not allowed to use the metalmind. If it does not turn up negative, it can be used. That means if you have no identity, you can access any metalmind that you can normally access. now these locks are made when you fill a metalmind. It then will exclude people who have not used that metalmind. If you have no identity and store something in a metalmind, then it means that it will not exclude anyone because it doesn’t have a fingerprint to recognize. That means anyone can use it, which means unkeyed metalminds. unsealed metalminds use nicrosilminds, which is a bit different. I could explain it though.
  20. It’s in the social groups, clans, and guilds area! good question! Still figuring that out. Possibly a cowboy paladin agender koloss. That’s all I know so far (and the F-tin overlord).
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