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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. First question!

    if you were to face Adolin riding on a chasmfiend with malicious intent, what would you do to defeat him?

    you can use any sort of obscure use of a cosmere object or strange use of a magic system to defeat him, but otherwise, just use your Hands.

    SA spoilers that will help, but is not necessary for your verdict.


    You are not allowed to make him crap himself, for he is in full sharplate, and you don’t want to make it a fourth time, do you?


    1. Scout_Fox


      Take a spare sphere, roll it right in front of the chasmfiend as they charge, cause it to trip (yes it was just the right angle don't worry about it just being crushed :P), watch Adolin get pinned under it's weight, sit down next to him and eat a ham sandwich in victory :D

    2. Koloss17


      Nice one! My brother thought of this one:

      use a shard bullet (spren turned into bullet) to kill the chasmfiend, then get some instant noodles and give it to Shallan. She will of course want Adolin’s opinions on the noodles, and will force Adolin to stop the fight to try some.

      I don’t know which one I like more, frankly.

    3. Scout_Fox


      Lol I'ma go with that one just for the instant noodles! 11/10 creativity right there :P

  2. Welcome @Aither of Olumpia! I’m sure we’re all happy to have another sharder! Tell me, if you were to face Adolin riding on a chasmfiend with malicious intent, what would you do to defeat him? you can use any sort of obscure use of a cosmere object or strange use of a magic system to defeat him, but otherwise, just use your Hands. SA spoilers that will help, but is not necessary for your verdict.
  3. Now I’ll give a disclaimer, this has to do with General cosmere realmic theory, so if you don’t want to be spoiled on magic systems of the cosmere, this ain’t the place for you. I made this because of @Aspiring Writer, and what better time to make it than my shardiversery! here I recruit people for F-tin being the best possible power in the whole of everything. Let’s start off with the basics. F-Tin by itself. F-Tin is quite the unique Feruchemantic metal, as it can be useful both when tapped and when stored. Reducing your sense of smell, taste, hearing, or even touch can be quite nice at times. Additionally, you have the absolutely mind-bending ability of storing pain, which basically breaks the end neutrality of Feruchemy. What I mean by that is that generally, the idea is that you have a moment of weakness when storing an attribute for a memory of strength when tapping it. With painminds, there is very few reasons to ever tap that stored attribute. There is no weakness in the moment for strength later, it is only strength in the moment! In Addition to all of that, there is the ability to store balance, proprioception, and direction, which could all be brilliantly useful in its own way. There are possibly other things that could be stored, but it all depends on what you would count as a sense (i.e. sense of time, sense of locational position, and all of those things). If you want to theorize or see what I mean about potential senses, here’s a thread on it: For a single Ferring to do all of that is insane! Now we can get into the absolute ridiculousness that is blending it with other magic systems. It is one of the best at a thing that I like to call reverse-compounding, which is fueling Feruchemy using Allomancy. I have a whole thread on it here: And once you expand from there, and start delving into the greater Cosmere, there is even more things you can store! (Relevant thread): And if you are want to know how F-Tin can help in day-to-day life, I made a post for that! All in all, I love F-Tin with all my heart, and it is far and away the most versatile power in all of the Cosmere. While it may not be the best at any one thing, it can certainly help you with anything you seek to do. So join me, and together, we can rule the Shard, preaching F-Tin superiority across the Cosmere! Additionally, if you are so inclined, you can join @AonDii’s Feruchemical Duralumin Club here:
  4. Today is my shardiversery! To celebrate that, I’ll do some things such as make an ama, open up the F-tin cult, and put my ridiculous questions that I ask the newcomers on my profile! From now on, every time I post a ridiculous question for the newbies, I will post the same exact question on here!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Koloss17


      I hope it was a pleasant two days though! 

    3. Experience


      Happy Shardiversary! I haven't interacted with you very much yet, but hopefully that will change. :P ...and I'm out of rep. Grr.

    4. Scout_Fox


      The most Hippiest Happiest Honorifictennest Shardiversary!! May it be a day full of everything you desire!

      I always love seeing your welcome questions on the Introduce Yourself page. They are absolutely hilarious, make absolutely no sense, and have absolutely no right answer which makes them the perfect questions to ask people who are just joining!

      You want new people to feel thoroughly welcomed and included when they join and your questions are perfect at doing just that. Your commitment to welcoming people with something unique shows your excellence of character. I will enjoy seeing what other answers they can gather on your profile. Here's to another year!


  5. Today is my shardiversery! And for that, I have decided to do three things: 1. An AMA 2. finally make my F-tin cult 3. open my ridiculous beginning sharder questions to the general public via status updates so I’ll be doing one of those now! Ask me anything!
  6. Hello! Of your favorite stormlight archive characters, which do you think could be the most fitting one to ascend to the shard of stupidity?
  7. Hello! Which character in the cosmere do you think will be the first one to discover instant noodles and/or get run over by a gigantic lobster god?
  8. I’m doing good! I’m actually really exited for celebrating my first whole year on the shard! which books have you read of our lord Brando sando? And an obvious question, which of those books do you think would do better if there were flying monkeys and a small child trampling a witch with a giant house?
  9. A world I’m starting to fear EDIT: The lost metal not AoL!
  10. It says wax and Wayne on the book. That’s mainly whey. There is also a superhero and sidekick dynamic.
  11. So for the endgame, edgli is planning something. We dunno what, but she has a master plan. Autonomy is also plotting and interfering with other shards. Odium I feel like might not be a endgame villain. I think he’d be dealt with by then. Harmony will probably be an endgame shard, being the first known dual shard. as for people, Hoid is a definately yes. Heck, he will probably spur the endgame into action! Then I think nightblood will also be there. He is POWERFUL. He (they?) is also probably part of endowment’s master plan. I think (mistborn spoilers) Will be there kicking butt. I like the idea of Scadrial being the good guys, but given that it is the cosmere’s earth, they will probably go all imperialist and invade everything, like you said. Roshar might be a force of good, though! also you might want to spoiler the identity of harmony.
  12. Bold of you to assume I can die. if you were to match up one character of Brando-sando’s powerful imagination that is immortal and put them against someone that would trick them into thinking that they are also immortal, what would the matchup be?
  13. Oh darn. I always love controversy though. Lets you learn a lot about people and what they are like.
  14. I quite like what Harry Potter is. It is ver, very flawed, but surprisingly it doesn’t matter. There’s a bit of funk with the house elves maybe being a weird metaphor for something, but that is fairly fine. I love the wizarding world and it is great! Sadly the legacy of Harry Potter is tainted to me with JKR being JKR. Every time I think of Harry Potter, I just have flashbacks of her essay. So that’s kinda ruined Harry Potter for me.
  15. Oh. So basically tLM will end up being like the sequel to rithmatist and nightblood; we will never get it! How many times has it been delayed now?
  16. Thanks! And @Mallory, I’m happy to return the favor. I like your assessment, but it really does depend on whether they are in the Cognitive Realm or not. I’d think that in the Physical Realm, windless would probably be to confused you fight, and run away as soon as the cat attacks. Syl could just fly away, not allowing the cat to nap at it. Pattern is a pattern, so no chance of hitting him. And even then, that is ignoring the fact that they can’t be touched in the PR (Physical Realm). In the cognitive, spren are much bigger and much more powerful, so even though you can touch them, it would still be tough. The only exception would probably be Wyndle. He is a wuss and might jab at the cat, but then hide behind lift, who would totally beat the cat. But without lift and in the CR, Wyndle is screwed. that is my very serious analysis of cats vs spren. Thank you for the opportunity for me to go over it! I generally just get to ask the silly questions, not answer them myself. maybe I should make a thread about asking such silly questions to all of the other members of the shard...
  17. My top three: 1:rock. He is great. He is honestly the peak (I’m hilarious) of comedy. And I. Want. His. Soup. He is a source of positivity, soup, and Hilarity. The perfect trifecta. 2. The lopen. He is pretty darn close to that peak. He’s the equivalent of Kazan from AvsEL (is that the acronym?) and I love it. He is also the best and I want a full battalion of his cousins. He is a source of positivity, cousins, and hilarity. It is the almost perfect trifecta. 3. Kaladin. He is a really dfun and in depth character. I love traumatized characters, and oh boy, he is the holy grail of trauma. He is sad at EVERYTHING. You don’t die? Sad cuz people did die. You are free from slavery? Sad cuz people don’t quite respect you, leading to you being in jail. Are you just existing? Sad cuz you are worried for LITERALLY EVERYONES PROBLEMS. He has many, many reasons to be a traumatized child, but he is also great because he will stop at NOTHING to be sad. and I love that. He also has a really dry sense of humor, which is great. Oh and not to mention he is the best leader anybody can ever be. I love him. He is a source of motivation, trauma, and sadness. as you could see from my top three, I value silly over anything else, then trauma. An interesting combo, but one I love, mainly because stormlight is full of both.
  18. Sorry guys! I wanted to do some bindpoints, but we don’t have the info yet! I made a new poll, so feel free to answer the new one!
  19. Hi! If you were to pit a cat against another character in the Stormlight Archive, and have it have a decent chance of winning in a fight, which character would you pick?
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