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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. I dunno, but your 19 followers, 1000 reputation, and overseas likable personality (frustrating, of course) definitely makes you popular among the shard.
  2. Chaos is all imposing and doesn’t seem to get involved with stuff unless he’s doing his almighty mod duties. I didn’t even know ene was a mod, she seemed friendly and was nice and fun to interact with. I saw her as more of a popular BEING in the shard, like honorless and frustration.
  3. @Vapor, @Experience, @Emi, @eltruT, and anyone that is interested, I have made the quizlet!
  4. I've made a Quizlet set for the three magic systems of Scadrial! There was some demand, so here it is: https://quizlet.com/_8tl480?x=1jqt&i=1zkc8o Hope you like it! If there is any critiques, feel free to tell me. I'll probably fix it.
  5. Mainly it’s the question of in general, could you store certain aspects. Maybe that’s a savant aspect?
  6. Good question! I have no idea. @Aspiring Writer, you might be good in this. Maybe. I dunno.
  7. I made a post on that! You should check it out (I’m not shamelessly self-promoting, you are!). also I’ll make the guild soon enough. Should it be in the social groups and guilds forum or in the mistborn/cosmere forum?
  8. No problem! In the end, it is your system. And books aren’t just magic systems. You can have a very basic system and have a very good book.
  9. A bit harsh on them, there. Could have been said a bit less bluntly, which can ruin stuff. I do agree with aspiring writer on some of the points, though. I do think that elemental control is done a lot-heck, I made a system that was based on elements existing and mana being everywhere that can also be used as a blast of raw energy in its raw form and there was also an Aether sort of mana. But that was intended to be generic so I can add a lot of simple stuff for a fun little game. If you don’t want your system to be generic, add something special. If you want elements, you can have them. But restrict them. Add a cost of some sort. it requires blood or a sacrifice to function. Only certain people with a very certain way of using the magic can use the magic. It only cultivates in animals. It tears a hole in the fabric of the world every time it is used, and so as it is carelessly used to further civilization, it is unknowingly dooming it. These kind of things will help a lot and make your system more unique-if you want it that way. hope this helps.
  10. Well, that is very useful for a worldhopper! That lets their spiritual identity be another’s, tricking shards and hoids alike. That would be cool.
  11. Okay, I’ll work on it (some more, that is). It’ll take a bit cuz I have other things I need to do, but yeah!
  13. Yeah, I thought it would be like that. Welp, this was a cool idea. On to my quest to find more things tin can store!
  14. Hey but you achieved your goal: frustrating people! That’s a win! also, what I’m getting is that atium gives fortune, in a sense. does that mean it can be reverse compounded with chromium?
  15. So mainly what I’m wondering if you could cheat the system by storing some breath-given capabilities in a timind to basically replicate a heightening. Storing breaths in a nicrosilmind-or anything for that matter-wont have the same effect. And I do think it’s important to note that biochroma perfect pitch is different from human perfect pitch. It seems to be a bit more like an algorithmic thing going on where it is immediately recognized-wait hold on you’re right. NEW QUESTION: can you store it in a zincmind, which I believe is the one that stores mental speed? This is getting fun... >: )
  16. No app yet! If you were to choose an Elantrian to got to any planet, which planet would you want them to go?
  17. There’s storing time stuff like smell and turning off your hearing if someone is annoying. There’s also atium, which is obvious. Storing anything helps an act if you are impersonating someone. Hmmmm. Nicrosilminds are used for making unsealed metalminds. Aluminumminds, if empty, allows you to steal other’s metalminds. If you store connection, you can go unnoticed through the crowd. thats all I got! I’m holding off on the tin theologians because there’s more to learn. I’ll eventually get to it, but I also dunno if it will fit in the mistborn, cosmere, or social groups n’ guilds forums.
  18. Well, I didn’t explicitly mention that, I just said two magic systems. Feruchemy and allomancy are two systems, so I think it counts.
  19. So if you literally can’t see jack, most likely not. But that ain’t the only type of blindness. In many cases, the tin will work.
  20. Really depends how they are blind, friend. Blindness is just a heavy impairment on vision, but there is so many shades of that. For some types, the blindness Can be lifted in this way. In others, not so much. If you needed your eyes removed, welp, your screwed.
  21. It was named the 17th shard because Brandon told the people who made the shard to call it the shard. It might be chaos, but I’m not 100 on that. Chaos is the head admin, but there are others.
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