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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. I used to have this obsession with F-nicrosil, but I learned what I could learn about it, and I just discovered some stuff you can do with tin, so now I want to know everything you can do with F-tin.
  2. You entered 16 days ago!!? That is so little time! And you have over 100 posts already? I joined about a year ago, and I only have 400-wait, that’s a lot-but definately not at this speed! Wow! I applaud you. That is impressive.
  3. Oh. Wow. That is actually a storming fantastic theory. I never once thought to Include wit’s stories in stormlight’s plot. Bravo!
  4. You seem to be everywhere, so that’s probably why. I basically see you in every post. When did you join the shard? It can’t be very long. Can it?
  5. So copperminds can give your body feelings. Wax felt cold when he was using the tinmind coin. Could you increase your sight in a coppermind to see things you didn’t see before, or is that just too pocket dimension-y to work?
  6. A new addition to the social group, guilds and clans forum? don’t mind if I do edit: maybe not. It’s a bit to cosmereish to fit nicely into a guild. And I still have so much to inquire about F-tin.
  7. Yay! Yet anothing thing to list as something tinminds store! and yet another point of data to show that f-tin is the superior everything....
  8. I’m agreeing with you, my friend. I just needed validation because it makes sense with all logic, but not with the balance of the magic system. So I just wanted to be sure I’m not the only one that thinks that it’s okay that it breaks the balance. and @Danex, I have found what you are looking for. It’s sort of an inverted metalmind, but not exactly.
  9. Sooooooo.... this is old stuff, as in yesterday, but Steve is coming to smash bros. Ultimate. also, what are y’all voting for for the mob vote?
  10. So I’m not too sure on the color recognition. It’s clear that without sight, you couldn’t use it. But can it stored within a metalmind under, say, sight? Would the same go for perfect pitch? Perfect pitch is distinct from general hearing, but is it enough to be separately stored? I don’t know. Will it be stored with hearing? Will an unkeyed metalmind actually be able to give others perfect pitch? and @Honorless, you can store atium, electrum, gold, bronze, steel, and iron perks when it comes to what you see, because they do not need to be chained to your sight, like we see with inquisitors.
  11. No no, this is Exactly what I was looking for. It’s the first metal where you can get the positive effect of the metal without having consequences. This also allows a new style of windwhisperers. Instead of having them as scouts or spies, you can have them as offensive warriors that need to discard metalminds when they are full. That is really good!
  12. That is terrifying. The living bowling ball.
  13. I believe it would work like the other senses if it works as a sense. When filling, that sense is lowered. When tapping, that sense is increased. Now that would be overpowered because you get no pain without any cost. Most of Feruchemy need bad for there to be good, and in the case of atium, the problem never really leaves. So there are two patterns in Feruchemy that can’t go together in this case and I think that’s tough.
  14. so pain is separate from feeling, but works in the same way. Is it distinctive enough to count as a sense? And if it is, how would it store? I’d guess that it would be reduced while storing and increased while tapping, but at that point, you don’t need to tap. If this is true, tin ferrings just got a lot more powerful.
  15. So tin can store senses. A lot of senses. I’d say perfect color recognition is not a sense. You need to see to use it. But it is definitely separate from overall sight. It is distinct in that matter. Is it distinct enough to be it’s own aspect in a metalmind? Same goes with perfect pitch. I’d guess so, but I’m not certain.
  16. If you were to have a person that has a mix of two aspects of a magic system, what would they be? (eg. elscaller elantrian, Copper cloud with fifth heightening) I think a eleantrian that can store connection might be able to manipulate where he can pull the dor, which would be nice. a copper cloud with a large amount of breath could probably suppress the color aura to make them less suspicious. a coinshot windrunner would be the zoomiest thing. I think that’s my favorite. You could half your weight, fly about in so many ways, it would be great.
  17. Well you can store and tap metalminds. You store warmth in a metalmind to get colder a tap to get warmth. The issue there is that to tap, you would need to have already stored. Gold would be fairly overpowered if you could heal without having to go through any effort. So I can see why that type of hack would be useful. Currently, I don’t know how you could do that, but I think this info is. nice to throw out there.
  18. Basically. Closer to a thousand, but yeah. Unless trell is really a splinter or avatar, and it made the metal specifically, which would allow for a whole lot more.
  19. Wait so I have the almighty power of being ookla the koloss?
  20. Well, there is great stuff in the books, but vin gets involved emotionally in the second, and a lot in the third. What are you looking for in a book?
  21. Mistborn just has so much surprises in it. The last book has six or seven, which is bonkers! my favorite was the koloss twist in the last book. It was crazy!
  22. He is the best human. I’m so sad he died
  23. I’ll join! I want cool hogwarts! also I think there needs to be things where a perpson steps on the girl’s dorms stairs and it doesn’t collapse on them and it’s like Thor’s hammer. and I want a new dormitory to appear that is the NB’s rooms and I want a fifth house that the sorting hat puts into if they are mean to the sorting hat or headmaster during the sorting. and I want guns. those are my demands.
  24. I have a quizlet for scadrian metals that I’m working on if anyone’s interested!
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