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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Ah. That must be frustrating for you.
  2. I’m pretty sure more recently it is just a rewrite, not additive. If Elend took a second bead, he would stay the same because his spiritual dna is already rewrote.
  3. Hello! I pride myself in weird beginner questions, so I hope this works for that purpose. which two characters would you most likely want to fuze into one super-character and in what ways will they fuze?
  4. So I’ve gotten and read Aether of night and alt. Mistborn ending, reading white sand prose, and haven’t read way of kings prime, but know where to find all of em. but I’m still missing some, I’m sure. Could I get some ways to easily get some of these goodies?
  5. Ah yes, the almighty “a wizard did it” but from a celestial level (I hope this contributes, and is not just upping my post count, cuz I don’t want to be that kind of person).
  6. SA is really fun. Many dub it their favorite Brando Sando series. I personally prefer the mistborn series, though. the worldbuilding just blows me away. There’s just so much stuff to see (So much to do, so much to see, so what’s wrong with reading way of kings). The characters are also great! You will definitely have fun reading it.
  7. Well, he is kinda one body. There is one spiritual spiderweb and you only really see one flame in the cognitive (I think). So I would think that he would need to fully sleep to count as sleep. I’m also fine with Arclo to be a storming liar. I don’t trust him.
  8. Yeah. I think that is probably the right line of thinking. You might want to put that as warbreaker spoilers.
  9. I hope you have a fun time theorizing in this land. ....and they better be. What would be your favorite thing to do if you were a Larkin?
  10. I was wanting to say some stuff as well in conversation, such as: “I am petting the cat, who is very cute” (wasing the petting of cat, Cat wasing the very cute?) “you aren’t very smart” (notting the brighting of much?) “you could say ‘hi I am stranger’ and pull out a knife (cuz haha stranger danger)” (you could saying the ‘hello being the stranger’ and doing the pulling out of knife [doing of the jokes of danger of stranger]) not sure about that one.
  11. That was some serious deduction! Where were you when I needed to calculate the economics of belly button lint?
  12. Wasing the wanting of the learning of high imperial Wasing the thinking that the forum hasing the paging of many wasing the wanting of feedback, wanting to improving. (I believe there is some stuff to adjust. I dunno if pages can be paging. Same with improving.) Edit: how would you say I’m learning eastern street slang? “Wasing the learning of the slang of the east of street” is all I can think of.
  13. It seems that a savant has serious physical drawbacks if you stop burning it. Kind of like being addicted. The drawbacks are while you are still burning it. Spook’s tin is so good that sunlight hurts his eyes. There was a thug savant in era 2 that was so good at burning pewter that he didn’t feel any pain because of pewter’s pain dampening effect. I can’t fathom what bronze’s drawback is, but I think the current fact that bronze burners usually become savants is probably maybe false. Brando has been struggling with savantism lately and has called back the fact that wax is an emerging savant. So I’ll guess he’ll say that Sazed, whi I believe Wrote the pre-chapter italics, is wrong about that fact nugget.
  14. Honestly I came into the shard creating thread after thread of questions on what F-nicrosil does. I concluded that it probably stores the ability to use your powers. Kinda your spiritual investiture. That’s probably how unsealed metalminds work. You have a feruchemist be identityless with F-aluminum, then fill any metalmind along with a nicrosilmind. That way, anyone gains the ability if they use it, and can access the metalmind. This would mean that the feruchemist would lose that ability, which is where exicors come in. The probably somehow have the ability to fill a nicrosilmind without making you lose your ability to use that metal, kind of cheating Feruchemy. I hope this helps, but I think my wording’s a bit funky, so my bad.
  15. So this part of the hero of ages is just so good that it deserves its own appreciation thread. so my brother is reading the HoA for the first time and just read the reveal that koloss are humans and it reminded me just how powerful that Scene was. When I first read it it was earth-shattering. It was just as good the second read through. And that wasn’t the biggest reveal in that book! I mean, an army of atium mistings? Ruin being the voice of reen? Sazed becoming FLIPPING HARMONY!? But somehow the koloss reveal was just so much more powerful because of just how well it was executed. It is, in my opinion the best moment in any Brandon Sanderson books.
  16. I got it! Thanks so much for the info and responsiveness!
  17. So I went to the website, scrolled down, only saw the newsletter sign up. I clicked on the “three line symbol” in the topish right and still found nothing. Am I doing something wrong?
  18. I think you can get it at Brandon Sanderson.com but I’m not sure. Edit: found it. I looked up way of kings prime in the website.
  19. The newsletter or the signup? I think I’m right that it’s sent to you only once in a while, but I might be wrong. I have no experience with this.
  20. So I can’t find the prose link. I’ve signed up, though. Edit: I’m stupey. The email said Brandon sends 4 times a year.
  21. “I, though just a koloss, will pledge allegiance to this cause. I am the 17th of my brood, but I believe that is an important number round these parts. I might also be a paladin sherrif, but I am also an avid and awkward reader. I will serve this here cause well, I thunk. books before friends 17th shard before the real world release dates before birthday parties.”
  22. Doesn’t it take at least some concentration to maintain control of koloss? I might be wrong on this, but I think you have to use some mental force and attention. In the third book, there was talk about feeling the koloss Consciousness within their own and their restlessness, if I remember correctly.
  23. My bad, the thread began with “I was readin RoW..” and had a quote, so I made sure not to read it. I now read it and it’s not really a spoiler.
  24. RoW spoilers probably shouldn’t go in the cosmere forum.
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