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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. But it could also store stormlight and breath right?
  2. So if you alloyed Edglium with lerasium what would happen?
  3. The reason is that you can spike a feruchemist with the spike to be a full feruchemist.
  4. Sooooo it doesn’t store investure then? Or does it do two thingys?
  5. So what the heck even is a Nicrosil mind?! It stores inbesture, but the only form of investure in scaldrial is allomancy, sooooooooooo...... ive heard it explained that this stores the ability to use your abilities, but that would just disable you from retrieving the ability to use your abilitiy to retrieve the stuff from the metalmind. half of the topics I have created is to try to find the purpose of Nicrosil minds, but the general answer is “i dunno” but you guys seem tah know.
  6. Oooooooooooooooooooohhhhhh!A million thanks! You’re the best! My brain cells understand now!
  7. I like those ideas! They all seem cool! Thanks!
  8. How about a prepared electrum steelrunner forger? you know how you die and are immune to atium you got a belt with aluminum encased stamps that you use on the coins thrown at ya, and when you get close enough, you essence stamp em to not get snapped. the one problem is having enough knowledge of the person to know how where and why they snapped, but that would probably take a month max. In that month, you can be storing your speed and you’re good!
  9. so I have found out that a-Nicrosil can nicroburst an awakener. That would make the person pump all of their breath into an object they are awakening. What would that do? I’d assume it would not act like nightblood, because that’s just the power of nightblood.
  10. So if a nicroburst bursted an awakener while they are awakening something, what would happen?
  11. My line of thinking with aluminum, Nicrosil, and duralumin is this: chromium can wipe all forms of investure, so Nicrosil, it’s opposite, would release all forms of investure. i think aluminum and duralumin are just like chromium and Nicrosil but personal, so they should work like chromium too. Is this right?
  12. Maybe tin would let you see the difference in color more easily? also does my other stuff like duralumin affect investure or just allomancy? also also if a returned stored identity, would it be his identity or the person he used to be? Same with a person using an essence mark.
  13. im Thinking of merging some magic systems for an RPG, specifically scaldrial and some other one. I’m wondering what the 19 metals would do to other magic systems. Here’s my list of ideas thus far: iron: might be able to force someone to dismiss their shardblades by pulling them away from them and mess with people with Shardplates, but not very efficiently. steel: might stab someone with their own shardblade and be more efficient with attacking Shardplate users. with both of these, you could use the Shardplated person as a puppet of sorts. tin: probably notice heightenings easier and be better at aura recognition. pewter: could crack shardplates easier zinc: not much change brass: not much change bronze: depending on whether it senses investure, you could sense Radiants and people with breath. copper: if it can suppress investures presence, then it could suppress the glowing of a radiant or the color deepening of breath. gold: not much change electrum: not much change aluminum: if it can zap inner investure, it can destroy blood forgery or essence forgery. Feruchemy could do some wonky things with returned and essence forgery. What would it store? Who knows. Could destroy some radiant bonds or other abilities like sand mastery too. duralumin: if it releases investure you are using, then it can give Radiants a super burst of health or over invest something. Can do some cools stuff with connection and their spren. Nicrosil: if it boosts investure, it could do what duralumin does, but to others. It will be feruchemantically powerful for Radiants and storing breath Chromium: is pretty darn overpowered. Can obliterate awakeners, sand masters, and Radiants. Also could probably kill nightblood. Cadmium: not much change bendalloy: not much change atium: not much change lerasium: not much change harmonium: if it copies investure related abilities, pretty much makes everyone much more dangerous. I would like to know other cosmerian applications if there is any. I also am kinda speculating for some things, and I might have thought that some things apply to more general stuff than it really is. I would love feedback on my thoughts and on other new thoughts, cuz I want my RPG to be correct with cosmerian stuff.
  14. I know that there’s expressions within the books, but what about original expressions based off the book?
  15. I am a stick meaning that you are stubborn as all heck and won’t change for friggin anything?
  16. Well I know expressions from the books, but not about the books. Like “being a Lopen” compared to “biting the wrong flower”. I’m asking for the former.
  17. i have recently came across the phrase “new liver same eagles” in refrence to Greek mythology and Prometheus. It would be like saying new day same problems. I wonder if there’s any good cosmere ones.
  18. Aw, why not! I think it is a perfectly reasonable way to describe spren! Nubblets and wobblers! From now on they are called the nubbly ones and the wobbly ones.
  19. I must also say that the mandras with their many little nubblets as legs are also pretty darn cute. I mean, they look like those fuzzy little caterpillars! And they’re manifestations of luck (I think)! Ya can’t get much cuter than that, I must say. and the anticipation spren. They happily follow anyone around with their little toung wobblers than manifest in the physical realm. They’re also cute!
  20. This is a great example of, as pretty much anyone in the cosmere you can name (Lopez doesn’t count) an idiot.
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