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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. i think there should be a place where there is an area where we can know all knowledge about Hoid or theorized knowledge about Hoid, because with so much things going on with Hoid, it’s tough to keep track. I bet there’s also some conflicting WoBs as well. I also want to have a nice place to cumulate plausable theories and ideas regarding Hoid as well. Together, this could be useful to people new to the cosmere and not so new as well.
  2. I’d have to go with nightblood, for he’s so hopeless ”I must destroy evil. It was what I was made to do.” (pause) ”hey Vasher, what is evil” and with Szeth he’s seen as something holy and he’s just as helpless. I would also say rock bowing to syl and syl taking the worship full on. I love the “why don’t other people do this? I deserve to be a god.” Stuff too.
  3. I like what you’re going for, but I must say that that was not quiiiiiite my intention. I just kinda want to know how the two magic systems would interact with one another in a hypothetical so I can use it as a potential game for my brother.
  4. My belief is: A: the next metal you burn is given to another to do as they wish with it F: same for allomancy, but for Feruchemy H: I like the idea of just launching all of someone’s investure into the abyss, potentially killing them.
  5. If there was a theoretical planet that would have both endowment and harmony, with their respective magic systems, what would happen? would endowment get ticked off and attack harmony and how would the magic systems interact? i would imagine that Nicrosil Ferrings could have breathminds and such, but how else would the magic system function?
  6. What!? Huh? Elaborate on your theory if you would please
  7. so we know that all shards can have a metal that is their god metal. So what do you think the god metal of endowment would do for allomancy, Feruchemy, and hemalurgy?
  8. This is very helpful. Thanks!
  9. I know you can become ruin with enough atium, preservation with enough lerasium, and I believe becoming both with harmonium. this is because you are getting more and more pieces of the shard you eventually have more of the shard in you than the shard has in it, right? So with that reasoning, I heard somewhere on here that a Shardblade is the physical manifestation of honor and preservation, kind of like atium or lerasium. So with that, if you have enough Shardblades, you ascend. i don’t know about the other shards though. Maybe for endowment enough breath? how can you ascend to shardhood for each shard? And are there ways other than through having a lot of godly things?
  10. I would say that it kinda shoved a whole friggin trilogy into one movie, which means that it of course has bad stuff, but I would say mostly good stuff. I loved the the parallels between Rey and Kylo’s experiences and how they are breaking off from their respective grandfathers destinies. Anakin started good, but joined the dark side, then right before he died, he turned. Kylo started out good, but joined the dark side, and then turned right before he died. Palpatine was rotten all the way, while Rey was trying to turn away from her destiny and stay good which she eventually did. also Vader turned against palpatine at the last moment and in the last Jedi, kylo turned away from Rey. much like his grandfather, kylo turned into a force ghost. He was also turned to the dark side through a traumatic event, guided by sideus. rey guided kylo to the light side, the opposite of palpatine.
  11. Thanks! This is very useful to hear!
  12. I think this is true and that is a very Alcatraz thing to do. If I were to be a person with the power to look like a popsicle with lenses, I would.
  13. This might be the wrong place, but I was wondering how to quote pages from the book or the other WoB stuff. also I’m intrigued by the reputation giving cap. I might be too willing to give people reputation, but is that a bad thing necessarily? I understand the problem with everyone casualet giving reputation to every single person, but I think everyone seems to be very conservative when giving reputation anyway. I might be in the wrong, but I would like to know if I am and I think this is the right place to ask
  14. Do you think we could get to 42 upvotes, to close the connection? 16th post, 42 reputation?
  15. Chromium wipes all investure from something, right? So that means you could wipe metalminds? They store investure, just a very particular type, correct? I might be getting this wrong, but that’s pretty overpowered.
  16. Oathbreaker is one that is amazing if you want to learn more about the shards and the magic system on Roshar as a whole, but it is kund of like Harry Potter’s order of the Phoenix. You get smacked silly with all the information that gets thrown at you, but it connects a lot of holes in your knowledge. This was a book I lost interest in halfway through, read another book, came back to it and restarted, and liked a whole lot. It also is much more involved in the cosmere and is something that might be a bit confusing if you don’t know all of that jazz. But overall, it is a fun read that leaves you wanting more. It has fun dialogue and really goes in depth with each character’s personality(s) and is an insanely good addition to the cosmere. You should carry on, but a break is a good idea probably.
  17. Thanks! This makes a lot of sense. This is useful to know.
  18. I have recently received the mistborn adventure game, and I believe the information about certain metals there is canon. It does say it expands on the information of the mistborn novels and explains more about things not touched in the books. So I think it is canon. I have heard it reiterated multiple times that we do not exactly know how Nicrosil Feruchemy works, but the mistborn adventure game seems to have the answers (if it is canon). it says in the Nicrosil section that Nicrosil storing can transform a stored characteristic within another metalmind you have and make it raw, generic investure that can be used to add more investure to another tapped characteristic. This allows you to transform your wakefulness into health, or your warmth into age. it further goes on to say that if you use enough Nicrosil, you can transform other’s stored abilities in their metalminds into raw investure, basically getting rid of some of the stuff stored in that metalmind. if this is canon knowledge, this means that any feruchemist can be immortal, and any feruchemist can regain immense amounts of health, sort of like a gold compounder. I’m still not entirely sure if this is canon information or not, but I would like do get clarification.
  19. This much is probably true. As as I understand it, the only difference between stormlight, breath, or other forms of investure is just the shards presence and its effect on the surrounding investure. So theoretically, you could be a radiant with no limits on your powers or hav infinite breaths if you have breaths or are born/squired as a radiant, right? Maybe that’s the purpose of Nicrosil compounding. Other than unsealed metalminds, of course.
  20. I am currently rereading the stormlight archive books and I remembered how nightblood works like a Shardblade because it stores so much investure. That, in extension, means that a Shardblade is so deadly because of the amount of investure it has in it, right? we don’t know too much about Nicrosil ferrings, but they store investure. If you compound that, then you just begin gaining more and more investure. If you tap all of the Nicrosilmind, that means you now have a ton of investure in you. If you store enough, you could theoretically get to Shardblade levels of investure, or would you need a vessel to concentrate that investure into a purpose, like a sword slashing people’s soul. Would that mean you just need to have a Nicrosil sword acting as a nicrosilmind? then again, people holding a ton of breath can’t do that, so maybe what things do with a ton of investure has to do with what it wants, like with soul casting with radiants.
  21. I reread mistborn yesterday and I was wondering how does Adien know the number of stops to the dock? i know he knows the number of steps to Teod, but even he didn’t know the number of steps to the dock. After he said he said the numbers of steps to the docks, he does a double take. Does he just have crazy memory or did someone plant that information in him? Is the latter even possible?
  22. So I was looking at the Coppermind’s explaination of a Nicrosil Ferring and I thought that it was fairly useless. All you could do was have the ability to use your powers or lose the ability to use your powers. But then I thought about Ettmetal. Would you, theoretically, use Ettmetal to make all feruchemists or Allomancers to lose the ability to use their powers temporarily or even permanently?
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