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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. I’m pretty sure that normally you see an attack before it happens, and then act apon it. What I am thinking is that see the possible outcome of you attacking in a certain way before you attack, but you see many different ways you can attack, allowing you to choose the best of those outcomes.
  2. I was thinking about a duralumin enhanced atium burst when I came up with a hypothetical scenario say a seer ingested leresium, making him a mistborn. He would have a very enhanced atium burn, but what would that do? Would you be able to see what another person’s reaction is to a certain move you make, allowing you to choose the best way of attack, or would something else happen?
  3. So would the atium thing still work?
  4. How exactly does Ettmetal interact with Feruchemy? Does filling a metalmind trigger it? Will it then add that attribute to its surroundings or does it subtract? For example, with a skimmer. He fills his metalmind, losing weight. Would that make the people around the harmonium lighter or heavier? Does it work when he’s tapping it? I imagine that would be devastating for atium either way. You can make everyone super old or you could become immortal.
  5. So I have recently finished rereading the Mistborn series and a thought struck me. When do the books take place in relative time to each other? Elantris, Mistborn Era 1, warbreaker, and the stormlight archives all seem to be medieval-ish, but are they all happening at relatively the same time? I know that oathbreaker has to be after warframe because nightblood talks about Vasher, but what of the others? And when does Hoid decide to jump around in the cosmere? another question I have is relating to the cognitive realm. The cosmere is one big solar system, so that means some planets orbit faster than others. So would worldhoppers really have to know when they want to get where if they are say, doing a delivery of some sort from one planet to the next, or handing nightblood from one planet to the other? I have to admit, the delivery of nightblood was kinda perfect. Did Hoid send nightblood? i know I might have crammed in a lot of questions into one, but I’m really curious about all of this.
  6. Koloss17

    BoM ending

    So I was rereading the bands of mourning and I am honestly a tad confused about the ending. 1) is there a canon answer to how the bands of mourning got to that temple? Is it because somehow Vin never decided to go back and reclaim the bands, then Sazed put them there when he recreated the world? Did Kelsier somehow get hold of them when he was a cognitive shadow after the world’s rebirth? I don’t think these are answered in the book, but My understanding so far is that that temple is to worship Kelsier, so he must have something to do with it, right? 2) How did Kelsier get spiked? In the coins, the statue, and the epilogue, which I believe all are talking about Kelsier, he had a spike through one eye. How did he get it? He didn’t die through the eye, right? Is it Hemalurgic? If so, what would be the point of it? A cognitive shadow can’t use any sort of metallic art right? Also, is there a reason for the mirroring between Marsh’s and Kelsier’s pierced eyes?
  7. So what languages are spoken in the whole of cosmere? I assume it’s not English, right? But then again, there seems to be English expressions and mannerisms. Also, if this is a not earth solar system, where did they get metals like gold and such?
  8. So I was rereading the Mistborn Era 2 books and the end section on metallurgic arts aroused my interests. It seemed like the narrator from the arcanum unbounded novel. He describes things in a way like he’s from other parts of the cosmere and that he’s doing research of some sort. I’m assuming this is Hoid, right? I’m not making a theory, just seeking knowledge.
  9. So what I understand is that the pewter gives what the soul of brawn is; ripped and stupid. Also the spikes are put in the koloss in such a way that they upset or destroy the human’s spiritweb, dehumanizing them. Am I on the right track?
  10. Thanks! I don’t exactly know how investure works in general, or about this whole thing about spiderwebs, but this at least tells me that hemalurgy doesn’t use investire as much as the person’s spiderweb.
  11. So does that mean that the Koloss are slightly dehumanized by too much investure in their body?
  12. If anyone is curious, I’ve read all of the Brandon Sanderson books, so no need to worry about spoilers. But of course keep hidden spoilers for the sake of others.

  13. That is useful, no doubt about that, but the morph in the Koloss’ “humanity” as Elend Venture put it, have to with abnormal amounts of human souls merged into one body or the amount of human strength they are given?
  14. So, as I understand, which I may be wrong about, using hemalurgy to kill a non-Allomancer/feruchemist takes some of their soul, which I would connect to investure. Using four investure spikes, you can make a Koloss, right? And it is described in the books that you slowly lose humanity as you gain more spikes as you become a Koloss. Does that mean that an aluminum compounder would just end up making you less human?
  15. Thanks! But that still doesn’t answer one question: could there be mistings on other planets?
  16. So I know that stormlight connects to heightening, but what about allomancy? Would the stormlight itself have the allomancy or would the person have a certain type of misting attributes to him/her?
  17. That’s some pretty smart thinking there! If snipers start existing, then you can have a whole new hazekiller style. You can get your normal hazekiller team, but with the objective to get the dangerous Allomancer in a position where the sniper can shoot them in just the right spot and BOOM now you’re the dangerous Allomancer!
  18. Man, ruin can do your homework for ya, even online!
  19. Hello! I am very happy to finally be part of the cosmere fan base! I’m still getting used to things, but I am still very exited to be here. I like that the responses are very fast. I’m still kind of confused with the ranking system on here, as well as the whole point thing, but that’s to be expected. (I think I announced myself properly)
  20. Thanks! This is my first post and I’m surprised with the speed at which this was answered!
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