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Anomander Rake

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Everything posted by Anomander Rake

  1. A few more bits and pieces! 1 & 2) like Returned mentioned, the OG planet is Yolen, the first known location of humans, and the origin of some but not all of the current human populations. Scadrial's humans, for example, were created by Preservation and Ruin 4) Brandon has said he's gonna get into the details of herald body mechanics in the back 5
  2. No apology necessary. Fair! I can understand that. I'm glad you do appreciate the latter point though - Sanderson did great avoiding the "stereotypical strong girl" and "stereotypical non-stereotypical strong girl" imo and it shows I didn't mind it in the context that Vin has godawful attachment issues and an empire's worth of stress on her mind, but I also could certainly be thinking through rose colored lenses lol. on PJO
  3. You can edit a previous comment with the 'edit' button that hangs out around the 'quote' button on your own content, which will then be marked as having been edited, it allows you to give a reason as well typically considered bad site etiquette to double comment / post
  4. No love for the coat rack at the ramen spot? great list tho lol, gave me a laugh XD
  5. What about her sucks? Unless i'm severely misinterpreting some connotation, aside from calling her annoying, all you've said is that she does a good job subverting the typical pitfalls characters in similar story roles have, and is written with understandable human emotions as opposed to more trope-y ones. Why is she annoying? She's my fave (a big reason of which is because she feels so much like a person first to me as opposed to a character), but please don't interpret the above as flaming you or calling you wrong, but rather I just like hearing why people like/dont like certain things and so on - broadens my perspective
  6. Quick with the WoBs as always, ty IDK how i wasn't aware that was how he originally had things planned to work for the heralds' rebirths , thats cool it mirrored the fused like that - only makes me more curious to learn how its done at current tho XD
  7. I agree that Chana is almost assuredly a woman, though perhaps that doesn't immediately mean this is impossible? We can look to something similar maybe to add merit- do we know if fused are reborn in bodies of their particular gender? (WoT Spoilers) Also, could be an The theory does seem a bit wild but your second and third points are both super solid - Blackbanes potency was def mentioned more than it seemed it had a right to be haha
  8. That's my thought on this matter as well! There's enough layered backstories and histories that Brando is deserving of a few "they look like this because they dos" XD (not that i dont love the histories of the varying peoples!), and this difference feels like one small enough that leaving it unexplained wont effect anything else Also, I've always thought that maybe in some small part its a nod to Ogier / Loial and his droopy brows - Ogier mannerisms in WoT always bring a smile to my face : )
  9. someone correct me if i'm wrong but i believe Quantus is referring to (Stormlight Spoilers) -
  10. Ah! totally see that now, thats a neat one. Thats funny though - one plot arc in worm is very closely related with the color gold and separated hexagons like that, and was the immediate connection i made def give it a shot! its a great casual read compared to something like stormlight where you need to juggle dozens of plotlines, but still has some great scope by doing similar interludes from new PoVs. very refreshing if you're at all a fan of superhero stories too, some sick powers from the author, and even better imo is the incredibly clever use of simple ones
  11. I can't see Adolin as anything but a big happy Golden Retriever XD fiercely loyal, excellent work ethic, surprisingly clever, and an amazing friend. and of course a huge goofy ball of energy whether you're in the mood for it or not (looking at you, Kaladin!)
  12. iirc there was a post shortly after the secret projects came out where someone wanted to hide the feed coming from this forum for that specific reason, and iirc again they were able to accomplish it fairly easily with a custom feed once they figured it out. maybe biased, but if you have the option to hide them, i think the posts on this forum should be able to have thoroughly descriptive names like this one. coming to this site to begin with is already treading on spoiler territory XD edit - if i remembered right and that thread exists, maybe pin it somewhere or make a post letting people know how to do so? edit 2 - @kelianmao, is that pfp from Worm? was too distracted by the awesome animations to process it lol
  13. Now all I can think about is Gavilar and Kel playing Cat's Cradle with the Cosmere as the string XD Being that we waited 5 books to get one storming prologue in his shoes, I'd not be upset if he was an ancillary flashback character, giving us a few quick glimpses of his doings. If not him, I'm not sure, but I hope we do get some of those details!
  14. I can see him maybe thinking of it as a series of choices in selecting who dies (1/4)(1/3)(1/2) = (1/24), but the correct math for that would be (3/4)(2/3)(1/2) as we're looking for the odds of survival - its still (1/4)
  15. Some earlier issues of The Walking Dead still earn it the title of favorite from me, also I just like its art a bit better, but seems like we can agree Kirkman is a legend lol. I've read most of it! I'm not entirely caught up, stopped for a bit after starting a new job, on 120ish I think? just figured the show example would reach a bigger audience. But yeah no believe me I follow, some big yikes moments there.
  16. Have you read / seen Invincible? hooooh boy But yeah, Frustration captured my thoughts on this pretty well - NO! The current state of their relationship is great for the both of them - platonic, but intimate in emotional and spiritual ways that help them both grow and endure.
  17. Not a perpendicularity persay, but there is this: My headcannon is this "bringing closer" is what lets the investiture from the other realms leak to the physical and how gemstones are renewed
  18. I could see any number of those things happening, but only after a significant period of time, like, 1000+ years.
  19. rather, he was still getting rid of them by his own means as opposed to magical ones XD
  20. I certainly felt a bit of that at the start of Way of Kings - I'm sure I'm not the only one that wanted as many Kal PoV chapters as I could get - but once the world and story was established and I had my foothold I found I enjoy all the PoV's. Kal is still King, ofc, but I'm not bummed when I turn to a new chapter and he isn't the focus. Very valid point. I've gotta believe Kal and some others are hitting the 5th Ideal in SA5, meaning the back 5 hes already a max level radiant, on top of what is likely to be a lot of plot threads wrapping together - Kal has been said to have "turned a corner" with his mental health and seems to be on a path to what he wants to do with his life, Shallan is confronting her past and identity, so on and so on - no more (or at least, far less) juicy progress for them! Lift, Jasnah, and all the storming Heralds are all comparatively closed books, once that I'm absolutely curious to get into
  21. You mentioned thrones, think of it like how we follow Ned and Dany and Tyrion in the first book, one goes south, one east, and one north; everyones got their own jobs but the main story thread is there. Its that, except in Brandon's case we get our reunions a lot sooner XD the way things tie together starts to become clearer soon. also worth remembering that Thrones is earth analogous and Stormlight is not - Brado's gotta spend a good chunk of time introducing Roshar - which while wonderful in its own right, is unhelpful to plot development
  22. I'd not be surprised in the least if invested metal was more resistant to corrosion than normal metal. Doesn't mean they wouldn't get dirty by normal means though XD
  23. Could Aux be a Sigzil-spren of sorts? lol. Something along the lines of Vasher's death - dying imbued with enough investiture that you leave a "fossil", I think it fudged up his memories a bit too. The physical Sigzil we see, Nomad, is Sigzil, but Aux is the impression of pre-dawnshard Sig or something similar? It ould explain why Aux calls himself a knight, though admittedly not why he sees Sig as a squire. Maybe since spren-sig is the only proper windrunner of the two, he sees Nomad as his squire?
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