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Shard of Reading

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Shard of Reading last won the day on June 11 2020

Shard of Reading had the most liked content!

About Shard of Reading

  • Birthday 01/15/2006

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Lord of Afros
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  • Location
    Somewhere in the multiverse
  • Interests
    Consuming books at the speed of light, Zelda, Nintendo, Munchkin, Scythe, D&D, Rock and Roll, Country, Mariokart, Smash Bros.

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  1. 9 minutes ago, Emi said:

    I hope that it was a compliment:P

    4 minutes ago, Shard of Reading said:

    You will never know....

    Who's to say you won't? :ph34r:

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