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About Spinn

  • Birthday 12/25/1989

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    Game design, fire circus

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  1. Oh, this was a while ago. The only reason I could think of is if you didn't have any metal reserves to burn. If you press Tab, you open your inventory where you can drink the vials you've picked up. Hope that helps!
  2. Seeing that many of the metals had "Unknown" effects in the original tHoA, and "Steals Allomantic Enhancement Powers" was moved to Electrum in the Hemalurgic Table, shouldn't the pattern be fine? Or was there something specific you thought about?
  3. Spoilers up to Alloy of Law! So I was researching Hemalurgic aluminum for my Mistborn game, and found a discrepancy in the definitions of its use. According to the Coppermind, and The Hemalurgic Table found in the leather bound edition of the Hero of Ages, an Aluminum spike does not steal any power, but rather removes all powers. But in my pocket edition of the Hero of Ages, the Metal Quick Reference Chart describes Aluminum's effect as "Steals Allomantic Enhancement Powers". The leather bound edition is obviously newer, so is this a retcon from Brandon to fit with Era 2 and the Cosmere in general?
  4. Story Outline! I've had some thoughts, done some research, and I've started to work on an outline. Before I set this one in stone, I want to just run it by you guys and see how you feel about it. - Spoilers for The Well of Ascension AND The Hero of Ages - You're a nobleman during The Well of Ascension, of House Hue - a mining House. Your father is on the Assembly. You're not quite healthy. You've taken meds every day as long as you can remember, and your family's motto is "Heads kept low stay living". They are very careful and humble. One night, you wake up. A surviving Elariel mistborn easily overpowers and kidnaps you, and your father is blackmailed to vote Elend off the throne. During your imprisonment, Elariel provokes you into a rage. You find a tiny source of something within... and burnt it. Pewter-powered, you manage to escape into the streets and you're found by none other than Dockson. Seeing his absolute disgust for Elariel as a nobleman, you lie to Dockson, telling him you're Skaa. He saw you use powers and agrees to teach you how to use them, having heard and seen it be used plenty of times. But your powers are weak, which confuses him. You're sent to find someone spiritual. Eventually, you find one of the Valla, the religion who survived the longest from the Lord Ruler's purge. A very small amount of people still follow their ways in secret. You discover that your "Bond to the Eternal" (Connection to Preservation) is severely damaged, almost broken. (I'm thinking it's not a surprise that the one religion to survive the longest was connected to Preservation, knowingly or not) You discover that to heal the Bond, you need to follow the Valla way (and unknowingly, Preservation's way). You get a lot of missions, saving innocents, foiling Elariel's plans, and can upgrade your powers. Elariel finds you with Dockson. You fight, but cannot win. You flee, and seek the Valla together with Dockson. When you arrive at the Valla, they have been slaughtered, and in blood, your name is written. Your lie has been revealed and Dockson abandons you. You get back to your family and realize you haven't taken your meds since the day before you were kidnapped. Your family reveals how you snapped as young, and they've fed you Aluminum from their mines throughout your whole life, as meds, to keep your powers away. "Heads kept low stay living" means no Mistborn powers to pick fights with. You deduce this is what's damaged your Bond. As if all this wasn't enough for one day, the Koloss attack the city. You find your way to Dockson. Realizing his faults, he sacrifices himself in Keep Venture to let you escape. As you save people left and right, you heal the last of your Connection and get to speak to a mysterious entity (Preservation). Climax: You find Elariel. You do an epic battle between Mistborn. You fool them into drinking a vial of Aluminum, and capture them. Resolution: You save what you can of the Valla religion and pass it on to others. ---- I kind of want to break Elariel's bond permanently. I'm thinking they may have access to Duralumin and uses it regularly during your fights. If you burn Duralumin with Aluminium... That just might do the trick! It's a bit close to Avatar the Last Airbender, but I'm pretty ok with that. If this actually does become the story of the game, I'm thinking of naming the game "Mistborn: Bondbreaker". So... Any thoughts?
  5. A tutorial picture was a nice suggestion! I might make one for the next release. A full in-game tutorial is in the works, but I think it needs NPC interaction to be done properly. I've received feedback about the coin jump being hard to do before, so I implemented an automatic one: F + Hold F
  6. The starting area is completely Mistless, but if the other levels are still laggy, I believe it's because of all the buildings, not the mist. In the first couple of versions, the mist was a particle effect I created that every second or so created hundreds of puffs of mist. Now, it's one built-in mist effect that Unreal features and should be pretty economic.
  7. I agree they are quite similar in concept, and you are correct on both accounts, they would suit Mistborn well, but partly it comes down to budget. I don't have the necessary coders or the technology to build such a vast world and still make it run smooth. Already now, I'm on the edge of what Unreal is allowing me to do world-wise, and people are experiencing low fps too. I'm guessing this also has to do with the 3D meshes I'm using not being very efficient, but it's all I have to work with, not being a 3D artist myself. The other part is that a steelpusher has even more unhindered movement than any AC character. If AC devs want you to be unable to go to a place, they simply put a wall there and won't let you climb it - or you memory won't let you go so far - at least in the earlier games. I don't really have any of those luxuries. In Luthadel, we have a wall you can canonically jump onto as a beginner and then just open fields as far as the eye can see on the other side. In the other direction, we have a very large city, at least 20 times larger than the areas I've already made and I'm afraid I will refuse do Luthadel in full, lol. However, I am planning on building the Skaa Market area in approximately correct size if I can, the new Noble Keep level being the recent home of House Erikeller in the northern part of it, at least according to the official roleplaying game's version of the map. My vision is to have levels built more like Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, where you unlock areas depending on your abilities, whilst still feeling really cool, letting you appreciate and become familiar with every street, rather than swooshing past 90% of what I struggled to build. A sandbox open world is way too much for me alone, I'm afraid. Better to have a smaller part made really well. I do appreciate the comment, though!
  8. You're quite right, I meant the Cognitive Realm, and yes, I did read that one. If I decide to include Shadesmar, I'll definitely use it as a reference.
  9. Thank you both for your input, @mathiau and @Artemos. So a hemalurgic solution would mean other effects as well, and since I don't have much power over a player's mental state (and it seems like a controversial topic) perhaps that road isn't the best. A damaged Connection with Preservation, as @Kingsdaughter613 suggested, might then be another way to walk. The reason I don't want it to come down to Intent (although I agree that it would be the most simple and easy way to do it) is that it wouldn't add any mystery to the story. If it's a mystery, it'll be a good source of plot, in addition to having effects on the progression system and level design. A damaged Connection could potentially lead to the player being able to venture into the Cognitive Realm at one point or another in the game. At the very least speaking to Preservation seems guaranteed! That could be cool, right? EDIT: Cognitive Realm, not Spiritual Realm
  10. @Kingsdaughter613 Yes, I'm thinking that as well. Like if you want to master one metal, you can upgrade it to savant level. Basically, I need a reason for you to not be able to get over the wall or certain houses right off the bat. Otherwise, the level design will be a nightmare xD Hmm... something that harms your connection to Preservation... Ruin could be at work here. @mathiau Shards of aluminum inside you can't be good for your allomancy... Don't think Aluminum has been discovered at this part of the story, buuut that doesn't mean it doesn't exist... Hmm... EDIT: My bad, apparently the Lord Ruler did know of it, mined it, and kept it secret! Good to know.
  11. Help me with your knowledge! So I'm working through my ideas for a story and I'm in need of some knowledge. Since I've only read Mistborn (era 1 & parts of 2), I don't have much knowledge about investiture itself. Are there any reasons to which a person's investiture could be partially blocked? (If we're going into spoiler territory, please put it behind a spoiler tag) My idea for the story is set during the Well of Ascension and you're playing as a noble heir. Heavy spoilers for The Well of Ascension So, is this feasible? Is there something that could be blocking investiture - or could I invent that particular something without enraging the entire Cosmere community?
  12. I just updated the demo with two new levels, fully animated guards and a koloss boss monster you can battle! Have fun!
  13. @Artemos Great job on killing the koloss, and YES, that is the secret room! I'll DM you about the award! EDIT: I expected pretty much only troll suggestions, but Artemos had some truly awesome ideas. I'm psyched to implement them.
  14. 0.10 Update: Combat, Levels and NPCs Here it is! Fully animated NPCs attacking you, a koloss boss monster and a couple more levels to traverse! Guards Like before, the guards are pretty weak and slow. A few coins or melee hits (middle mouse button) and they're dead. Don't let them gang up on you, though! Koloss The koloss is faster than you and a lot stronger, so make sure you use your powers to survive long enough to get hits in! It's extremely tough, so take cover and shoot it from afar, or let it chase some guards if you have to! The koloss is sitting on a pretty nice heap of stuff, so you'll be well rewarded for your troubles. New levels You start in the new Noble Keep. The front door leads to the new Skaa Market area, while the back door in the ball room leads to the old Skaa subsurb area. I realized the new levels made the download file a lot bigger, so I'm thinking I'll combine the two exterior ones in the future, taking the best parts from each. Check out the original post for the download link and all the new features! I also realized I left the entrance to a secret room unlockable... There's nothing in there, but the first person to find it, and posts a picture or video of it in this topic, gets to decide what painting is hung in the main entrance for coming versions! As long as it works in-world, and I won't get sued for it, it'll be fine. The right hand of the Survivor will show the way. Happy hunting!
  15. A small post-holidays... um... post! Sorry for being silent the last couple of months! School's been taking all my energy, but I've got some work done during the holidays and I'm happy to say that I'm making great progress with it! No new version right now, but SOON! In the next update, there will be guards to battle and a freaking koloss boss monster! I'm having some trouble with their animations, but I'm hoping it'll be solved in the coming week. (They're all free assets, so I took one as close as I could get to a koloss. It's got horns, but it's blue, big and monstrous, so I'mma take that as a win) I'm also including two new levels: A noble keep interior, and a Skaa Market area! The mental powers will be delayed some, because they'll heavily depend on what kind of a game I'm actually making, something I've been putting off for way too long. Currently, I'm leaning towards making it a stealth-platformer with a side-dish of action. I think that's the genre that suits the magic system best in a gaming context. What I'm looking at next is probably an in-world tutorial starting off a storyline, and a progression system to make your allomancy more powerful, within the range of possibilities. For example, it's never stated how far away you can push/pull something, but we know there are limits (Wax couldn't push himself all the way up a skyscraper, for example), so that's something you could upgrade to some extent to get an edge. I'm still unsure what is causing the FPS to drop, so it'll be interesting to see if the Noble Keep will run smoother than the large open areas. Until then, Happy new year, all!
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