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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. But what if BOTH crews belived their Ship is Original?
  2. There is philosophical dilema, paradox from the field of metaphysics of identity, Is called "Ship of Theseus" paradox. So, there is Ship of Theseus. It stays in harbour of Athens. In time, rotet and decayed planks of ship are replaced with new ones, to the point the whole Ship is fully replaced. Still has the same owner, or his offspring. Is this ship still the same ship? And later, someone rebuilds ship from the old planks. Is puttung together piece by piece, untill has the whole ship made from original planks. So is this original ship? Has all original parts. But not have original history. Witch one is original Ship? And, more important for us, how would look like the spren of Ship? And witch one would be Original? And how they would look like compare to each other? would they be twin-spren? Would they have the same memories of Theseus's Jurney? Witch one would be consider as Original Spren?
  3. if Radiant cannot fly, use explosives in Aluminum casings, should be able to blow up him to pieces, Shardplate or not. Heavy explosives should be able to do three things: 1. Shatter Shardplate. 2. Force Radiant to burn really large amount of Stormlight to heal. 3. Break gemstones with Stormlight reserve and disperse it.
  4. But where it is? IT is not there. Probably just coroded, so no, Roshar don't have it.
  5. Yes, Aluminium can be obtained by Soulcasting, but I doubght it is easy. Fabrial Soulcasters can produce Aluminium only if are Connected to Foil Essence, and this isn't common (I think Smoke Soulcasters are most common?). Also, Aluminum resists Investiture, probably Soulcasting it is costly in Stormlight and for Soulcasters. We didn't see any Radiant making IT, even Jasnah. So, i think still faster would be produce Aluminium from normal industry. Scadrial allready Has Electricity set up and Rolling.
  6. Nope. All we've seen made from Aluminium on Roshar is neckless, coated with IT lances (and not even all Heavenly Ones are equiped with IT), and some Plates and foil. Is literaly unknown to most people. And on Scadrial we've seen literaly whole train wagon full of Aluminium and this wasnt one-time event. We've seen many guns made from Aluminium. Everybody knows about IT, recognize IT, knows its properties. Right, is expensive, but is much more common than on Roshar.
  7. IT is very old discussion, rises from Time to Time. Found one topic about IT: https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/90819-heralds-were-missing-an-unmade/
  8. Its probably more about them absorbing some of Stormlight during Highstorms. We know Stormlight is important part of Rosharan ecology, so maybe this is part of it.
  9. Theory one: Metalic Investiture and Gaseous Investiture are in different energeric stances. Like Shardblade and Stormlight are technicly the same (almost) but one could be activly used, but other coudnt. Thoery two: it actualy reacts, but is not enough Investiture on the surface of Raisium to have dramatic effect. Theory Three: Raisium is not actualy Raisium, but Nicrosil/Chromium.
  10. She can also be part of Set. And this mean she can simply have some Spikes, and dont need to be Metalborn. If this is true, she serve Trell, and Trell probably is Autonomy. So she serves Autonomy and Bavadin is potential ally for Odium. So this can explain why she is here. And yes, Kelek wants to out. But he is Ghostbloods enemy, we can assume from his words he knows Ghostbloods and Thaidakar some time. And they dont cooperate.
  11. Not think so. Shardblades all have the same properties, despite fact they are technicly different Spren. Is safe assume that in Shardplate's case would be simmilar.
  12. Blade is much easier to conseal. When someone Has Plate, everyone knows it. But if someone Has Blade, no one knows it unless he summons it. Also, Blade can be much easier lost in action, or steal (mean, combine with murder). Many Shardearers keep this fact in secret. But you Cannot do this with Plate.
  13. Yeah, but Kelsier was SUPRISED by Vin's Push power. He statet clear she can Push stronger than normaly, but is still dangerous for her go against heavier Allomancer. If we consider Allomancers with the same strengh, the one with greater weight would have stronger Pushes. Wax many times increases his weight, when he wants to give additional punch to his coins/bullets. He also literaly demolish building once with F-Iron + Steelpush, something Allomancers normaly cannot do.
  14. Atium is very specific due to fact is pure Ruin. This mean feruchemicaly you dont have equal parts of Preservation and Ruin, you have just a little Preservation and a lot of Ruin. This mean Atium is Intended to waste power and cause Entropy. In this case - internally. Unlike other atributes of Body, witch are always part of this Body, Youth is limited and temporary. Probably this also thoe thing in case of other atributes, but in much lesser extend. For example, old Windwhisper probably would need to Tap metalminds more for the same effect when he was young due to fact old man's senses are weaker. The same for Brute, Sparker, probably also even Bloodmaker.
  15. Seems to be. Sazed told us he have not enough atributes in Metalminds he swallowed because they were simply small (to be possible to swallow). So there are two main "material" limitations of compounding: 1. Size of metalminds - you cannot have large Metalminds to swallow and burn (is possible to burn metals elswhere, but it is difficult) and you cannot have infinite metalminds to store (they need to be in contact with your body). 2. Burning rate. You cannot burn metals infinitly fast. But those limits are very high in case of normal metals, we can even imagine Compounder inside of special Metalmind Armor.
  16. Also A-Copper. Marsh has mmost spikes, more than 20. Max is 34 (because Atium) for all powers, Probably doesn't have Chromium, Nicrosil, Cadmium, Bendalloy, because they dont know about them in that time. Probably have all other Spikes, maybe lack A-Aluminum.
  17. Double Steel every time, always. Also Double Chromium can be very interesting.
  18. I think Option 1. Few reasons. 1. Its only 10 days left to Contest, and is many fields to cover. 2. We know Taravangian set his previous vassals on positions where they can still continue fighting and causing problems without him. This is also true for Singers, Iriali and also Shin. All of them dont need Odium in person to continue fighting. 3. Ishar. I think he will be most important in this book. No way to know what he can do and what he wants. With his Connection manipulation he can dovery odd things. 4. Shinovar. Whole plot with Unmade and stoneshamans with great knowledge. Also, this would be Szeth/Dalinar book. This mean this is where real action would be set.
  19. We've even see this, SoScadrians Airships have Allomantic Engines powering rotors. Only make them biger and turn to generators.
  20. But requirments for all systems are different. They are region-based for all, but vary in other ways - Reod is basicly random but for like two nations, Forging and Bloodsealing is practicly available for every member os particular nation with proper training, and Dakhor needet specific transformation first and also membership to specific organization. Basis is the same for all of them (focus + power source) but differences are too fundamental to see them as the same system. Going with programing analogy, they all use different OS. And cannot be translated easly.
  21. Disagree. Yes, Focus is the same, as well as power source, but application of them is drasticly different in all of them. Also, magic system can change after some drastic, world changing event. We've seen this on Sel, on Ashyn, on Threnody as well.
  22. Number of Shards don't translate directly to number of magic systems. Sel is best example, Has two Shards (splintered, yes, but essentialy power is power) and Has not 3 but at least 5.
  23. I was theoretizing some time ago that Harmony has two Perpendicularities, one in North, one in South. On Scadrial Godmetal forms near/above Perpendicularitiy, and we know what Harmonys Godmetal is, it is ettmetal, fuel in SoScad magitech. They need collect it somewhere so this is where SoScad Perpendicularity is. But in North also need to be Perpendicularity because we've met Hoid, Nazh and Khriss. More even, they apear in New Seran. While Hoid probably is looking for Wax, Khriss probably is not, so she just is there. Is plausible She is near Perpendicularity itself for convinience. There are also two more Worldhoppers, they have wedding in AoL. We can assume all of them dont trip to the other side of planet. There is also Demoux and Felt, both on Roshar now, and both leave Scadrial after Catacendre so also probably not travel to South. So yes, probably is also Harmony's Perpendicularity in the North. This also probably mean there is Ettmetal's source somewhere here as well.
  24. One think apear in my mind. Very wierd. Both sides have possibility to disrupt enemy economy via Inflation. On Scadrial they use metal coins, so they can be Soulcast. On Roshar thy use gems as money, because they cannot be Soulcast so are difficult to fake. So need to be specificly harvest from specificly breeded creatures. But Scadrial should have technology to produce syntetic gems (this technology apear IRL around this time). Possibly even perfect gems.
  25. We can assume, due to fact that not many Radiants Reach 4th Oath, and this is when they get Plate.
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