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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. Probably it replces some of the energy of whatever bond happened to be. For diamond it is covalent bond, neutral.
  2. Probably not, but this is simply speculation. Only ionic bond has charge.
  3. We dont know. About destrying Shardblade we get RAFO: But we know Leecher can prevent someone fro summoning the blade:
  4. Or maybe energy of atomic bonds is replaced partialy by Investiture, so bonds are weaken than normal.
  5. This is hundreds if not thousands years in the future from what we have now. And we dont know There are Bondsmiths there. You can Gold compounder is able to heal himself from wound caused by spike, he just need have enough health stored, because he can restore his Allomantic Powers by Feruchemical, and Vice Versa (can burn his metalminds with stored health, and heal himself even if is no longer Feruchemist). So from Gold Compounder we can get practicly as many A-Gold and F-Gold spikes as we want, with this we can get any other spike (When we give both gold powers to any other misting). And there are also Medalions. You now simply rejected WoB I gave you. With this duscusion is meaningless. And Hopeless. They knew Aluminum is usefull against Fused powers. Why Jasnah didnt make it? Aluminum arrows against stormform and all not-armored fused would be very usefull. If it is simple like you told us, why not make it allready? Why Dalinar dont have aluminum sword or armor? They know Fused have shardblades and Dalinar is prime target. Right. And is possible to beat Koloss. I think they are comparable with overall usefullness, but in terms of raw strengh Koloss outclass practicly anything non-magical enhanced (mean, they are magical in origin, but their strengh and stamina are simply physical). Do you remember how big Koloss sword was? And now imagine Koloss with gun. Hard to imagine? Check Ogryn from WH 40K. It will be like this. This is exactly it. Seeker would know about all 16 Allomantic Powers, and probably 16 Feruchemical aswell, so when he would detect something new, he would be sure it is foreign magic, and bye-bye disguise. How do you know Skybreakers are Lie Detectors? It is some WoB? I didnt know that. Besides, its possible to steal Nahel Bond with Hemalurgy, and maintain it. Oaths arent about loyality to some conflicts side (except maybe Skybreakers). Besides (again) there are plenty people who will not be Radiants. Kandra can inpose someone so good so cannot be recognised by own family, so why Skybreaker would even need to check this one? All Scadrial need is bunch of large Ettmetal Leeching cubes and all Rosharan advantages disapears. And Scadrial have much more advanced mechanical technology, so can work (and fight) without Invested Arts. Roshar (at this moment) cant. Their greatest strengh is also their greatest weakness. Perpendicularity is limited in range, and canot be maintain forever. Everywhere above that range Rosharans would die. Also, not many Radiants reach 4th Ideal, and Spren arent numerous. It is like maybe few hundreds Honorspren in total, and they are one of more numerous Spren. And anything what is needet to kill 3th Oath and below Radiant is good rifle and aluminum bullet in the head (design to stay in wound). And tin-metalborn should make preaty good snipers for me. To kill Full Shardbearer, you need just machinegun, even without Aluminum. To kill 4th Oath Radiant and above you need heavy machinegun with aluminum ammo. This is that simple.
  6. Yeah, but we know Scadrian gems will have the same properties of holding Stormlight, so they have the same structure. Maybe this is Stormlight effect. Gems are under constant innate pressure caused by Stormlight.
  7. Metalborn are Connected to Preservation by genetics. Why Hoid wasnt using just Stormlight to fuel his Allomancy, but ingested metal instead? Hoid has the largest knowledge about Investiture in Cosmere, and is Lerasium Mistborn (and also Feruchemist). Why he caries metal with him on Roshar, if all he need is Stormlight? Answer is - he dont know how to do this. It isnt simple. This works for Feruchemy. For Allomancy they draw Preservations Investiture throu the metal. It is precisly stated in Hero of Ages, in Wobs, everywhere. Stormlight is Honors Investiture. Literaly Honor essence. To get access to Shard Power you need Connection to this shard. You have Connection to Preservation by being Scadrian. You have Connection to Honor by having Spren. This isnt interchangable (yet).
  8. But this is also Connection to the planet Problem. Every spren can exist only on Roshar (for now) and this is where Radiant Powers work. Syl states clearly this. @Valigus 1. Scadrial has literaly whole race born to war. Koloss. We dont know power level, but I think they are similar to Warform Singers. 2. Everything Scadrians need to detect Lightweaver Spy is Seeker. But Rosharans have nothing to detect Kandra. 3. With Southern Scadrial Medalions and hemalurgic spikes Scadrians have potential to have whole armies with powers. Powers witch can work anywhere, unlike Radiants - they need transport Stormlight, or take Bondsmith, both tasks dificoult. And I think if Invasion rely on one person, is very bad planed. 4. Aluminum: According to this, Aluminum is not just impossible to soulcast into something, but also very hard to get by soulcasting 5. You underestimate potential of Feruchemy (like many here). F-Bronze, F-Bendaloy, F-Cadmium allow to fight whole days, F-Zinc will allow to be tactical genius with lightning speed calculations, F-Chromium can basicly give Futursight, F-Electrum can literaly turn anyone in maniacal state, F-Gold is obviuos, F-Duralumin can do the same what Bondsmith can do, And F-Nicrosil can give ALL those skills to anyone.
  9. Aluminum on Roshar is still very, very Rare, even with Soulcasters - this mean is probably dificoult to make. And on Scadrial weve seen literaly whole rail wagon full of aluminum. Its dozens of tons. Scadrial now can make aluminum faster and chaper than Roshar. And all they need to kill Radiant (of any order) is heavy machinegun with Aluminum ammo. They allready have those (ok, they have Gatlings, but in our world Maxim made his machinegun just 20 years later). Weve seen feruchemical ability (f-iron) charged into Ettmetal, so machine can operate it. Yyyyy...
  10. Eeeee... No. Metal is metal. Right, is everywhere, and metalborn can harvest it everywhere. But this is still the same Allomancy without hacking - powered by Preservation, anywhere Allomancer happened to be. But This what you talking about is fuel Allomancy not by Preservation, but Honor instead. Noone without Connection to Honor can breath Stormlight (Vasher eats Stormlight to feed his Divine Breath, but he cannot use it to fuel any magic, no matter from Endowment or Honor). Maybe Duralumin Compounder would be able to do something with this, but not other Metalborn. Yep, and is possible to steal Nahel Bond with Hemalurgic Spike, and it works normaly - so Oaths are needet, and breaking Oaths makes Spren Deadeye.
  11. Matter made from Investiture is still matter. Is no longer Investiture. So it shouldnt work. Also, Anti-tones seems to work better if something is more Invested (Has larger Connection to the Shard) and Scadrians are not very Invested, even Allomancers arent. Probably yes, but I think spike need to be directly resonated. Should work on metalmind as well.
  12. Yep, but it not mess with Metalminds, because they are keyd to your Identity, and every one of them has own Connection to you. Connection-manipulator will need dis-Connect every single one, one by one. And skilled Ferucheist can change Charges in the run.
  13. But he dont need store/tap plain Connection. We know Duralumin Ferring can manipulate Connection to very specific people/places. Plain Connection is just the most basic usage of this. And, something people often forget, Connection has two directions. If something is Connected to you, you are Connected to this aswell. Any Connection manipulation directed against Duralumin Compounder can be easily counter.
  14. As you wish: Brandon says clearly, it depends on Orders, what mean on True Spren.
  15. Its not about what brings joy to Radiant, its about Connection between true and lesser Spren. You can see similarities in Honorspren and Windspren apearence, also Creationspren and Cryptics are similar in some way (constant changing shapes), Mistspren and Logicspren as well.
  16. From Shards probably no, but there are other beings with magical detection. Seekers, detection fabrials on Roshar and Sel, Nalthian Lifesense, Odiums seeking Voidspren... Is plenty things what can detect you, and some of them are can be hostile. As member of cosmere-wide trade (criminal?) organisation he of course doesnt want to be detected by everybody.
  17. I need remind you TLR can manipulate Connection too. Duralumin Compounding is probably less diverse than Bondsmith powers, but probably can be used as countermesure.
  18. I think you misinterpret this. Yeah, any magic can be converted in any other. But in any case isnt that that easy like you first tell us. Only some magic systems can be fueled by any Investiture relativly easy. Allomancy isnt one of them. I exagarate a little earlier, because right, you can crack Allomancy and fuel with other Investiture. But... noone knows how to do this yet. Even Hoid. This isnt simple in this case. BTW, I think Radiant would benefit more from fueling Radiancy with Allomancy. The simplest magic system to use with any Investiture is Sand Mastery, I think.
  19. Not any fuel. Only Preservation Investiture work. I dont know from you took this about "any fuel". Allomancer work only on Preservations Investiture, and only by burning metals. Every Scadrian is Connected to Preservation (and Ruin), but Allomancers are Connected more. Those WoBs are about this. You cannot fuel Allomancy with other Power than Preservations... But it seems you can power Feruchemy with other power, but still you need to figure out how: And about Metalborn being Invested:
  20. To Live is probably most apropriate. I dont think simply items from other worlds wuold be enough to force Nale to murder. Kalak knows how to free Seon, so he has to encounter this type of foreign magic before. And Nale alone seems to be ok with Nightblood, The Most Dangerous Item in whole Cosmere.
  21. This "something else" was most likely Cultivation. But this is very interesting (and relativly popular) theory - Gavilar becomes Cognitive Shadow, invested by Odium, and will come back to take back what he thinks is his. Being Cosmere-aware he can know how to do this.
  22. Scadrial, of course. Its wierd, but in every fantasy I always like the most "technological" ones. Metalic Arts are awsome, and Hemalurgy is intriguing.
  23. Blessings should resist Shardblade, more or less. Also, Invested metal has magical properties even molded and alloyed, so I thing cutting Blessing in half would not destroy it. But if part of body with Blessing will be killed, this Blessing should lose Connection to the Kandras soul, so Kandra should go mad.
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