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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. And of course Stick. On witch Cosmere world you want to live?
  2. Yes, is specific. You need to be Connected to particular Shard. Radiants cannot breath Voidlight. Even Renarin. Lift cannot breath Stormlight. Hemalurgists cannot use Mists. And Vasher can feed on Stormlight (he has to learn this) still cannot Awaken with it. We know Returned can fuel his Body with any Investiture.
  3. I think he misinterpret this - because Anti-Tone was used to remove Voidlight from Sibling Fabrial System and restore protection. This happen practicly in the same moment, so he thought it was the sound, witch hurts him, but Connection was repel by Tower Protection System.
  4. Dont think so. Even very invested by Odium Moash was just barely hurt by Anti-Odium Tone. Fused and Regals practicly didnt feel it, when Sibling was vibrating with it. And we didnt see Light pull out from people. I think Anti-Preservation Tone would cause Scadrians just headache or nausea. Maybe more intensive for Metalborn.
  5. No, you still need Connecton to particular Shard, unless you somehow solve this problem (what is very hard). And you need Focus of specific magic system. One more time, electicity analogy. You need matching plug and outlet, as well as matching voltage and amperage. So to use Investiture you are not Connected to, yoou need some sheninganings, but those are unknown yet. But some magic Systems are easier to crack than Others, for example, Aviars can be used by anyone, and SandMastery can be used with any free floating Investiture (we saw Sand charged by Stormlight), but is genetic as Allomancy/Feruchemy. And you still need Connection to the Shard what provides this powers. And those are Autonomy magic systems. Also, Hemalurgy can be used by anyone, anywhere, anytime, all you need is proper spike and Intent (but Hemalurgy probably feeds on victims Innate Investiture). But Allomancy, Feruchemy, Surgebinding, Awakening and, especialy, all Sel magic systems, need proper Conection to work.
  6. Its not what happend. Anti-tone only hurts him and stops him, but he was able to recover relativly quickly. Anti-Rythm was used by Sibling to remove Voidlight from system, and this reset Tower Supressor Fabrials to normal function, and those fabrials cut off Moash from Odium and restore his feelings. I think Anti-Preservation Tone will have rather modest effects on normal Scadrians. Maybe on metalborn will be bigger. I think more someone is Connected to particular Shard, will be more sensitive for Anti-Tones.
  7. Fights for gemhearts werent "normal" battles, they were more like raids - forces need to be quick and mobile. We know Alethi dont hesitate to take women and even children to war, and they used spanreeds before, even without scribes, just using on/off mode on reeds to comunicate via blinking code. So this isnt about war efford, this is about this specific warfare - taking scribes, women, anything what isnt soldiers slows down army. Alsothere are just few possible fight outcomes and there was no need to call for reinforcements practitcly always (I remind you, Highprinces usualy fought alone) and, due to spies, this type of message could be potentialy dangerous, because other Highprince could ambush them in the way. Also, Alethi pride.
  8. Champions have to meet on the top of Urithiru. Impossible for Reshi Island
  9. Shash is shouting Adonalsium name, when she feels Jezriens death.
  10. No. Metalborn can use his power anywhere, because they are genetic, but this mean he can burn metals/store in metals anywhere and draw power from Preservation anywhere. Not because they can just pick any Investiture. You need Connection to Shard to use its Investiture, in Scadrian and Roshar systems. Radiant need bond a Spren. Metalborn need to be born with it. There are tricks allowing You to convert one Investiture into another, but they are very limited in-world yet. For example, Vasher can feed on Stormight instead of Breaths, but he cant figure out, how to Awaken with Stormlight. Venli is able to use Voidlight and Stormlight only because she is RegalRadiant (connected to both Odium and Honor). Without Strong Connection to Honor you cannot breath Stormlight. But not Trellium spikes. This is whole point of Shadows of Self plot.
  11. Its possible, due to fact they arent Connected to Harmony (Harmony cannot see them). No, because they arent Connected to this types of Power. If someone would be metalborn AND Radiant, then maybe, but this is simply speculation. You need Connection to Shard to use its Power.
  12. Yes, is different, isnt simply Atium and Lerasium combined, but is possible to divide Ettmetal to Atium and Lerasium I have theory that Scadrians would try to get Lerasium and Atium from Ettmetal and this will propel Quantum Physics on Scadrial and they would need Particle accelerator to get those elements.
  13. This. Ruin fuels Hemalurgy so anyone with spike would need Ruins Tone, no matter what power this spike granted. We know Hemalurgy repels Preservations Investiture, so is plausible assume you need Ruin Tone, not Preservations, to match hemalurgy.
  14. Not all magic. Allomancy. You dont need to destroy key. If you cut off power, key is meaningless.
  15. This is hopeless. After this thread, I would claim @Frustration Shard. METAL ISNT POWER SOURCE! Is just the chanel for Power. Like pipe with water in home. Did pipe is source of water? NO! Vin and Elend used Mists AFTER they already burned their reserves out. Vin in fight against Inquisitors, Elend in final confrontation. Elend clearly told us that. Trell not Invested in Scadrial enough yet. He just hacks exsisting systems. For Allomancer you need Preservation Tone, for Feruchemist Harmony Tone, and for spiked/Hemalurgist Ruin Tone. Respective combination against respective combination.
  16. They can, if someone has big enough Connection with Preservation (Vin, Elend) Also: Each Surge has his own pulse. Like Metal. So according to your argumentation, there is 10 powersources on Roshar. But this is false. Is 10 types of Focus (True Spren) what channel Investiture and shape it into different Surges, but Spren arent Powersource. Honor is.
  17. Weve seen many Emotin Rythms sing by Singers or played (Rythm of Joy, Amusment etc). Each atracts other Spren. So there are "Main" Rythms, Pure Rythms, and lesser Rythms, but derived from those Pure Rythms (Venli told us straight, there are Ryhtms from Cultivation/Honor, "Old Rythms" and from Odium, "New Rythms"). On Scadrial should be similar. Mists were atracted by Allomancers and Allomancy, but repell by Hemalurgists. Behave similar to Light and Tone/Anti-Tone, dont you think? And we know Preservation and Ruin are DIRECT oposites, so its possible that ones Pure Tone is Others Anti-Tone. This is simply wrong. Metals arent power source. They are Focus, mean wire, chanel for power (unless it is Atium). Shards are power. Like (still electricity analogy) metals are different transformers for different A/V output. But still, if you cut off power, no matter witch transformer you have. And @BenduLuke, stop double-posting, or you bring down the Admins wrath.
  18. Its very posssible, even plausible, than Odiums magic is End-Negative. Hatred is basicly destrucrive, not constructive. Need to note that indeed, known Unmade require sacrifice. - Yelig-Nar consumes his host - Moelach gives glimpses of future while person is dying - Nergaoul gives passion to fight until death - Ashertmarn gives passion to feast until death - Re-Sephir simply murders people to study them Only Sia-Anat doesnt kill anyone, but this is now, she changes spren, maybe earlier she simply hurt them more directly, so this is also some sacrifice. Also Fused share similarities to hemalurgy. Spiked poeple uses exactlythe same powers as born Allomancers and Feruchemists. But They are not using Allomancy/Feruchemy but Hemalurgy. And first they need kill someone with spike to gain powers. Similary Fused - they use normal surges, but to gain them (and physical body), they need sacrifice Singer. So Fused ar Voidbinders not because they use some other Voidsurges, but because they are using Voidbinding to be back.
  19. No. Mists dont transform them, mists SNAP them. They were Mistings before, they just didnt know that. Intent is important. Lift still is connected to both Cultivation and Honor because her Spren is. Her powers are normal, just her body isnt normal, se she need different fuel. Also Renarin, his Spren still is from Honor and Cultivation mostly. Yes, spren is Red, but his Intent remains with Honor/Cultivation. Venli can use Stormlight because her Spren is from Honor, and Voidlight because her other spren is from Odium. And power inside her cancot recognise witch Surges she uses. Not sure Nightblood turns everything into corrupted Breaths. Yes, it was made with Breaths, but this is not what it is now. We also know it contains not just Endowments Investiture, but also Ruins and this is definitly not Breaths. All spren are from both Cultivation and Honor, so they are able to feed themselves with power of both parrents. Stormlight is simply more accessable.
  20. Probably this include Lead, due to fact Lead is part of Pewter alloy, and Pewter is allomanticly active.
  21. Looks like he isnt in very good relationship with Harmony, despite all their past. Also, Mists are free floating Inestiture, but 1. You need to negotiate with God to get them. 2. Practicly you cannot contain them.
  22. I cannot find it, but I remember read that Preservation intentionaly changed human metabolism to prevent being poisoned with metals.
  23. Is also many Rythms of Roshar, they attract different types of Spren, different types of Spren granted different Forms for Singer, including Forms of Power. And all Forms of Power are affected by Anti-tone of Odium, there is no need for different accords for each. This is not about characteristic usage of power, this is about power alone. Like you can use electricity in various machines in your house, but when you cut off elecrticity, all of them stops working. We actualy dont know how aluminum works when burned alone, without other metals. Maybe bigger reserves of other metals speed burnig up. What actualy make sence, because Duralumin behave similar. Two steps: 1. Get behind Radiant with steel speed. 2. Crush helmet and ripp off head with pewter strengh and steel speed. And this is just the simplest way. Probably can store them, with proper charge can cancel them.
  24. Yep, Godmetal is Shards Body. So Lerasium is Preservations body, Atium Ruins, Ettmetal Harmonys, Raisium Odiums, Honorblades metal is Honors Body (Tanavastium), Shardblades are mixed Tanavastium and Koravarium (Cultivations) and so on, but we yet to see other Godmetals. Investiture can manifest in 3 states like other matter - solid, as metal, gaseous, as mists/Lights, and also liquid (in Shardpools, in Perpendicularity mostly, but not always).
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