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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. I can put here dozens WoBs talking about mists and yes they are technicly the same as Stormlight. Of course, Stormlight is Investiture, mean, Body of Honor (not vessels Body, essence of Shard) in gaseous form, and Mists are Investiture of Preservation/Ruin/Harmony. As well as Lifelight is Cultivations Body.
  2. No. Seons/Skaze are spren equivalent from Sel. Dor itself is gaseous Investiture of Devotion and Dominion, mean Lights, just pushed into Cognitive Realm. Evil, right, probably is something more, because Can create Cognitive Shadows, and is hostile to humans, so indeed, probably this is some equivalent of Stormfather. But also there is a lot of Free Ambitionlight.
  3. Also, Dor on Sel is mixed Devotionlight and Dominionlight. Evil on Threnody is Ambitionlight.
  4. Yes. Even two types of Light. Bright mists is Preservationlight and dark mists is Ruinlight. Sometimes are Grey mists and this is Harmonylight.
  5. Is this confirmed by some WoB? Because my innitial thought was that were the metalmind rings (duralumin ones) he took from Feruchemists corpse.
  6. No, you will need just few tones: - Anti-Preservation tone for Mistborn and Mistings (and it makes me mad when you are refering every allomancer and allomancer-ferruchemist hybrid as Mistborm. Mistborn is very specific Allomancer, this one who can burn all metals) - Anti-Ruin for Hemalurgic Constructs and spiked people - Ant-Harmony for Ferruchemists - Combined Ant-Preservation and Anti-Harmony for Twinborn There is also Trell, he probably has his own Tone (Anti-Autonomy?) And yes, Coppercloud probably can shield Scadrians. Probably in the South, in Ettmetal Mines (or wherever Southerners get it). Also, Ettmetal. It has very interesting properties - can store Investiture and magifie its Effect. Noone is talking about it, and this is Scadrian wild card. And primer-cube grenades are just the simpliest way to use it. Also, we know is possible to make Lerasium and Atium from Ettmetal. We also know Sazed can make Lerasium ans Atium if he wants to. So simply ask him and we can have as many metalborn as we want (my theory is lerasium-ettmetal alloy is what is needet to make Ferruchemist). BTW, full Ferruchemist with full metalminds kills Radiant who cannot fly in like 9 times of 10.
  7. I disagree. Odium probably refuses to grant Access to Adhesion, because he doesnt want to be traped and also doesnt want trap others (just kill them). But Adhesion is manipulating Connection and Connection is universal thing in Cosmere and Odium can manipulate it (Making Fused, Venlis Voidpowers).
  8. This is only partialy true. Indeed is no full feruchemists post-Sazed. But there is most likely accessable Perpendicularity on Scadrial - due to specific Scadrial Investiture Cycle, God Metals form near Perpendicularity. Ettmetal is Harmonys Godmetal, so in the South is probably accessable Perpendicularity. (I also think Scadrial has two Perpendicularities and one is in the North, because Worldhoppers apear in the North, and I doubht Hoid , Khriss and Nazh want to trip on foot from South.)
  9. Hoid is lightweaver, and is master actor. He also Cannot Die. But for other men, its different story. Rashek had practicly total controll over Terrisans, and total controll over both Scadrian Perpendicularities. But prior Rashek ascencion Wheel was on Terris Mountains and was known among highlanders.
  10. Dalinar saw it in one vision. This one on the Purelake. He recognizes this Plate, and Radiant is most likely Dustbringer. Smokestance has variation for dual-wielding. But I think after reviving Testament Shallan will safely unbond one of her Spren - we know it is possible, though somewhat painfull for spren.
  11. This. Nahel Bond isnt simply Connection between human and Spren. Bonded with Nahel Bond Spren and Human becoms one Entity from the point of view from Spiritual Realm. They are meldet into one. Probably adding also corresponding lesser spren to it, because Plate has also the same Identity. All elements of Investet System Radiant-True Spren-Lesser spren have the same Identity. So Spren and Radiant are meldet into one entity, and when Bond is broken, Spren has part of itself, this part meldet with human, literaly ripped off. So to restore this part, Spren needs to meld with human again and rebuild it, using human mind and human Innate Investiture. Practicly, new Bond is needet. Also, probably human has to progress Oaths to the 3th level at least, because this is when Spren manifested itself as a Blade, so this is also when Spren can return from material Blade form to the normal cognitive form. Shallan will have much easier job with Testament, because she was its Radiant, so need to just rebuild their previous Bond. His old Dead Plate was probably Dustbringer Plate, so no connection (and Connection) with Maya. We dont know witch lesser spren will respond to Edgedacer, probably Lifespren.
  12. He apears just two times on the pages of RoW, but I still find him very interesting. First, we see him as steward during Gavilars feast, he speaks with Navani. Is mentioned he has many rings on his fingers. Second, we see him as corpse, as he is murdered by Mraize. We can assume its the same person. His eyes changed and his rings are gone. Also, we learn he had Aviar of some sort. So what he is doing here? And witch organization he served? Scadrian worldhoppers are associated with few organizations, each with other one. Demoux is from 17th Shard. Felt is independent. Axindweth is associated with Gavilar and Sons of Honor (probably) but is also linked to some other organisation (Set maybe? Dont think she is Ghostblood). Yiatil is Ghostblood. So who he is? Is he one of Harmonys agents? Is he 17th Shard? Why Mraize killed him? Is he rival Ghostblood?
  13. Another wild theory: He is Ashynite. All humans on Roshar are descendents from Ashyn Humans, and Shin are changed least, so they will share similar look with Ashynite. Also, he is bald and looks sick. Could be Incubator with some Ashynite disease related to time. What he is doing? No idea.
  14. This is in fact similar process to... Burning allomanticly Atium. Atium is pure Investiture and is converted entirely into futursight and faster processing (mean energy). After being burned, atium-Investiture is dispersed and regrowh in Time. So with anti-light and light will be similar.
  15. Quick and fast theory. We know there are only 3 Bondsmiths, one for each godspren. 1. for Stormfather, related directly to Honor. 2. for Nightwatcher, related directly to Cultivation 3. for Sibling, related directly and equaly for both Shards. But now, Odium is also part of the Rosharan Investiture Ecosystem. He is fully involved into System, Planet is fully Invested by him. He also have smoething similar to Godspren himself, but is possible we will get others with mixed Intents, similar to Sibling. So my predictions for new Bondsmiths: 4. for Ba-Ado-Mishram, related directly to Odium 5. for something related to Odium and Honor equaly, Everstorm is highly Invested, may become conscious. 6. fore something related to Odium and Cultivation equaly, Sia-Anat seems to be good candidat. 7. For something related to all 3 shards equaly. I dont see anything for this by now. We also have Ishar, unbounded Bondsmith, with his Honorblade. So this can give us 8 Bondsmiths in total.
  16. We know gemstones on Roshar are exactly the same gems, chemicaly speaking, as on Scadrial, and Scadrial is practicly Earh equivalent in Cosmere. Here is WoB: And I also dont see for what Scadrial would need Stormlight. They have their own technology and technomagic, and all they need is Ettmetal, rather easy to obtain because probably grows in Perpendicularity, and Metalborn/unkeyd Medalion/Hemalurgic Spike with proper power to charge Ettmetal bateries. They even have Mists, all they need is just talk to Harmony.
  17. Sibling manifests as combination of metals and crystals, entire tower/mountain is his body. They are not made from godmetal, but from normal materials, bu in somewhat distinctive pattern. Also, Surge Fabrials are also made from normal metals. I think Rythm is what matterns here. Exact combination os metals and crystals will give proper Rythm, when vibrated. In case of Sibling, Urithiru is theirs body. In case of Surge Fabrials, fabrials are theirs bodies. In case of normal fabrials, Spren trapped inside gemstone dont have body manifested, cage of fabrial is in some sence artificial body for spren.
  18. Revolution sounds very like Cultivation + Odium - you make New order, in place of old, destroyed one. Growth + destruction.
  19. We know from Venli/Eshonai flashbacks that Everstorm was build from Decades in Shadesmar. So with Taln still on Braize, Voidspren entered the Shadesmar and apear on Roshar, first in Cognitive Realm and next in Physical. Probably not just Voidspren but Fused as well. So Odium works around the Oathpact to bring his forces on Roshar, but doing so he probably accidentally relased Taln and he was able to Return.
  20. I dont see any main character as Odiums champion. Adolin? - He completed his mision, healed his wife mostly and also acomplished something impossible (makes Deadeye talk), all by being just himself. All his insecurities are gone by now. Besides, he would never stand against his father. Kaladin? - Take up pain? What pain? He deals with it and accepts it. It will be against his 4th Oath. Shallan? - She also no longer hide from herself. Maybe she has some lies, but with Adolin she can deal with them. So noone from them will be Odiums champion. Not in 10 days after the great victory against him. I can see Odium giving up Contest, because winning will not buy him freedom, and loosing just takes some land from him and he still has influence on other lands, even on Shins, so he can continue war without being involved by person, especialy if some Singers decide to fight anyway.
  21. I had the same thought. I think contest will START the 5th book, and Dalinar would win it... only to discover it doesnt really matter, because Ishar was influenced by Odium to the point he starts some sheninganings with his unchained powers. Ishar thinks he saved Shin from Unmade, but probably he is under controll of one of them. Tod will be chained to the contract, but Ishar would work for him and will free him. Nightblood is wild card. It can literaly destoy anything, so even if Dalinar would fight against something immortal, its enough he will be wielding Nightblood and immortality doesnt matter anymore.
  22. We know also Chasmfiends can bond spren. Maybe they can enhance theirs inteligence by proper bond.
  23. There is few similarities in all technomagic in Cosmere. Metals. Waves (Frequencies and colors). Preservation, Ruin, Devotion, Endovment, Honor, Cultivation, Odium, all of them provide Power, but there is other thing what chanells it. And maybe this is Invention part. If this is true, this mean Inventions Investiture is very wide spread across Cosmere.
  24. So I need to quote myself from this very topic:
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