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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. Is Shardplate made from metal active in Metalic arts? No. Or theoreticly yes, but this is tricky - We know about Allomancer, for Feruchemist will be similar, Connection to Honor is needet, if you want to use Honor Godmetal allomanticly (or feruchemicly). So someone need to be Connected to Preservation, Ruin AND Honor. After that, yes, Feruchemist will be able to store in Tanavastium whatever can be store.
  2. Yes, it can. But Aluminum property of being Shardblade-resistant wasnt widely known, at least among "normal" humans. I find it wierd that even Taravangian or Navani isnt even thinking about aluminum as shardblade-resistant while they obviously know about its anti-Investituree properties. Only answer I can find is that this is kept secret by artifabrians, but why, idk.
  3. I was thinking about storing Strengh in pewterminds. This should be advantage during training - you dont need many various weights, you need just one, and just store more and more of strengh during training. Also, this can be good method for "looking harmlessly" and also as camouflage - you can literaly change size, so you can wear whatever you wants (mean, size).
  4. Very good idea, but I still think that they are using Cohesion. We've seen in Dalinars Vision Stoneward who was using cohesion and this can be very easly used to build. Also, reshaping microbs should be possible, while hard (because Cohesion is very hard to use on living things) but this shouldnt be a problem for milenia-expirienced Fused. Name of Fused can also reflect that - Those who Alter - change shape of object.
  5. So I think this is lesser spren. Any other thing what changes shape is Shardplate. Aluminium is magicly inert, so it cant change shape magicly.
  6. Maybe Taln himself proposed this to Ishar? He wasnt angry for betrayal, he was happy for all this time he gave humanity. Maybe this was his idea - to stay on Braize and hold Odium, and other Heralds can direct humanity advancement?
  7. They are not made from aluminum - simply because Aluminum isnt wide known among Roshar - even Taravangian in Oathbringer speaks about it as "SIlvery metal mention in legends". The arent Fabrial either, they dont have gemstones attached. They work simply via Friction (and maybe patterns on blade) - only cutting edge of Shardblade is capable of cutting everything, during mouvment. You can still attach something to the sides of Shardblade, making simply spacer between edge of blade and something else. As well as you can catch Shardblade via 'Last Clap".
  8. I think Logicspren is needet to "translate" pattern of Cage to imprisoned spren. Basicly is bounded to Cage and reacts when cage is changing, and imprisoned spren reacts after this, generating effect of fabrial.
  9. I also think Fannahn-im have Cohesion. Is much more fitting for builders, also can very good explain how Raboniel is going to corrupt heart of Sibling - she is going to mold metal around Gem and re-shape it, changing cage of this fabrial. This will also set interesting dynamic between Raboniel and Venli - as Venli will be the one, who will undo Raboniels work (under Navanis direction probably).
  10. Every Surge Has physical and spiritual aspect - can affect Physical Realm and Spiritual Realm. Very good example is Adhesion, Physical aspect is manipulation od pressure, Spiritual aspect is Connecting people.
  11. First, Brandon confirms that this is not Spook's body. On phone I cannot quote WoB but its easy to find. Second, Kelsier apear on South just few years after Catacendre, (we can see this in Memorycoin, its still the same generation od Southerners) - in this Time Spook ruled healthy in Elendell.
  12. What Lift is doing is practicly Cultivation's version of Allomancy, but with food instead of metals. Also, part of Bondsmith powers is leading and connecting people, Spiritual Adhesion - and Windrunners have this power too, this is why they have many squires and why they often are great leaders. Every Surge has Physical and Spiritual aspect. Also, ability to go into space or underwater cannot be ignored (I think Dustbringers will do better underwater but Windrunners also can do the trick).
  13. We count Compounder as one or as two? If as one, the most OP combo will be (classic) Steel Compounder+ Dustbringer. Also, Elantrian + Duralumin Ferring, or, even better, Duralumin Compounder. Not very strong but very interesting is Bendaloy Ferring + SandMaster.
  14. I think yes, man have pain receptors after all.
  15. I dont think Gostbloods are interested in controling planets. At least not Shardworlds. As we all know, shardworlds have Investiture easier or harder, but available. But is place, where any Investiture is very valuable. I think Ghostbloods want to take over Cognitive Realm. ALL Cognitive Realm. Not by force, but by Investiture as money. With this, they can literaly control inter-planetary trade and even mouvment. Can even isolate entire worlds and Shards, bounded to them. I think this can be basis for Era 4 plot - that Ghostbloods takes over CR and to be independent, Shardworlds develop space travel in PR (Scadrial mainly). Also, to take Stormlight off Roshar, they need perfect gems. On Roshar is very hard to aquire this, so I think they need to bring gems. I also think that Scadrial will be source of perfect gems - corundum can be synthetic, and this in reach of even current Scadrian technology.
  16. Also, Sebarial wants to be in charge of mouvment throu the Oathgates in Oathbringer (as Highprince of Trade) - this was given by Dalinar to Fen, and he didnt liked it. I think it will be possible to confirm this - Sia-Anat promises to send one of her "children" to bond with Gostbloods member, and if Sebarial gets corrupted Spren... (most likely Lightspren, because he will be very good Willshaper).
  17. So I was right about conjoiners - in current chapter Navani confirms that paired fabrials need to split Spren in half.
  18. But we still can have fabrial-powered nukes, due to the Transformation surge. Just soulcast rock into Uranium235 in critical mass and we have it.
  19. Endovment is 5. We dont know about others, but because Brandon is taking inspirations from near-eastern culture, I gave the brief look into Kabal, jewish numerology. And what I found: 1 is tied with Bravery and Leadership, but also with greed and Egoistic manipulation, also impatience. Also worth to note that 10= 1 because is1+0. Bravery and Leadership? Reminds of anyone? 2 Is tied with femine nature, diplomacy, but also anxiety and apathy 3 is tied with elements of fire, water and air, selfcontrol and independence, but also egoism, cold and gambling. Autonomy. 4 is tied with determination, hard work, and love for nature. Cultivation 5 is tied with bravery, trade and independence, but also with tricks, gossips and lack of responsibility. When you look close at Returned, you can see corelation. 6 is tied with love and friendship, but also with puissance and envy. Also 15=6 Can be Ruin, one or other. Also Dominion. 7 is mistic number, tide with knowledge, peace, but also sacrifice and sensitivity. Also 16=7 and 16 - Preservation 8 is tied with responsibility, positive thinking, greed, fast judging and... ambition ;-) 9 is tied with Justice, forgivness, imagination and traveling, but also envy, greed and egoism. 13 is tied with unity and love, also giving everything. Devotion
  20. Not very possible that he has medalions. He dont have mask, so he isnt from South, and at this time Medalions arent known among Northen Scadrians. If he is just ferring, most possible is he is Connector. What reminds me... Do you remember Allomacer Jak's steward, Handerwym?
  21. More even, it can be Feruchemist from before Final Empire - we all know what Lord Ruler do to Terrrisans. Also, can be Feruchemist from 17th Shard, who live in Silverlight. We know population of Southerners live in Shadesmar, why not Terrisans? More interesting question is, Why he is here. Is he agent of Harmony?
  22. Not so wierd. Because Atium is Godmetal and can be also additionaly Invested - as Hemalurgic Spike or Metalmind. But now when I think about it, I see that Atium is somwat wierd, we know that Lerasium Investiture will interfer, if someone will use it as Spike. Easiest explanation is that Atium is less Invested than Tanavastium or Lerasium (but we have WoB that it is not true. Or Brando change his mind).
  23. Last chapter seems to confirm this Theory, in my eyes at least. It is something what Rock says: We know that Horneaters worship Spren. One powerfull Spren is Godspren, and we know where other two Godspren are - Stormfather in the sky, Nightwatcher in the Valley (underneath Urithiru). Only one Godspren can be on Peaks. Sibling. Also, Rock "goes to Gods" - I think literaly. He is going to into pools on peaks, and use Cultivations Perpendicularity to go into Shadesmar and give himself under spren judgement. There are Spren attached to Justice, Highspren. So is possible that Highspren will send him to the Sibling.
  24. I think is more like Goths conquer Italy. Those people was forced to abandoned their homes by some force (in this case by other tribe- Huns) and first were refugees inside other country, but after that they used weakness of previos country and take over.
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