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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. Upmade maybe? Wierd, but sugestive...
  2. Technicly, Preservation dont break Oath - he knows that he will be weaker than Ruin at the end. He delay him. Also, I understand whole thing as Honor using Cosmere-wide mechanic to bond Odium. First, Honor with Cultivations help are both stronger than Odium alone, so to make chances equal Odium had to "step down" and bring fight on human level. He tried to Invest as little as possible, but by creating Oathpact Honor forced him to Invest more - because against resurecting Heralds he need his own forces (Unmade and Fused). And doing so, Odium bond himself by Investing into system. And re-Invest is realy hard, and will exhaust him. So he has to go around. I also think Odium wasnt alone when he killed Honor. "WE killed you" remember? I think Autonomy has Avatar on Ashyn.
  3. Yep, thats right. Willshapers were freedom-seekers, but they also were engineers and builders. Even Venli was Listener Spren Sientist. Willshaper will explain all further, maybe even in-person. It was whole year, more and more Radiants apear in Dalinars forces, it will be nothing wierd if some Radiant from new order would come. I think, it is Shin. It is statet i OB that Shins HATE Spanreeds, but if they hate Spanreeds, they will hate Navanis Airship thousand times more. And they can use Truthless.
  4. Question is, why Nahel Bond (or equivalent of it for Singers) wasnt discovered earlier by Singers and Spren, why they dont try it? It is natural for Singers bond with Spren. It is possible that sitting in gemheart of Singer is too similar for True Spren to being traped/enslaved. Also is possible that true spren have more freedom, because if is bond with human, can move around in its form.
  5. It was about some constructions in Urithiru, right? I dont have time to search now. Kalami isnt artifabrian, but even then someone can recognise metal or that construction is Fabrial, without knowing function or exact mechanics - i.e. Shallan in WoR. Besides, I think cages of fabrial clocks are made from gold.
  6. We even have evidence of this - Navani, when she recive misterous message, just picks up ruby, and it was active (blinks). I think (and I mention in this topic earlier) that pair of conjoiners/reversers are made form one spren, and one spren exist in two connected parts in two gems simultanously. And have to be split during process. Maybe need zinc-brass cage to switch between modes (alert/recive/send) but for basis it dont need any. P.S. Can mod merge my two posts?
  7. Probably yes, Investiture can be converted one into other. Noone knows yet how to do that, but this should be theoreticly possible.
  8. Yeah, and because Dawnshards have power of Bonding, so this will be probably Honor. I have also theory about Ashyn, maybe we can Fuse them:
  9. They can Soulcast to Steel. Even standard Soulcasters can do this - 8th Essence, Foil. Soulcasting is just too Investiture - consuming and its not long-term solution - simpler and faster is make 1 form and cast dozens of bronze swords, than soulcast every one of them.
  10. Scars are part of his history, part who he is. He is probably even proud of them, so they wont heal. Also, if he has not enough Stormlight, it will heal only the most dangerous wounds and nothing left for more. Also, we know that dark Eyes not become light right after becoming Radiant. Kal get his eyes light when he progressed in Oaths. And they dont last long.
  11. It have to be magical healing (normal Investiture healing mean - restoring spiritual/cognitive ideal), not just fast regeneration, simply because there are parts of body what cannot be simply regrow - Wayne mention that he broke his spine many times, and this isnt damage what can be simply regenerate. We also saw Miles's body actively pulling out shot from wound. We also know that Aluminum in wound will stop F-Gold based healing - if this would be simply regeneration, it aluminum shouldnt have any effect (besides physicly blocing wound like any other metal) So yes, practicly F-Gold works like Stormlight healing. Difference is, F-Gold has more limited power source (in terms of raw power) - only humans inner Investiture. You practicly storing your Ideal Self-Image in metalmind converted into Investiture and when you need to tap it, you actively rostiring this Image. And this is why Gold Compounding is the purest Investiture Healing.
  12. You can expect this. This sword can literally vaporized Thunderclast, also Odium is aware (and probably scared) of this blade - he directly ordered one Fused to steal sheeth, living Szeth to die - with sheeth someone will probably gather blade later. Also, Szeth is in the jail. It was probably political agreement of some sort, or Dalinar want to siply hide him from other rulers - they suspect that Alethi want to conquer them, is no need to hit them with Assasin in the White person following Dalinars every step.
  13. Yeah, I had the same feeling. Adolin is able to reconise his wife's personalities, so its possible that he will be the one who force Last Truth from Shallan. He will listen all of four of them and this will help Shallan and kick him forward to become Radiant. Reading last Chapter I also had feeling that Adolin will be the one who will be mediator between Venli's fraction and Dalinar. Remember, he was connected to Eshonai in few ways (first he listen to her, later he kills her).
  14. Im on @StanLemon s side. Steel is very wide term and describe various alloys. Many of them cannot be even manufactured without proper technology - and we dont hear about blast fournaces. Have they even coal on Roshar? We dont hear about mines. They may have steel good enough for making weapons, but have they steel good enough for precise fabrials? Yeah, they can soulcast it - but they need to find proper alloy physicly first, they cannot just soulcast whatever they imagine. Of course all what @Innovation mentioned matters, but Navani is very specific - they dont know proper metal.
  15. I dont see 3 Bondsmiths interfer with each other, simply because they would have different roles. Stormfathers Bonsmith as War Bondsmith, Nightwatchers as Economy/Population Bonsmith, Siblings as Sience Bondsmith. And yes, one of them will be on paper superior to others simply for practical reasons, but probably they will be more like triuumvirat.
  16. As you see, external/internal thing is more about energy source but what about thinking as Feruchemy is always internal, and Allomancy always external? Internal effect of Allomancy is, nomen omen, effect, and clasification metod, but mechanism can be external. In 1st Era, when they did clasification, they didnt have all information. And you can see wierd mind gymnastic when Kel was talking to Vin about Copper and Bronze. Lets go through metals: Iron - this is easy A-external, F-Internal. Of course, weight generate gravity, but still is Internal change Steel - the same. Tin - Allomantic Tin is external, because is adding additional information to senses or brain from external source. Body is absorbing the sameamount of data from environment, but gains more information. In this case we can see "dimnisher effect" - senses need less stimuls to work with standard strengh Feruchemical Tin is internal, because works internal - simply by changing sensitivity of senses in conventional way. Pewter - This is very similar to Tin. Allomantic Pewter is external, because is prowiding additional strengh to muscles without physicly changing them. So this strengh must be external. Feruchemical Pewter changes directly muscle mass and strengh. Internaly. Zinc - Easy one, no need to explain. We can find External effect of Feruchemy - its speeding up processing of external information. But still I think A-external F-Internal as a whole. Brass - Also easy one. If you want to, you can find external effect of brass, but this will be strech. Copper - As I mention earlier, A-Copper is clearly external. Is hiding drom detection, and I think is not shielding (pasivly) but in fact is Interfering with Bronze. Bronze - the same as Copper. Gives additional external information about environment. Cadmium - easy one, no need to explain. Bendalloy - The same. Gold - Similary like Tin and Bronze, A-Gold is providing you with information from external source - Spiritual realm. Electrum - the same as Gold. Aluminum - A-Aluminum is external, because is activly pulling out Investiture. Is like vacuum cleaner. F-Aluminum - Identity is as Internal as something can be. Duralumin - A-Duralumin is external because is working opposite to Aluminum - is pushing into body additional Investiture. F-Duralumin is Internal, because is modifying Connection of Feruchemist to things around. Chromium - Easy one. A-Chromium is directing A-Aluminum effect on someone else. And we dont know much about Fortune. Nicrosil - Also Easy one. A-Nicrosil is similar to A-Duralumin. F-Nicrosil is storing Innate Investiture - internal human Investiture. Probably need some hacking to store something else. I know Im now shaking the system, but I think easier is see Internal-external division as only nomenclature, artificial construct made for easier clasification. Like early Linneus system for animals.
  17. This theory is bit streched, bu I think its interesting. Maybe some others have it, but I didnt see anything similar. We know, that Roshar Planet and Roshar System number is 10. Everything on Roshar is revolving around this number - ten Surges, ten Essences, ten Radiant Orders and so on. But is one incosistency. We have only 9 types of Inteligent Spren, Radiants Spren. Bondsmith Godspren are not "type" every one of them is unique. So should be one more type of inteligent spren. So where they are? Answer - bonded in Surge Fabrials. Soulcasters, Regrowth Fabrials, Oathgates etc. This type of Spren can be called Servespren - they like to help Humans. They can form Nahel Bond, but they dont like possibility to serve just one human/few humans, so they dont want to. In exchange, they chose to have artificiall bodies - Fabrials - and grant their powers to anyone. And is one more Spren who did the same thing - Godspren Sibling. They have artificiall body - Urithiru - and serve everybody. I think Sibling is related to those Spren in the same way Stormfather is related to Honorspren - can be literaly "parrent" for them, can create them, and also can "grow" bodies for them. Yes, I think Soulcasters were not made, they grew in Urithiru. They can be made, of course, as normal fabrials, but first soulcasters probably grew. Servespren can grant any Surge, but only one, and it is limited by his body - Fabrial. You can ask - witch surges can Servespren grant, if he is Bonded by proper Nahel Bond? Its simple - Adhesion and Tension (in physical aspects).
  18. Compounding is more Allomancy than Feruchemy. You using Preservation Power filtered with Invested Metal - basicly you have magic Focus corelated with you,a dn this is what you really do, only change Focus - basicly full mealminds ate just new metal (physicly identical, but magicly different). Yep, thats right. But they are stil "controling device". Gemstone can be, and Spren is freed. one way or other, Spren is lost.
  19. I think this can be similar (in smaller scale) to relation Shard-vessel. Mean, after bonding with Yelig-Nar, host instinctively know what he can do with Surges and how, but he has to learn how to use them efficiently. He know how to make Lashing, but he need to learn precise directions or strengh of it, and so on. We also know that host of Yelig-Nar, similary to Fused, can have limited access to Investiture and Progression is very Investiture-Intensive - so maybe Amaram heal himself only to some point after fall, and then stops and uses Tension to keep fighting.
  20. Singers gemheart is integrated with their bones. And bones are partialy made from metal - in humans case it is calcium, but Singers are build differently. But I agree, Singers are not Fabrials. Or not conventional ones. It seems like their forms are more similar to Feruchemy - Spren trapped in Gemheart is using Singer inner Investiture. They need Stormlight (or Voidlight) to fuel Change - change form is mainly mind chnage (to be more similar to spren Intent), and when Change is complete, Spren needs only Inner Investiture of Singer. Also, Fabrials seems to work on basic level as "reversed" Allomancy. In Allomancy metals are Focus of magic, and they are destroyed in process. And "controling device" is Allomancer - living mind. In Fabrials Spren (living mind) trapped in gemstone is Focus of magic, he is not destryoed, but gemstone can be. And "controling device" is metal cage.
  21. Also, you canot unconsciously swear oaths. As well as you cannot accidently stabb someone into heart and gain hemalurgic spike, or you cannot Awake with random phrase, and you cannot tap unsealed metalmind without knowing its purpose. Magic on Cosmere requires Intent.
  22. I have theory that any conjoiner/reverser pair of fabrials is in fact one fabrial, and have one spren splited in to halves, and this is painfull process. So if this is true, that ship powered by thousands of conjoiners, with need to replace them after trip with next thousands, will be very drastic for spren. I also like theory about Shin.
  23. Probably, like you need exact shape of Aons, similarly you need exact shape of wires. So addet new can do nothing at best, or even cause malfunction of fabrial.
  24. "Merly fair" is much, much more than many, many lighteyes. He dont show as special interest to change social status quo, but wy have his PoV, we can read his thoughts and we know that he treats all people equaly. He probably smply doesnt think about darkeyes situation - but this can change now. He is Shardbearer and Highprince now, but at the same point, Radiant Squire is more valiable in battle. In some sence, his situation now is similar to high-ranked darkeyes earlier - often with money and prestige, but still with lower social status than lowest lighteyes. This wierd status can force Adolin to re-think about social structure. Also, as I mention, he is Highprince now. For highprince, second and third Ideal of Edgedancers could be very important. So this can be it - he would be listening people whole days. So is he perfect Edgedancer? No. But is he Edgedancer material? Definitly yes. And come on. Windrunner yes, he fits very well. Stoneward yes, he fits, but debatable - he even dont like war at all. But Elsecaller? He fits Elsecaller main goal, but this is it. He dont fit with temperament and with self-controll. He also tend to be daring. Dustbringer? - Adolin like to keep things whole, not deconstruct them. But he remembers that this sword is more than just Blade, even before he meets her in Shadesmar.
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