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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. Its possible that, like with Allomantic Soothing and Rioting is possible to achieve similar effects with opposite actions. For example, you can have heater normaly with pewter cage set by deafult to emit heat, but with addition of steel and iron elements it can be set to absorb heat (with the same strengh). So it would work as dimnisher, but not directly, but more like anti-Augmenter. Spook thoughts in Hero of Ages coms to mind.
  2. But is still not THAT popular. This still is new invention, and this is in text. We have little bit shifted view, because Dalinar as highprince and marshal, has many of them, but this is not norm. For example, Shallan is surprised than Tyn has one, and Scar and Drehy are described as "lucky" because they met merchant with one. Is like telegraph in late 18th century. Popular and usefull, but its not like everyone has one. And you miss the point. Im not talking how popular spanreeds are, im talking that they look like "normal writing reeds" - and this mean, they are not made from metal.
  3. Dont think so. Is clearly stated in text that spanreeds looks like standard writing reeds, with attached gem on side. In pre-industrial world, metal writing devices sometimes apear, but they were not very popular, much more were popular quills or, nomen-omen, reeds. First mass-produced metal pens in our world apear in 19th century! Before that, metal pens were simply too expensive. Birds arent very popular on Roshar, so Rosharans probably use Reeds - we also saw Reeds used to other purposes. So if spanreed is metal, will not be describe as "looking as normal writing reed" but "looking as a fancy metal writing reed" Is also other thing. During writing with spanreed writer has to hold double mass of pen - on his side and on another side. So is very clear that pen needs to be as light as possible - should be even lighter than "standard" pen.
  4. Im against Sibling being involed because: 1. Is "Slumbering" 2. Any spren whitch is against hurting other spren will not use spren-fueled device. But I like concept of Herald and Sleepless cooperating. Sleepless were Radiants and Heralds allies during Desolations, so its very possible that Sleepless and Heralds know each other, unless some of them.
  5. "Zostawcie go w spokoju" is for masculine person. This will mean "Leave him alone". And we all know that Sibling is neither male or female. Luckily, in Polish we have also neutral person. More common for objects, but not uncommon for people either. Good example is "Child" - "Dziecko". Child is "it" in Polish (like in German, where you have "das Kind"). Example: When you see few people bullying child and to stop them, you will shout: Zostawcie go (Leave him) - if this is boy. Zostawcie ją (Leave her) - if this is girl Zostawcie je - if you cannot tell its boy or girl so you relate to "child". Neutral person. But, this sentence is interesting because in Polish, dependent on context, "Zostawcie je" can mean also "Leave it" (singular neutral) and "Leave them" (if "they" are plural feminine or neutral. For plural masculine, will be "Zostawcie ich"). So cannot be used against your theory, without context is perfectly ambiguous.
  6. Conjoiners and Reversers are wierd fabrials. Maybe because how popular they are, noone looks at the difference between them and "normal" fabrials. They dont need cages. Navani in new chapter just casualy pick up ruby and place it on reed. Also, this ruby was active alone, without reed (or anything). Earlier, we have mention that gems have to be split from one and two halves move as one (in same direction rubys, in opposite direction amethysts). Only gems. Without metal cages. They always behave the same way, they dont have modificators of mouvment (if one move, other half move with the same speed, with respective direction - same or opposite). So no metal is needet to make conjoiners and reversers. Its all precisely cuted gem and spren. I think in fact, pair of conjoiners (or reversers) are not two fabrials, but ONE fabrial. They contain only one spren in two gems - and this is why they move as one. Because they ARE one. And now starts the funny part. Because spren need to be physicly (or cognitivly) split to be in two pieces, but also need to be one spiritualy. And this will be not nice. Spliting process is probably very painfull for spren, because of perception (is one entity, should be in one place, but now is in two places! Error). This explains also, why Navani had this wierd message in last chapter. Technology was available earlier, but spanreeds, even now more popular, are still not as popular as they could be. Also, once reed is made, can last very long (we dont know about cracked gems in spanreed), so spren is in wierd state, but not in pain. On the other hand, to move airship, is needet thousands gems. this meen thousands spren splited. Also, we know that gems can crack. When gem crack, crew need to replace it with new pair. This mean, more and more suffering spren. And will be only worse, because we all know that it not ends on one ship.
  7. As you wish ;-) In polish translation this: Is translated as: In Polish, "to be" (and other verbs as well) is inflected by person, and also has form singular and plural. In this quote, Sibling is described in 3d person, and is singular (jest), in relation to plural (są). If Sibling is collective, first sentence should be translated not "Nie jest z nami" but "Nie są z nami".
  8. But Teft, as expirienced with Addiction, more likely can recognise that Stormlight can be addictive. So will be very good person to help Kal and pull out him from this.
  9. Lopen of course seems to like everybody, and Hatered seems to simply not fit with him, but maybe he hates someTHING? Maybe sea? Or ships? So Oath can be like: I will protect everybody, even in places I hate.
  10. Unfortunatelly, type of Gem is not directly dependent on type Blades Order - Oathbringer is Stoneward Blade so should have Topaz as Gem, but has Heliodor.
  11. A-Aluminum can be useful during trips to places when raw kinetic Investiture can be used against someone. It can remove Investiture from body - this mean reverting Shade touches or protection against Surges or agressive Aons. Im curious if burning Aluminum can prevent from stealing power with Hemalurgic spike (of course, spiked person will be dead anyway, but Hemalirgist will gain nothing) Im also courious how Genetics will develop on Scadrial. Would be possible to create artificialy Metalborns? Use in-vitro technology and breed genetically engineered allomancers and feruchemisits? Probably this is question more for Era 4 than 3, but stil....
  12. Point is, someone dont have to fit very good into Order to be in it. I doubht that all Bridgemen are as good candidates for Windrunners as Kal. Example - Lopen. He will be very good Edgedancer. Its not about who he is now, but who he could become. Adolin can be Edgedancer (as good as he can be Windrunner, Skybreaker, Stoneward or Willshaper) not because he fits perfectly, but because for his Balde - Maya, he can grow to be this Radiant. He not atract spren, he intentionaly BECOMES match for his Blade. Journey before destination.
  13. Probably just cuts like normal matter - awakening not "add" soul to the object, not normal awakening. Of course, more Breaths awakened object will have, harder will be for Shardblade cut this - to the point of complet resistance.
  14. You konw, I was sure about it, I dont knoow why, because now I cannot find it Yeah, I thought about it too, but this contradicts my theory, because it assumes Dai-Gonarthis influencing Urithiru, and this city is as far from coast as is possible. So is one or other. Also, Unmade are not related very closly to related gods. Nergaoul share similarities with Nergal (god of sun-fire and war) but Ashertmarn is not very similar to Asherah (godess of coast and sea). Moelach also isnt very similar to Moloch. But its possible that Dai-Gonarthis indeed lives in Sea, but on "other side" - in Shadesmar, he is buried under glass beads and is influencing people from there. Imagine this creepy look - blue-violet mist-tentacles emerging from between beads and entwining flames of human minds
  15. Its Shadesmar. Placement depends on how people in Physical Realm sees that. So this is why between Planets are reflected as plains surrounded by mountains - mountains reflects unacessable terrain. Distance in Physical Realm doesnt matter - people sees planets as independent areas, and is impossible (to most) to leave planet, so if other Planet is in the same System, or on other edge of Cosmere, it doesnt matter - is hard to reach equaly. Of course, distance in Shadesmar is relative, because places when nothing living existad also doesnt existed in CR, so I think is equaly hard in Shadesmar reach Ashyn or Scadrial.
  16. @hoiditthroughthegrapevine Tukar seems to be good candidate, Conflict there was burning many years. Its also not very far from Aimia (Is litealy extension of Archipelago!). Question is, doesnt Ishar recognise touch of the Unmade? Or is he so mad, that he cant look into himself and think: "This emotions shouldnt be as strong" Also, Tukari soldiers are described by Navani as "Crazy" - probably very zeelous. Conflict isnt as destructive as drived by Thrill, but is long-burning. Like something subtly fueled.
  17. THIS WILL BE EPIC!!! I have additiona theory about Szeth, mean: Szeth reach fourth Ideal of Skybreakers and atract many fellow Skybreakers causing Order to split.
  18. One by one. 1. Gaseous Investiture has form of mists in Physical Realm. Not only Preservations, other Shards too, but with different colors. Preservations is white/silver Honors is lightblue (stormlight) Cultivations is green Ruins is black Odiums is red/violet (he makes it sometimes gold, but in "true"color is dark violet) Harmonys is grey 2. Unmade are Splinters of Odium. Like Stormfather is Splinter of Honor. Yes, it was only one Bondsmith in time of Recreance, but Unmade was known earlier. For example, when before Recreance Sibling abandoned Urithiru, one Lightweaver was woried about protection against Unmade. So Siblings one function in Urithiru was protecting from Unmade influence. We also see in Dalinars Vision in village Radiants fighting against Midnight Essence - what is born from Re-Sephir, one of the Unmade. Radiant is proposing Dalinar that he can try join Radiants in Urithiru - this is much earlier before Recreance, and Urithiru is funcional.
  19. Of course it exists, in other case why Feruchemists are wearing big bracelets? If metalmind was unlimited it will be enough to wear two small earings, and this will be enough. Or swallow one little piece of metal and charge it. And if I remember correctly, when Sazed came to rescue Vin, he swallow few his Metalminds and say directly, that he now have relativly small charge, compare to his normal bracelets. But return to topic. Atium stores age. To be young, every second you taping atiummind, you need to tap more and more. Allomancy can work only in limited speed. So someone who compound Atium will need more and more youth, and in some point will need more than he is able to create via compounding, even if he will be flaring Atiumminds constantly.
  20. Wax Steel Bubble is clearly skill. We see other Coinshot able to do this as well. In Era 1 it was no need for such skill, but now, in fight, without this even Coinshot can be hit by bullet, so they learn to make protective field. Because of Waxes ability to manipulate mass, his Bubble will be better than normal, but its just it.
  21. Practicly, he was. He was given a chance. By Dalinar on Thaylen Fields. Even in that point it wasnt too late for him. Sandersons books have very christian spirit, and part of this is, is never too late for redemtion. Moash can be good for this. Or be good for showing that redemption depends mostly on ourselfs.
  22. I saw somewhere here theory that Glys was deadeye - was broken by Recreance. Ad this leaves him vulnerable.
  23. I think "Rythm of War" is one of the Parshendi ancient songs.
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