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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. Funny, in one historical Asyrian Poem in Underwold gods who are judging the Dead are Dagon (god of Sea and/or crops), Nergal (god of war and fire) and Misharu (god od justice).
  2. Its few answers to that, all equaly possible. 1. Is rather easy to detect emotional pushings/pullings, just normal people with proper training are able to do so, if they know what how. Radiants may grow overconfidence in all those years and stops looking into themselfs. 2. Radiants were too familiar with Siblings Protection so they grow careless. 3. Its enough to influence just few people in place where conflicts allready existed. 4. Dai-Gonarthis may not be active long time (like today) so Radiants stops worry about him. I think also Dai-Gonarthis can influence people in various degrees, and is also atracted by conflicts and quarrels. May not be as inteligent as Sia-Anat or Ba-Ado-Mishram, but his primary ability is being undetected. Is stealthy, cunning Unmade. I very like assumption that he was atracted by Davar Family. Can be. Siah Aimians seems to be very good target for mental manipulation, because they are partialy Cognitive Entities, naturaly Invested, so maybe they are somehow similar to hemalurgic constructs? Also, maybe remnant of this action is why humans are afraid of Siah.
  3. So, we know about many Unmade powers 1. Moelach can give limited futursight, its speculated that is able to pull informations from dying. 2. Nergaoul - battle rage. 3. Sia-Anat - can change Spren. 4. Ashertmarn - gluttony 5. Re-Sephir - mimcry 6. Ba-Ado-Mishram - comanding forces and creating Connection 7. Yelig-Nar - can bond with human, granting him all 10 Surges But we dont know about powers of 2 Unmade, and one is complet mistery. We only have misterious Death Rattle about Dai-Gonartis taking away pain - what is really wierd, because this is also what Odium himself offers people. So: Dai-Gonarthis is able to manipulate emotions of people (like Allomancy) and seed mistrust. Why I think this? So, what we know about Dai-Gonarthis. We know practicly 2 things: 1. He was somehow involve in Scouring of Aimia 2. He can "take someones pain" Now we can put together this knowledge and Moashes appearence in Ch8. Moash is emotionless, he gave away his pain... and other emotions as well. Is completly hollow. And is able to somehow push away Syl from Kal, what is very similar what happend to Stormfather when Odium speaks with Dalinar. But I dont think that Odium is here, with Moash, this is not how he works - but Unmade can be here. Unmade with power to sooth someone emotions (Moash) and riot emotions in someone else (Kaladin). Kal was overwhelmed with Moashes words, much more that is "normal" even with his depresion. Of course, this can be because Moash is his friend and he sworn to protect him... or maybe Vyre now has additional shadow what follows him - Unmade. Also, many see this conversation as Moash trying to convince Kal to suicide - but i saw this as Moash trying to "DarthVader" Kal - by giving pain to Odium. If Dai-Gonarthis is on place, with Moash, can "take pain" immediately. In other case this need time to form Connection with Odium (like Dalinar or Moash). Another part of theory is binded with Urithiru history in gems. In this place i want to thank @hoiditthroughthegrapevine, who collected all gem-archives in his topic about Ba-Ado-Mishram. Without this, probably i wasnt able to create this theory. We know that Sibling withdraw from Urithiru, we dont know why. But we know that one effect of this was falling Protection against Unmade influence. Drawer 3-11: Garnet (Lightweaver) CH 73 But witch one Unmade? Moelach, Nergaoul, Ashertmarn are easy to recognise and rather easy to avoid - they are mindless, so they are atracted by certain things like other spren. Yelig-Nar also is easy, he need host to have full potential. Radiants know where Ba-Ado-Mishram is, Re-Sephir is tricky, but is possible to imprisoned her (maybe even she is improsoned, we dont know when this happend), and she is rather simple in action. Chemoarish was not seen 2000 years, even is not known what she is able to. This lives us two possibilities: - Sia-Anat - of course dangerous, can change Spren, what can be very bad for Radiants. Maybe even she was there. - Dai-Gonarthis Its few times mention how Radiant are divided. How Orders dont trust each other anymore and argue all the time, especially Windrunners and Skybreakers. And this can be influence of Unmade - little touch rioting emotions. Radiants fear Sia-Anat, but another Unmade influence them subtly, with very big effect. Probably normaly Bondsmiths were able to counter Dai-Gonarthis rather easly, but now is only one Bondsmith, and divisions between Orders is too big even without Unmade Influence. And now we go to Aimia. We know that Dai-Gonarthis somehow influence Scouring. We also know from "Dawnshard" Prologue, that Scouring wasnt one event, it were series of wars. Probably civil wars on Islands. So is easy to understand how destroy land the easiest - influence powerfull people to chalange each other. Dai-Gonartis was influencing nobles, riots internal conflicts, what in place with 3 races probably existed, and this cause the destruction of Archipelago, especially when both sides used Soulcasters on massive scale So we have it. I still dont know how to connect this with Dai-Gonarthis precursor, Semic God of Sea Dagon and with his other name, Black Fisher. But maybe i will, with your help. What do you think?
  4. Highstorm isnt "full" Perpendicularity. Cannot be used for travel between realms, can "only" provide Investiture. Everstorm is something similar, and probably cannot be used as normal perpendicularity either. I bet that Odium has Perpendicularity on Braize.
  5. Its possible that this is depending on Konwledge of Leecher. Allomancy is easy to detect and easy to target, but Feruchmy: 1 has other characteristic (is not "crude" external power, its internal mostly) 2 has to be targeted in specific moment 3 can give access to power practicly in unlimited amount while Leecheing can work only with limited speed.
  6. You konw, Red and Violet are on oposite sides od Spectrum. They are oposites. Very much like white (all emited) and black (all absorbed). So basicly they can be White and Red... turned to suck (absorb) emotions. So are seing as dark and Violet.
  7. Problem is, Ba-Ado-Misharm was KNOWN to Radiants before False Desolation. Sia-Anat was consider more dangerous, but Ba-Ado-Mishram was known. And Voidlight is from Odium, no Question: We konw how Cultivationlight looks like, so this lives us Odium.
  8. Its simple. To store all your ability to store, you need to be Nicrosil compounder. We know that it works with Gold Compounders - if someone get spiked and steal his feruchemical powers, he still can heal himself, by burning his metalminds allomanticly (if he has any of course) and restore F-Gold. So Nicrosil Compounder will be able to gain additional Innate Investiture to store, store it with full power, and still will have this power. So its possible that to create unsealed metalminds with one power, someone need to have not 3, but 4 powers - needet power, F-Nicrosil, F-Aluminum and A-Nicrosil.
  9. We even have emtities on Roshar with similar properties. Entities literaly made from stone. Yep, thunderclasts. We know that tis is some powerfull voidspren, some speculate that this can be one Order od Fused, but this seems to be unlikely. But maybe it can be posiible to bond Cognitive Shadow with Statue?
  10. Yep, this scene is in fact very similar to scene when Dalinar stood against Odium in Thaylen. Especially, Radiants Spren behavior - both Syl and Stormfather are "pushed away" from their Radiants. But I dont think Odium is there himself, I vote for Unmade - and i would be very, very happy if this is Dai-Gonarthis. If we learn more about its powers, we can understand better what happend in Aimia.
  11. Maybe this is exactly it. They are Truth-watchers, they can see Truth about who someone is, can be or SHOULD be, and show this to him or even to everyone. I think what Renarin did in 8 chapter is purely Spiritual Ilumination, and he can be very, VERY good at it. But your posted WoB is interesting, still is possibility that Rens visions are caused by damaged Spren. Maybe what Sia-Anat did is in some way similar to Hemalurgy, she take part of Spren and replace it, so Spren cannot grant full access to Surge, but can grant access to something else.
  12. Maybe truth, maybe false, but i think some can thought the same.
  13. Yep, but First of the Sun also dont have Shard, and Autonomy have Avatar there.
  14. As title says, I think that Rosharan system is influenced not by 3, but 4 Shards. Autonomys power here is, of course, not large enough to threat any other Shard alone - she is mainly on Taldain - but is large enough to make a difference. In fact, I think it did. First, Ashynite magic system. We know that now is We can clearly see that this is still Surge-based system: - gravity, flight - Gravitation Surge - changing the color of objects, prophecy - Ilumination Surge (Physical, Spiritual) - passing through walls - Cohesion or Transportation Surge But we also know that Magic System has changed after Shattering. Or, I think, DURRING Shattering. Current magic on Ashyn has basis standard for Rosharan system, but second very important part of magic, Focus of Investiture, has similar to systems tied to Autonomy. - in SandMastery Focus is also microbs - in Aviars Focus is parasites - what is sort of disease. Both are also rather small living things separate from host. We also know that radical change in planet Magic System most likely is caused by other Shard Influence - we saw this on Sel, we saw this on Threnody (both Influenced by Odium). We have to wait, what happen on Scadrial, but this can be very interesting. This could also easily break this Theory. So I think Autonomy come to Roshar slightly after Odium. We dont know how Autonomy make his Avatars, is he making them on place, ot on Taldain and they have to walk through Shadesmar? So, we dont know, but this isnt important. Avatar of Autonomy is on Ashyn. Why? Because in this System we have 3 Shards, 2 are cooperating. It is something what isnt good from Autonomy point of view. Why she doesnt influence Scadrial, you would ask? Answer is - She did. Its not accident that on Scadrial we had Ancient religion focused on Stars and dualism, with the same name of God what apears now as other Shards influence. Trell was always on Scadrial. But come back to Theory. Autonomy has Avatar on Ashyn and try to influence people. Odium, of course, dont going to like it. Probably even, Autonomy is primarly against Honor and Cultivation, but Odium dont gong to give her "his" followers. So followers of Autonomy and Odium starts to fight. And... they destroy entire planet. Is possible that it was Honors plot, because Dawnshards, artifacts with power of Bonding, can be from Honor. But this is speculation. So, Ashyn was destroyed in war between Odium and Autonomy. Odium followers ran on Roshar. Autonomy followers stayd on Ashyn mostly, but some of them were also between refugees, so they influence later stories, what starts Vorinism: Odium and Autonomy made a truce for now. Odium shifts his focus on his primar goal, against Honor and Cultivation. In fact, this is also Autonomy first goal, so they decide to cooperate. Of course, they dont trust each other. But they have one goal, so they are allies. In fact, for Odium this was like blessing, because Honor had Cultivations help and was prepared, not like Dominion earlier (yes, I think Dominion was the one who fought Odium, but ironicly, he wasnt target, Devotion was), also Cutivation is not like Devotion or Preservation, she is positive, but can be really ruthless. So Odium need something to have Cultivation in check, while he was fighting Honor. And Autonomy was perfect - not strong enough to threat him, but strong enough to stop Cultivation long enough for Odium to kill Honor. Of course, Autonomy will be not strong for Stop Cultivation, if she will decide strike with full strengh, so Odium still wasnt able to completly destroy Honor remnants, but this always is some time. So this is why Odium was sceraming famous "WE KILLED YOU!" - He wasnt alone this time, Autonomy was stopping Cultivation and helping Him. Also, Ashyn alone is very... Autonomy-alike. Isolated enclaves, Isolated floating cities, not very known among worldhoppers, with not many visitors... What do you think? Make this sence? Or is this too streched?
  15. No, he havent. Its very clear what powers Renarin have, and they are Progrssion (he used many times) and Illumination (damaged/corrupted but still). And he used, I think Spiritual Illumination, to "clean" rocs from Spren influence and banish him.
  16. Cześć Ad. 1 Yes, spren can be killed, if theirs Investiture is destroyed/dispersed. Nightblood can do this. Shardblade cut in all 3 realms, so... Ad. 2 First, Lazur (org Azure) is character we know. Trick is, Spren need Bond to have mind IN PHYSICAL REALM. And Maya is trapped in PR in form of Blade, so she need to restore Bond.
  17. Not necesserly. If Spanreed moves in relation to the core of the planet (center of gravity), it will automaticly correct curvature. We know that board is interchageable, so no.
  18. Yeah, but... We know that on Scadrial Godmetal condensate near the Perpendicularity. And we know what Godmetal of Harmony is - its ettmetal. And isnt known on the North, it apear only on South. So straight deduction - Harmony Perpendicularity is in the South. Of course, its possibility that Harmony have two Perpendicularities, one in North and one in South. This will also explain how and why Kelsier apear in South - he enter into CR in one Perp in North, and exit in South.
  19. Probably into Form caused by Spren what happened to be closest to Parshmen, with additional restoration of minds, so with knowledge how to change form.
  20. But is this realy "completely"? Maybe this is what bring them madness - every rebirth adds to their Spiritweb little part of someone else - literaly the same process as being spiked hemalurgicly.
  21. Not necesserly. Shardblades are mixed Investiture from Honor and Cultivation, and they are one metal, without any rust. Besides, I doubht that Soulstone is Godmetal. First, this isnt metal, is more like clay, second, Godmetals are highly Invested, and we know that is very hard Invest Invested object - and this is what Stamp is.
  22. We practicly have conformation. Allomantic metals ARE affecting Fabrials. And have effect on Spren. Long, long time ago I was theoretizing about this, now we can be sure! We saw alerter fabrial, made with "golden metal" - this can be bronze. We can also think about other metal effects: - Tin will allow Spren to act more precise - Pewter - to affect larger area - Chromium - probably used in Leecher Fabrial.
  23. He wasnt fighting in any of that places. He was spoted first time after year of war, an still was very expirienced. Also, how Parshendi behave i relation to this one is evidence.
  24. We know for sure that Harmonium/ettmetal is not the same as Atium+Lerasium alloy:
  25. We saw Szeth atempts of Assasination. If his clothes will be not Lashed with him, they will be very problematic - for example, will fall on his face, when Szeth jumps on ceiling, and this is not what happened. We know that Windrunner (and any Radiant) can Invest everything what thouches his body. We also have example of Instinctive Surge - Shallan is able to instinctively lightweave Ilusion around herself, covering fact she is full of Stormlight, and fuel this ilusion by Stormlight evaporating from her skin. So Falling Windrunner will be acting like this, instinctively Lashing everything he has.
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