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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. But Purelake is somehow related to Shardpools. If isnt, why 17th Expedition search for Hoid exact there? And I dont think Perpendicularity is needet. Many Ellsecallers/Willshapers (probably more even latter ones) + Bondsmith (Connecting powers into one) should do the trick. No he cant. What Dalinar is doing is specific only for him.
  2. And this is exactly why I think that Renarin has his wierd powers because of damaged spren, not because of Connection with Odium. We saw Regals and Fused able to use "normal" Ilumination, but we didnt see any with Futursight, we only know from Songs about Nightform. Surges has Physical and Spiritual Aspects and is possible that ballance between them is set differently - we even see this with other Surge, Adhesion - Bondsmiths have mainly Spiritual Adhesion, when Windrunners also have it, but is more shifted towards Physical Adhesion. With other Orders can be the same, heck, probably differences are even between Radiants (Like Lift isnt as good with Abrasion as other Edgedancers). For Example, one Lightweaver will be good with Ilusions, other will be good with soulcasting, and other will be good with seeing and transforming people - all of them will have all those powers, but they will have different specializations. So Renarin has Ilumination powers FORCED towards Spiritual Aspect, because Damaged Spren cant grant him full Access to the Physical aspect of Surge. This can be also reason why in the past Truthwachers were so isolated - they somtetimes have members really good with Spiritual Ilumination.
  3. No. Pattern said, that his real name is to complicated for human, is mathematical formula. So Cryptics do have personal names, they are just wierd. Other Spren have "normal names". Honorspren. Lightspren. Cultivationspren. And is confirmed that Maya IS Cultivationspren.
  4. what powers? Venlis Order is Willshapers, Transportation and Cohesion Surges - Transportation we know, is one of the Jasnahs powers. Cohesion we didnt see yet. and you speculate based on what info? Skybreakers have some free will, when they sworn to serve Idea/Master. Some of them can see Szeth as worthy to follow. Shalans brothers are broken as she is, and Balat is very, VERY good mach for Dustbringer. Some of her servants are her squires. Also Adolin - Maya is Edgedancer Blade. Last ones are just my hopes, I dont have any info.
  5. I wanna see Artificial Intelligence able to use Metalic Arts. Computers with Feruchemical and Allomantic powers. Mixed mechanical and Invested technology.
  6. Not really. Standard Spheres - Broams, Marks and Chips can provide Radiant with Stormlight relativly long, and gems inside them are REALLY tiny: https://wob.coppermind.net/events/315/#e10400 If Gem is large enough, can suck Stormlight charge that is equivalent of many broams.
  7. We know, that Renarin isnt able to use standard Ilumination like other Truthwatchers. He simply creates lights, and they sometimes act strange. And he has his visions. Many Sharders think that this is Voidish Ilumination - futursight, but i highly doubht it. First thing, we know that every surge has Physical and Spiritual aspect. Adhesion can connect people, Transformation can transform them etc. So its safe assume that Ilumination also have Spiritual Aspect as well. And Spiritual Aspect of Ilumination is futuresight. We can even see this in the books - Shallan scetch Yalb survieving ships soulcasting, we see many times Shallans scetches with people in theirs "best versions" - and they later become this version of themselves. So with Illumination Shallan is able to "see" possible future of people and set them (with Spiritual Transformation) on way to this future. So I think that any Truthwatcher and Lightweaver will be able to see partialy into the future. Difference is influence of second power of Radiant - for Truthwatchers is progression, slow growth without revolutionary changes, for Lightweavers its Transformation - one sudden change. So: - Truthwatchers can see people/things future if they stay on their path and dont change - Lightweavers can see people/things future if they change rapidly for the best. And any shard can grant his servants (?) with some form of futursight. And Cultivation is very good at it - and spren ar partialy from Cultivation, Truthwatchers spren probably the most (after Edgedancrs ones), Cryptics are personification of laws of Physics, so also closer to Cultivation than to Honor. So we have it, but why Renarin is so special? Of course, reason after this is his Spren. But I think it is not because he has some Connection to Odium - I think this is because he is damaged. We know that in whole Cosmere magic - Investiture need Intent and Focus. If any of those elements is not correct, Investiture also dont work correctly. If focus of Metalic Arts has not right composition, it will make Allomancer sick in the best scenario. If Command is not clear or too quiet, will not Awake. If Aon is only slightly incorrect, it will have lesser effect, dont work or even work differently. And Spren is focus of Rosharan Magic System. So if Spren is damaged, Surges he granted will also dont work properly. And we can claerly see witch Surge is damaged - its Illumination. But spren is Focus for both Surges equaly, so need to grant his Radiant access to both. And when he cannot grant full access into proper Surge (because is not perfect Focus) he shifts on other aspect of Surge he can grant. So Renarin dont have proper Illumination powers, because Glys is damaged, but becaouse Investiture have to flow and Force have to go somewhere, he has powers Shifted towards Spiritual Illumination - and this mean visons.
  8. When I have read about Kaladin and Leshwi fights, I thought automaticly about this.
  9. We dont know how many Fused have those weapons. Maybe only the best from them have this special gear, others can have just normal weapons. Its also possible that Radiants encounter them only recently, they saw it in action but not capture yet any.
  10. Special mindset is needet probably just to attract spren. We know that spren need to be atracteb by something ot knows very well. Singer form is dependent only on spren, so they are like most basic organic fabrials. But normal fabrials dont have minds other than spren. They also arent Connected with artifabrian in any way. So they need something for directing spren powers. Like software.
  11. No. It preserve mass. For example, weve seen during Battle of Thaylen, when Jasnah soulcast wall from air - air was literaly sucked, to refill mass. Also this is why rocs/walls are turned into smoke - smoke can have equal mass, but with much smaller density.
  12. Why wierd? Spren inside gemstone determines Fabrial function main function, but cage of fabrial - metals with different shapes and types - determines what part of this function is important. Painrial will be good example - probably trapped spren is painspren (fabrial affects pain) but has two modes. I think it uses two different metals and can mechanicly swich between them. I also think better bit will be search through not only allomantic but also feruchemical and hemalurgic properties of metals. Anyone remember from what are made heaters? Maybe its brass? Or maybe gemheart of chasmfiends is surounded by iron? Or alerters, from what they ar made? Maybe bronze?
  13. Yes, She did. He even asked for it.
  14. Yep,we even have topic about it: Sure, Navani should recognize it, but saw she weapon up close? I think if they would be able to capture this weapon, it will not be such mistery. So she probably dont see this. Kaladin, on the other hand, probably dont know the name of metal. Remember, aluminum is very rare. Besides, Nicrosil cant stop Shardblade. Only aluminum can do that.
  15. There was a religion before Final Empire, Trelagism - their god was named also Trell. According to Coppermind: Dualist nature Like Taldain, focus on Stars, order to "discover truths for themselves"... All this seems to me like Autonomy.
  16. I think the most possible is option a) We know that A-Aluminum is usefull by himself, can remove unwanted Investiture from body. Can reverse Shade touch, for example. So it will be more usefull in Era 4. A-Duralumin is more tricky and we dont know about stand-alone power of Duralumin. We know that can enhance not only Allomancy, but also other powers, like Surgebinding. Option c) is very interesting, I was thinking something similar once - being more specific, I was searching throu Stormlight Archive and trying find connection between Allomantic metals and fabrial construction, but its not enough data.
  17. He probably knows what he did and knows who he is - and this can be Truth, he have to speak to become Lightweaver. Honestly, I hope for reconcilation between him and Kal (and maybe whole Bridge 4). Maybe he will save Kals life?
  18. This should be said by ME! @Scout_Fox GENERAL KENOBI! (Avatar commits)
  19. We can see Fused can be in material form much longer than in cognitive form. He walks into town, he stays, commands, speaks. Also during battle he stays material very long, but as spren he seems to be restricted by time. So he needs Voidlight to stay immaterial.
  20. We also didnt see 4th Oath Skybreakers in Plates, and they should have them. But, on the other hand, we didnt see them durring battle, so we cannt be sure. Its possible that they simply not summon Plates during "normal" activities.
  21. But medalions werent invented at this time yet. According to memory Wax saw, it was Kelsier the one who teach Southerners usage of Metalic Arts. So they couldnt help him - he helped them. So he was Feruchemist allready - I thing he was connected to the Feruchemist body and merged into one entity. It is my crazy theory that that body was Lord Ruler's.
  22. According to Taravangian. Mr T can simply make hyperbole, he can be lying, or he also can simply not know for sure. And, for the other hand, Fabrials can traped Spren witch is allready in Physical Realm. Spren need to be attracted by something/someone to go between realms - and we know that True Spren doesnt go Into Physical Realm often, unless reforming Radiants. And we saw small army armed with halfshards before that happens.
  23. No, if Soul go Beyond. But if Human Mind is turned into Cognitiwe Shadow (basicly cognitive copy of soul made from Investiture)and this cognitive Shadow is still around, so yes, they can be brought back.
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