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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. Feruchemic steel can store speed, everyone knows that. And speed affects many aspects of body, because body of feruchemist automaticly gain ability to withstand stress during taping metalmind. So taping Steelmind increases speed of mouvment, but also perception, thinking and reflexes. I remember also that increased metabolism has negative effect - they need eat more (like Flash - but i cant find WoB). So my question is - Is F-Steel increasing also regeneration speed? Not like "normal" Investiture healing, but more physical, by increasing speed of cells growth? Is Steel Compounder able to heal faster, not of course on Gold level, but more like A-Pewter level?
  2. You forget about one thing. Highstorm. This thing can throw giant rocks dozens or even hundreds feet into air, so can also generate small seismic shakes. Also wood is not as static as many think. Even walking people can generate shakes and disrupt horizontal setting - we can see this in our world on sensitive laboratory scales. Also, seting reed on paper IS seting direction. Sender can correct paper position before start scribing, You have two refference points: position of inkwell and point in upper left corner of paper. Setting direction is here - first step after seing signal is seting Reed On, then checking levels, then dip reed into inkwell (first refference point, we can asuume reed on the other side is in inkwell) then set reed on point in upper left corner of paper (second refference point, sender reed will move the same way and should be in the same point, if is not, sender can correct his paper setings), then change seting on reed on "Recive".
  3. I need to remind that you need 10 heartbeats to materialize dead blade, when with living Blade summoning is instantous. And remember - Radiant and Spren ARE ONE ENTITY from spiritual point of view. So Spren dont need mental controll, he simply KNOWS that need to stay material. With Dead Shardblade is just Connection.
  4. Adolin throw Maya many times, and she is dead. For leaving Shardweapon it will be just: "Syl, I wanna throw you" "Yeah, I show them!" W also know taht Radiants in the past form Shardbows.
  5. They have Highstorm and practicly all is formed by it, from east to west. Orientation is smallest problem on Roshar. All yours theories @hoiditthroughthegrapevine , @Oltux72, @Quantus are fascinating, but is one problem with them: Why they need reversers? If refference point of gem mouvment is gem itself, so to make reverse mouvment all what is needet is just turn one gem needet amount of degrees and we can have mouvment not only in oposite directions but in ANY direction. And we know that is not what happens. They need reversers and conjoiners. So answer is only one - refference point of gem orientation is Core of the planet. This will explain why they need set chulls on Plains - they need really large space because to move ship in any direction they need to move chulls in the same direction. And of course Spanreeds need to be oriented first, so why we dont read about this? Because this is so obvious for Rosharans that they dont even think about it. Remember, they have very standarized everything in comparison to our world - one currency, two writing systems, just few languages. So I think right after spanreeds spread, scholars and ardent standarized orientation. Maybe seting point of reed in upper left corner has also this function?
  6. Because Radiant and Spren are one entity, so spren can be what Radiant is needet without saying it. As Syl showed us many times. Very cool will be see shardweapon in form similar to african throwing weapons like Onzil, Kpinga, or Trumbash.
  7. This theory make sence, even more because we know form Words of Radiance (in-world book) that Lightweavers were able to inspire people to fight and keep morale high. But this is not true. Lightweavers can be as skilled with Transformation as Elsecallers:
  8. Wax was using Bands after Marasi used them. In the begining, Wax wasnt able to sense them.
  9. So why in this case The Lord Ruler needet Atium Compounding to be immortal? Being young and being healthy are two different things in Cosmere (in our world either). Age is hardcoded in s-DNA, and cant be manipulated without access to Shard power (atium is that access).
  10. No is not. https://wob.coppermind.net/events/182/#e3885
  11. More popular name is cerrobend. Brandon couldnt use this (he wants) because of property rights or something like this.
  12. With Steel it also isnt needet. Steel is also much cheaper than gold. Steel speeds up ALL your aspects. Thinking. Reactions. We saw F-Steel in use - Bleeder was able to shot 4 shots from 4 directions very precise in blink of an eye. Besides, who tells that I need supersonic speeds? Being able to speed myself even 10% is very usefull.
  13. Its very though to choose one power. But bronze can be cool.
  14. Double Steel. Definitly. Speed is most universal feruchemical ability, speeds not only body, but also mind and perception. Speed is usefull in all aspects of life. And steel is also realtivly cheap and easily accesable.
  15. I very like @Lightspine theory! Especially energy-levels on Investiture. We know normaly Radiant Body can leak stormlight, but it cannot be drain by standard Gemstones. More so, Radiant can at will lower his energy, and absorb Stormlight. So normaly, Gem-granade cant work. Small Gem need much, much greater difference of energy levels that is normaly possible. But I think this Fabrial (Like @GudThymes I think whole spear is Fabrial) is using other properties of Stormlight - it can behave similar to fluids. So I think this fabrial has construction similar to syringe. More specificly, Gem is a syringe and aluminum spear is a needle. Basicly, spear need to pierce throu Radiant skin, because wound leak Stormlight more than Skin, and also is directed into the wound for Heal - like fluid under pressure. So in wound Stormlight is closer to "free" state, than normal is in Radiants body. And next functions aluminum spear are: 1. Concentrate sucking power of gemstone on very small area, so effective energy difference is much larger than normal is. 2. Channel Stormlight into Gemstone. 3. Prevent Radiant from taking Light back. 4. Stop healing, so more Stormlight will be directed into wound, effectivly making this energy difference even larger.
  16. I think Szeth will be able to reach 4th Ideal very fast, so he will be Master, and with this mantle, he will be able to attract other Skybreakers, efectivly splitting the Order. Without leader, those other Skybreakers are just individuals, and are probably very disperse or are simply hiding his feelings.
  17. Miles Hundredlives was able to survuve point-blank shot into head, he was also able survive dynamity blowing up in his hand into face. Gold Compounding is simply just that crazy powerfull. Nuke will probably do the thing, but I have other question. Can we Gold-Compunder kill Terminator-alike? THrow him into blast furnace? Theoreticly, heat should melt his metalminds...
  18. If I remember correctly, dead Shardblades dont glow like alive ones, they just shine. We also dont have information about colour of Blades patterns. But Plate... i remember something about painting or colour changes, no Radiant Order also have colour Black - and we saw Black Shardplate. We also can supose that Adolins Plate is Dustbringer one (Dalinar saw it in one vision, this one with Thunderclast in Purelake) so should be red, but is blue.
  19. It depends on who is master of Skybreaker (on 3th oath). If it would be some philantropist, or lord-for-people (like Nohadon) it is probably that following orders of specific person Radiant will atract cultivationspren.
  20. According to Coppermind Cochesion dont work on flesh and even slightly Invested objects. But still can be usefull during Surgeon work, for example, he could make quasi-gypsum from anything.
  21. @Oltux72 was talking about Set's red-eyed creatures, named as Trell's Faceless Immortals, his equivalent of Kandra.
  22. Breaths ARE Investiture. And Investiture CAN be converted one into another. Noone yet know how to do that, but it can be done. https://wob.coppermind.net/events/379/#e12667 https://wob.coppermind.net/events/102/#e977
  23. You can use Stormlight and Breaths to fuel the same thing - this is why Vasher/Zahel is now on Roshar, he fuel his Returned Breath with Stormlight. Investiture can be converted one into other, with less or more trouble. So yes, Larkin can feed on Breaths.
  24. It was in the books. Somewhere in Shalans chapters. One person ends writing, change seting by turning the Gem, and let write other person. But this can be simply signal, to prevent interrupting each other.
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