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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. Briliant! Use Nightblood to clean Threnody. But is Nightblood capable of absorbing whole Splinter?
  2. Shardbearers are automaticly elevated on 4th Dahn. But now Kaladin is Highmarshall, he probably is 3d Dahn. His heir will be 4th Dahn, because relatives of aristocrats are Dahn lower. Probably Lirin and Hesina are also 4th Dahn, technicaly.
  3. This tied nicely with fact that Urithiru is practicly in the center of Roshar, and was build in this specific spot for magical purposes.
  4. Maybe this have something to do with fact that Fused, being Cognitive Shadow, is also permanently bonded with body? He clearly needet Investiture to turn himself into spren-form, and to manifest new body, maybe is more efficient to live body and let it decay? We know too little about it...
  5. But in this culture (and every other) is very specific when, why, and how you are allowed to kill. What Adollin did, was something far, far away from codes and regulations. And this is what was bothering Adolin - that he kill without honor, like simple Bandit.
  6. In one spot on Oathbringer Stromfather talks to Dalinar that he is alive, only because Odium is afraid expose himself to Cultivation. So Cultivation is the reason that Odium didnt splinter Honor as total as Devotion/Dominion/Ambition.
  7. Wasnt confirmed, but i saw few theories about it. Yes, I think this will be the name for Stonewards spren.
  8. If someone will gain allomantic or feruchemical abilities by being spiked with hemalurgic spike and he will have children, did his children will inherit (with standard genetic posibility) metalic abilities?
  9. Found it: So if Spren and Radiant are merged into one Spiritual Entity, this mean now they have new, one identity. Your examples are about Hemalurgy, but core of this "Art" is ripping off part of the soul and adding it to new Soul. In other WoB Brandon talks: Yes, Nahel Bond are based on Connection, but is more than that. When youre stealing it with Hemalurgy, you dont steal just Connection (as you do with dead shardblade), you steal Connection with Identity - so spked person will have the same Identity as Spren. Plus is also case of Shardplate. Shardplate has the same Identity as Radiant because he can use Surges throu his own Plate. And Plate is product of Nahel Bond.
  10. If you have to fight in sky, you are forced to do crazy maneuvrs. And without instant comunication with "Engine Room" and automatization allowing it ro response precise and fast on your comand, you will be dead. Also remember, we are talking about world with Shardblades. Flying machine with engines inside can have hull fully armored with Aluminum, being immune to magical attacks. On the other hand, you cannot do this in current model, because you will disconect fabrials! So your ship will allways have weak spots. Can Mod move our few posts into topic about updating Navanis work?
  11. Aluminum gun with aluminum bullets
  12. Yeah, this is very good for transportships, but have no use for fighters or bombers. I know they have Windrunners or Skybreakers, but still possibility to free them to other tasks is too large. To serve at war, machine has to be independent. BTW, I can imagine Lashing guns or fabrial bombs, so they dont need our technology.
  13. Weve seen aluminum guns. Gunframe need to be strong enough to sustain pressure of shot - so is possible to make aluminum weapons. We also have another factor - aluminum in wound stops magical healing - really usefull.
  14. Wing of Honorspren Satute of Highspren Balefire of Ashspren Field of Cultivationspren Formula of Cryptics Library of Inkspren Lighthouse of Lightspren Mountain of Peakspren
  15. My 3 Thouts: 1. Why Dalinar is flying with them? Isnt to dangerous for Coalitin leader to fly above Enemy teritory, in constant threat of flying Fused? Yes, he is Radiant, he has a Windrunner Guard, and he can infuse them with Stormlight, but this is still odd. 2. Where is Szeth? He was the personal Guard of Dalinar when we saw him last time. Where he is now? On mission in Shinovar? 3. Knowledge about Aluminum is spreading! Maybe we can see Aluminum weapons. Its possible that sword that Dalinar has, is Aluminum. Teleporting Fused is badass, i want more of him. I also want Jasnah using more Transportation powers (as contrast). Mink is also beyond cool. I think he is Dustbringer.
  16. But after spren is fully bonded with human, they have the same Identity and have merged mind. So to restoring spren Identity mean restoring the Nahel Bond. It is the problem, because Mayas former Knight is long dead, is not possible to restore old bond. But Adolin and Maya have "normal blade" bond, so they probably build Nahel Bond on this foundation. Basicly, they need to build new Bond and replace old. And yes, i also love theory that Maya is one who is broken - she has broken mind, and this is what Spre have as benefit in PR - mind. And we dont know Adolin isnt broken. Renarin is, Jasnah is, Navani is, Dalinar was. Dalinar wasnt good father, this hit Reanrin mostly, but could hit Adolin too. And losing mother... this can be devastating. Adolin doesnt look like brooken person.... but Lift also doesnt look like this.
  17. Even many cremlings cannot give so many blood. Sleepless are the simplest answer, but this can be something larger. Sleepless are Aimian, after all. What else is from Aimia? Larkins. Or Laceryns, their bigger cousins with similar properties. I even have theory.
  18. 1. Probably yes. It is very possible he is influencial ardent. 3. Probably not, unless not all of them. 4. They want to Return of Vorin Church Might. And actual leader of humanity and queen of main Vorin state are both heretics. Sons of Honor can be much greater threat than apear on the first glance, I see that Religius War could break up, and this can be devastating. 5. I dont think so, but they will be wellcome. After all, this is against theirs competitors. I dont think so. Dalinar dont trust T. But They need to close minor fronts. And, as i mentioned earlier, Sons of Honor could be much greater threat, especially if they can influence Vorin Church. So, Shallan will be first spy of Dalinar. I wanna see more lightweavers and normal spys. I wanna see Dalinars secret service.
  19. Yeah, but is need to have more gems. Under pressure, gems have tendency to crack. But i also think about conveyor belt. It will have lenght of bridge and lower, returning part will be cover in aluminum pipe. WIth one gear, this construction can be set in any direction, allow to much larger maneuvrability. Only drawback is that this need very large tank of water to sustain mouvment.
  20. Lirin match perfectly as Stoneward. His stong moral code, stubbornes, ability to improvization and helpfullness are core goals of this order. He also match as man, who dont create many, but can solve problems in flight. Only drawback is, Stonewards were described as Radiants Finest Soldiers, and he is total opposit, but I think this paradoxally strenghten theory - Brandon likes to play on stereothypes, so making surgeon-pacifist member of clearly military-oriented Order is his style.
  21. For now. Of course, in next versions speed will increase, so wings will be effective. First plane Wright Brothers was able to fly with around 10km/h speed. 12s, of course, but stil.
  22. 1. Adding Wings can overcome lowering carrying capacity, by adding lift. I can also see usage of luckyspren fabrials to lower the weight of machine. 2. Wooden structure is fine. We have many planes made of wood, even Bombers and Fighters during WW2. Steel is too heavy for now, gems can crack under big weight. But Aluminum will be perfect - light and cannot be magicly attacked. Only drawback is price. 3. Yeah, probably. 4&5 They will not have good maneuverability without on-board power. Yes, water power can be good for now, but without engines this cant be autotnmous. I think should be possible to make gem-engines using conjoiners, reversers and aluminum - similar to our electric engines. Of course, this is future.
  23. For my it is Transportation mixed with normal Spren Abilities. I think 1st post Theory is very plausible, but with one exeption: I dont think Fused is moving into CR and back. I think he is all the time in PR, at least partialy. What happens with his body is very similar to what happens with living Shardblade - spren is moving around in his form (like Fused in his Spren/Cognitive Shadow form) and form phisycal body when needet. Only difference will be that in Fused case natural form is phisycal one, but in spren case natural is cognitive one. And Fused probably need mind and Gemheart to "fuse with" first, this is why need Parshmens body.
  24. Yeah, but is impossible to have more than one medalion, because they cancel each other. She will have to have one medalion with compounded powers - what wasnt possible yet, but probably will be now, when Southern Scadrians will have access to the Twinborns. Another possibility is, of course, Hemalurgy.
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