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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. It is much harder choice. Probably Steel Ferring could be good. But practicly all Feruchemichal abilities are usefull.
  2. Parshendi demands it. White is fo them colour of sorrow and mourning, this has meaning that they do what they must and they are sorry for this, but there was no other choice.
  3. My thout exactly, but we also need explain why Fused can use his Surges. We know that Investiture block other Investiture unless it has the same Identity, we have ShardPlate as example. The most logical explanation is that Fused and this strange Fabrial has the same Identity of Investiture. So this mean Fused uses Voidbinding with the same way as standard Surgebinding, but simply fuel Surges by Odium Investiture. We know also they are Cognitive Shadows, made from Odium Investiture, so this mean Fabrial has to be also fueld direct from Odium. This will mean all Fused will have the same Identity as Odium, or they have no Identity. Or fabrial is not affecting Investiture with partial-maching Identity (Like only with Honor/Cultivation signature). Maybe Identity has levels? Like Shard, type, place, individual or something like that? If Fused has the same Identity as Odium, this mean that that fabrial fueled by Stormlight should be able to cancel Fused abilities, but cancel also all Radiants beside this one who launch it. If is somewhat Identity-selective, so should be possible to use against Fused without turning off Radiants.
  4. Odium probably dont choose his champion yet. He was sure that Dainar will be his Champion, and he has to modify his plans after Dalinar refuses him.
  5. They can make ilusions of touch and smell. Tastes are biologicly very similar to smell, theyre both chemoreceptors, smell even is prtialy responsible for taste. So yes, they should can.
  6. Khriss and Nazh apear in many places and without proper knowlegde can be easly miss.
  7. For me, its: Truthwatcher 80% Windrunner 73% Edgedancer 69% Little surprising to me is how many is possible Truthwatchers here, this order would be the most populated on this forum, being one of the smallest in books, and also one we know almost the least. But probably this has something to do with fact that this is basicly nerd-order.
  8. Probably not. Fused are Cognitive Shadows technicy, so they are similar to Spren on terms of Realmatics.
  9. I can see this: A Brave king led expedition throu enemy forces to rescue his wife and son. He fought agains Voidbringers, human traitors and Unmade, and he fall in his Palace, with just few guards, fighting to shield others escape. He fall, but His mission was acomplished - his son was rescued, and loyal men brought him to the family, where he can grow and avenge his father in the future.
  10. No. This WoB say, that Scadrian Gems have the same properties as Rosharan Gems. And Scadrial definitly has "normal" resources, is very much like Earth, and nothing there have Gemhearts.
  11. This is very hard. We know that is possible to make Hemalurgic spike without killing, but action still generates damage to the soul, causing insanity. Only person immune to this damage is Gold Compounder - he can regenerate damaged body and soul. He can do this even after stealing his F-Gold, because can burn his metalmind with Feruchemical charge. Also he can be able to regenerate after A-Gold stealing, if he has enough Health in metalminds. So This can be viable solution: 1. Give Misting/Ferring with wanted ability, two spikes, and make him in addtion Gold Compounder, 2. Steal his wanted ability, 3. Wait until he/she regenerate, 4. Repeat point 2 and 3 as many times as is needet. Now I imagine Hemalurgic Spikes Factory...
  12. I remember that, but i would have to search throu all three books to find that, what will take... way too long. Sorry. And yes, color of gems matters. Sapphire and Ruby are the same mineral. You are probably right. Maybe this has something to do with accesability of Rubys or Zircons.
  13. Sapphire value comes not from usefulnes for soulcasting, but from fact that Sapphires hold the Stormlight the longest from all gemstones. So they are the best source of light during Whip. Ruby is also very valuable because it part of Heating Fabrials - and need for Heat without smoke in underground shelters is easly understandable.
  14. Maybe more Skybreakers take side of Master Szeth (when he become one). I think Shalans brothers become Radiants, as well as Shalans servants, like Gaz. Other Bridgemen become Windrunners of course. Adolin will become Edgedancer. I hope for Stonewards. Probably weve met Stoneward Spren (in Shadesmar, in Celebrant, those with grey rock-like skin). Second Bondsmith too, but I hope it will be Taravangian. Ellsecallers are Jasnah Order. Stonewards we didnt see yet, but Taln was their Patron Herald. Venlis Order. I hope we are going to see Human Willshaper. Sebarial maybe.
  15. Probably because on Roshar meat is much more accesable than grain. Weve seen animals, heardable or huntable. Good example are chulls, they are much bigger than our cows. Animals are also less dependent on Highstorms than plants. Other answer can be acessability to the stone itself. Heliodor can be more popular than saphire. Another answer can be that demand for meat is lesser than for Grain (what is logical, in our world is the same) so heliodors are not as needet, because less of them can supply soulcasting. This can be combine with first reason upper.
  16. Aluminum isnt even known widely on Roshar. Shallan knows it, because she had necless made from it, but others not - Szeth has no idea from what is Nightblood Sheeth made, also Kal and others in Kholinar dont have idea what is that strange silver metal what stops detection of soulcasting. Kal even sees neccless made from aluminium on marketplace in Celebrant and have no idea what is this and why it is so expensive.
  17. No, is plenty of food types that dont have glucose, and have to be convert into glucose in series of biochemical reactions inside organism. Every fatty food (butter, oils), high-proteine food, even in many vegetables is no glucose, but polisacharyds. My bet is Lift metabolizes food into glucose, this convert into energy (normal way, as any human) and then part of this energy is converted into Stormlight.
  18. Exactly. She will stay in PR as sword forever. And Captain Ico clearly says, that his deadeye father is going to search for current owner of his corpse. So he is para-bonded with living human as Shardblade. If he summons the blade, Captain Icos father will be pull from his room into the PR, he will apear again if he will be summoned back, probably in the same place because of Connection. This probably upplies to every other spren who enters to the PR, like Highspren of Skybreakers (they most likely dont transfer themselves int PR unless as Blades) or even Mandras - they vanish from CR and enter PR as luckyspren.
  19. I think also digestibility is important here. Technicly, fats are more caloric than monosacharyds, but monosacharyds can be asimilate much easier. And this is why she gain more stormlight from sugars in specific timeperiod.
  20. Normaly, stealing abilities with spike requires kill. Is possible to not kill with spike during stealing, but this leaves spiked person with permanently damaged soul. I think this should be normally mortal wound - like throu heart. Different abilities are stealed by spikes made from different metals - if you want steal A-Gold, you need Cadmium Spike, if you want steal F-Gold, you need Golden Spike.
  21. No, she was allready on place. Adolin dont have summoned blade during teleportation. I think this can have something to do with gems in blades - they provide Connection to user, so this is like para-bond, and this allow spren to come back into Shadesmar as deadeye. And yes, many things that there are plenty of shardbaldes and plates around somewhere.
  22. Of course he has few metalminds inside the body. In Stomach, more specificly. Compounding demands that, he has to swallow few metalminds to burn them - and he dont need burn all of them, he can just tap them. It is possible to tap metalminds in stomach, Sazed did that. Few reasons: 1. It can be dangerous. Metal can react with acid in stomach. It isnt issue for Gold, but for other metals like Pewter or Cadmium... 2. Metalminds need to be small enough to swallow, and smaller metalminds mean smaller maximum charge. Yes, this is very good idea, but only for "standard" gold healing. We even have WoB: https://wob.coppermind.net/events/76/#e6335 So this mean, Gold Compounder can be spiked for F-Gold, and burn his golden metalminds as Allomancer and heal himself, regenerate his feruchemical abilities. So he can be spiked again. And again, and again...
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