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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. I think more about Energy of food. I think she is able to convert food into energy (normal way, like every other human) and then convert this energy into Stormlight. And this is fascinating - because probably is straight converter between Food Calories and Stromlight. It is also interesting, how much of this energy she converts, and how much she metabolizes. For example, is unconverted energy equal BMR? More? Less? How much?
  2. It is Theory about Rock that he will become Stoneward. This can be evidence supporting this theory - maybe this is one way that Surge of Tension works on most basic level - can make bones, muscles and tendons of user much harder to break so they can be push much above their normal limits.
  3. Feruchemy provides more usefull normal-day abilities. Feruchemical Tin is much more usefull than Allomantic because of selecatbility, Feruchemical steel, zinc, copper are very usefull. Bronze, cadmium, bendaloy, are not that hard to store, even electrum and gold can be cheated by some medicine.
  4. I will prefer Ferruchemy over Allomancy, but if i have to choose being Misting, the best will be being Slider (Bendalloy).
  5. Via Coppermind: He also survive the Highstorm outside. Also via Coppermind: Coppermind is very good place to find info.
  6. Technicly, it warned him. But too late.
  7. No, if Shard invested heavily into one Planet. If he does, he is Connected to this particular world. Like Devotion and Dominion are connected to Sel, being shattered. Like Honor is connected to Roshar.
  8. We know that Aluminum can be used to remove Investiture from body. So answer for Aluminum will be also yes.
  9. What is better? One Mistborn or small army of Mistings? We can have much more of metal to give people by alloing with Lerasium. And maybe they have other hemalurgic properties. We simply dont know.
  10. When Shardblade dont have owner, is still in PR. Just like normal sword. We even have examples - Dalinar has Oathbringer hung on the wall. We even know that Shardblades in the past were just in PR constantly, untill someone dont add to them gems.
  11. Probably not. Because spren in the form of blade is in Physical Realm as a whole. Spren cannot exist in both realms simultanously, they are in the Shadesmar or in the Physical Realm. We see this clearly when Kal and c.o. are near to Thaylen in Shadesmar, when Unamde followed by Army of Voidsren goes int the PR, and dissapear from Shadesmar. We also know that passing into PR isnt easy task for sentient Spren. So Deadeye spren is dead shardblade bonded to the current owner. And when he summons blade, this spren is pull into the PR. When bond will be broken, spren stays.
  12. Why Odium was surpriced and scared when Dalinar make his famous clap? For me it is relativly simple - Odium was scared because Dalinar did something what shouldnt be possible for mortal, Radiant or not. Open Perpendicularity isnt small thing, this is something what can be made only by entity with power on Shards level. Is also second thing - Dalinar did something what Odium wasnt able to predict - and he has really good futuresight. So what Dalinar did was like: "You think you know future? Nah" - and this is scary, because this mean every your plans can fall apart.
  13. We dont know about Lerasium Feruchemical propreties, but we know about its Hemalurgic power - Lerasium spike steal ALL powers.
  14. I think that there are two possible reasons of Moellach existence: 1. Indeed, he gather informations. Knowledge is power, Odium knows that and creation of servant that can pull information from dying is very usefull. We know, that Shards dont have direct access to minds of mortals, but maybe the connection between body and mind is the weakest in moment of death and Moelach is able to read memory of dying mortal. 2. He disrupts moving between realms. In this case his primary goal will be to stop sentient spren from entering into Phisycal Realm, efectivly lowering numbers of Radiants. Of course, this two powers can coegsist and Moelach can have both.
  15. Maybe less speculative than many can think - we know that earlier Odium wasnt able to bond his Spren with Humans, he did this during OB for the first time. But was able to bond Voidspren with Singers. What Singers have, and Humans dont? - Gemhearts.
  16. This can mean that concentrated mists now will give Sazedum/Harmonium/Ettmetal. But we also know that is possible to make Atium and Lerasium from Harmonium. https://wob.coppermind.net/events/374/#e12145
  17. But now war comms - and Jah Keved has all forces mobilized and collected in one spot, armed and ready. Suffered losses during civil war, yes, but now is practicly only kingdom immedietly ready for war against Parsh. Nothing unites better than common enemy. And remember, Taravangian is now man who end civil war. In public opinion, he is a hero. Also, im against judging him. In this situation every other man will be so scared that probably just ends as Odium puppet - and T was able to negotiate safe place for humans in case everything would go wrong. Remember, Odium can think that he has the best futursight, but Future isnt as clear as he want, also Cultivation doesnt speak last word eather. Also T knows that Dalinar now will not trust him, also we know that Shards cannot read minds (Mistborn). T can easly become double-agent. Clearly has some trace on human - Lift feels that Dalinar was in the Valley too.
  18. Maybe Surge Fabrials are 10, but other Fabrials are not. Is much more. The other magic system will be Old Magic - and this is not 10based at all, but binar. Sugesstion... We have conformation from Oathbringer that is 9 forms. We even clearly know witch Order dont have equivalent. BTW, futuresight can be granted not only by Odium. We know that every Shard has it, and can grant to his Investiture users. We also know that Cultivation is very good at it, so it is possible that Cultivation-related spren can give this ability. For Truthwachers, more specificly.
  19. But she dont grow constant - she bury memories, what is equivalent of breaking the oath.
  20. Thing is, they are granted by Voidspren. We know from Songs that in the past Forms of Power and Fused was all granted by Odium and see as Voidbinding. Roshar seems to have main Magic System, very similar to use no matter witch Shard is source of Investiture. We see this even with Parshendi, when they Bond with different Spren (Voidspren or lesser Spren) in the same way. Even Unmade works similar - for example, Yelig-Nar simply granted Surges to the Host.
  21. But this was more sideffect of too many additions. It should be understandable that some additions can have negative effect.
  22. If they are not using voidbinding, what they are using? Voidbinding is Odium power, now you just tell that Cognitiwe Shadows created by Odium are not using Odium Power - what doesnt make sence. Also, 10 is number of Honor. 10 is also number of Rosharan System.
  23. Yeah, but aluminum is wierd. Normaly, it doesnt.
  24. It was 9 Orders of Fused. Oathbringer, start of Chapter 121. They dont have Bondsmiths eqivalent.
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