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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. I think Kelsier indeed was brought back into Ferruchemist Body. We saw other Cognitive Shadows merged into bodies, but we didnt see CS merged with usage of Hemalurgy. Hemalurgy dont erase Body/Soul/Mind features, it also dont overrite them, like it is with Fused. Hemalurgy Adds new features, adds new part into the Soul. So if we spike dead body of Ferruchemist with spike with CS, we will have Body with features of this body merged with features of this Shadow. We even saw something similar, on smaller scale - when someone is using translating medalions, he is able to talk perfectly in maching lands language, but he stil has accent - because his body/mind knows, that he is not from there. Body has added new and old features (what is other evidence that Medalions are similar to Hemalurgy) So, this is my crazy theory. What if Kelsier used The Lord Rulers Body? This will explain why he is known in the South as Ruler, as well as Ferruchemy. Kelsier also has Connection to TLR. I dont remember, what happend to TLR Body, but this can explain many things.
  2. I always thout that Yelig-Nar was hosted during ths event, and this was host massacred scribes. I could be wrong. Yes, they are not-inteligent Unmade, but this can be also the problem. Bond with mind is easier, I think, that bond with mindless intuitive force. And yes, Sia-Anat seems to be not-hostile, maybe most inteligent Spren are able to evolve a little, influenced by events? Sia-Anat seems to be exception. I see this more like additional benefit. Odium probably promised Amaram power, and we know how words are important on Roshar. So he granted Amaram with Yelig-Nar bond, but if he will be able to bond Unmade, Odium has good loyal servant. If not, Yelig-Nar will not suffer, and also campain. As you notice, Amaram wasnt needet in this battle, so risking that Yelig-Nar will consume him will not have negative impact on battle, and can be positive.
  3. For all we know, Odium number will be 9, not 10. For example, he Has 9 Fused orders, he also Has 9 Surges. We also know about all 9 Unmade. They are: 1. Ba-Ado-Mishram 2. Ashertmarn 3. Nergaoul 4. Modelach 5. Sia-Anat 6. Yelig-Nar 7. Re-Sephir 8. Dai-Gonarthis 9. Chemoarich And we saw 6 od them, hear about 2, only the last one is mistery. And this is popular theory, but we have WoB that It is false. I don't have Time to search now, but maybe someone will.
  4. He was talking to Lift. Something like "I will not use sword until you will be dead and i decide to Die" (sorry, i cant quote literaly)
  5. Yeah, but Nightblood isnt (technicaly) Spren. And we saw other spren close to this sword and they say nothing about it, as they always do close to dead Shardblades (especialy Wyndle was very close).
  6. So, Szeth at the end of Oathbringer is 3Ideal Skybreaker, bonded with Highspren. He sworn not to use Nightblood in second part of Battle on Thaylen Fields. But why he dont use his Shardblade? 3d Ideal is standard for other Orders to gain Shardblade, is this different for Skybreakers?
  7. What about Frostlands? This is large area, and is between Kharbranth, Alethkar, Thaylen and Narak. Yes, its not many here, but it will be important, because can connect Dalinars Aliance terrains. Know we something about New Natanan and how they can contribute? They seems to be water power, and combine with Thaylen Aliance can have really large fleet, and maybe Stormfather will be able to carry ships. It is also unclear how important Natans can be, with their Aimian Blood. Also, Southern Althkar. When i look at map, hit me one place. Rathalas. This town can be very important for human campaign, when captured and fortified can literaly cut whole Alethkar on half. Its smowhat ironic and also poethic, that city burned to the ground by Dalinar influenced by Odium can become the most important place in campaign against Odium and key to very big part of Alethkar.
  8. Maybe the white spren are some type of Lightspren? I know that appearance is different, but they are Spren of WIllshapers, Radiant builders also with power of Transportation.
  9. Stormlight give smoe larger strengh. I know what Kal says, but we have an example - during Kal and Shallan escapade in Chasms, after fight against chasmfiend, when they try to hide from Highstorm, Shallan breaths Stormlight and was able to lift Kal with one hand, a little bit. Even Kal was thinking, that she uses abnormal strengh.
  10. I think Taravangian is the best candidate to bond Nightwacher and become second Bondsmith. 1. He is fullfililng the main goal of Bondsmiths, and unite people. He is practicly dark reflection of Dalinar - he unite Jah Keved under his rule, by murder. He even once, in one interlude of WoR have in mind excact same goal as Dalinar. "Unite them" 2. He allready is Connected to the Nightwacher - he asks about Ability to Save Humanity. Being Bondsmith can be this Ability. 3. Nightwacher is Splinter of Cultivation, Shard with the best Futuresight. He clearly have this ability (Diagram). 4. He is able to negotiate with Odium. For Sibling, I have no idea. Maybe Navani, she is clarly broken and have ability to connect people, but I hope she will not become Radiant, Stay genius Artifbrian and this will be how she will help win War. And Sibling have to be find first.
  11. A. All we know about Him is that Yelig-nar aleways manifest in host in active way. He did nothing on Thaylen Fields unless Amaram didnt bond with him. B. I was talking not about strengh of manifestation or influence into Physical Realm, I was talking more about... friendlines? Unmade are clearly hostile to all living things, so they had to be FORCED to bond, by strong mind. And when mind will be not strong enough to sustain bond, Unmade will break free and consume bonded individual. They are Splinters of Hate, after all. Stormfather is stronger, but hes much more recpect for Oaths, and isnt hostile. Like Storm isnt hostile. C.Why waste perfectly good servant? Odium dont think in this categories. One Fused said, to Venli: You cannot be weak serving Him. Odium dont care about his servants. If someone isnt strong enough, will be replaced. Like Aesudan.
  12. No. Primary goal of Willshapers is "I will seek freedom" and Sadeas is everything oposed to this. He seeks power and want to rule over everybody. If any Highprince is Willshaper, it will be Sebarial. He is doing everything in his own way, dont care about traditions or protocoles. He also dont care about war and fighting, he likes to build and trade, exactly like Willshaper. He also sometimes adopts some in need, and give them freedom.
  13. My thouths exactly. I think also that Dawnshards are power multiplier for Surges, or more specificly, for Spren. Dawnshard was used to destroy Ashyn (strenghten Division) but was also used to transport human refugees from Ashyn to Roshar (stenghten Transportation). It is possible that Dawnshard was used to make Oathpact (strenghten Adhesion). Also, Dawnshard was used by other side, Dai-Gonarthis multiply his strengh and destroy Aimia (probably took only one in Aimia and used), Ba-Ado-Misharam multiply her Connection and take controll of Singers. This theory explains, why Odium and Honor think that Surges can destroy Roshar. Because they can - with power amplified by Dawnshards. According to this, Dawnshards are basicly really strong Augmenting Fabrials.
  14. Because he would be Odium Champion, he would have direct Connection to the Odium powers and to the Odium Splinters, as follows. Anyway, he would be just Odium puppet. @KandraAllomancer, so this is theorethicly possible, but we dont see anything to prove that. Unmade always were mention as separete entities. And seing what Yelig-nar was able to do (and he needs host) i dont think it is on Roshar person strong enough to bond, for example, Nergaoul.
  15. It is very interesting theory, but we know that Yelig-Nar was the only Unmade able to bond with mortal. In fact, he need mortal Host. Other Unmade never bond with anyone. They can corrupt, possess and/or control people, but never bond.
  16. Cucisesh is wierd spren, definitly something what will be important. But we dont know why. I see two possibilities: 1. He is Dai-Gonarthis. Clearly assosiated with Water Unmade responsible for Scrouge of Aimia. He drain energy from people, similar to Unmade, we even have Quote, that Dai-Gonarthis was able to do that. 2. He is the Sibling. Maybe ti is why he is "Protector" - earlier he was Mind of Urithiru, he also is strong enough to stay whole after breaking oaths. But without Bondsmith and City he will go search for another City to protect. We also know Sibling "Is sleeping" - and Cucisesh seems to be in something like Standby mode. Of course, is possible he is just the big spren.
  17. This one too, but when Elhokar get hit by Chasmfiend, it was described as killing blow. But he survived, but with cracked gems in Plate. I think that he draw Stormlight from them and this is why they crack.
  18. Yeah, this can be normal adrenaline works, we have even examples from our world, so this is clearly possible. But can be also a little help from Spren. Like with Elokhar during fight against chasmfiend, like Kaladin on start of Bridge Four. Brandon teaches us to pay attention to details. Like this.
  19. No, I think. Nicrosilmind can store your own Investiture, with your Connection and Identity. Even if Ferruchemist will remove his identity, Shardblade is Connected to the Radiant, and has his Identity. But can be possible I think to easly Bond Spren by tapping Duraluminmind. If we will give Ferruchemist an Aluminum weapon, maybe Sword, he will win easly.
  20. I cannot quote this, because i have translated books. But i can describe fight, step by step. 1. Adolin atacks Thunderclast. He cut off one foot. 2. Adolin meets Tshadr. 3. Tshadr and Adolin atacks. Tshadr is atacked by two Fused. Adolin throws Maya and kills one of them. 4. Adolin is atacked by Thunderclast. He cut off one finger, but get hit. Now he have broken ribs. 5. Adolin try to run. 6. Maya apear in his hands in 7 HB. Adolin uses sword to escape level down. He falls first time. Damaged Leg. Maya worns him about Fused. Adolin dodge atack. 8. Thunderclast hits house, when was Adolin, and destroys it. Adolin falls second time. Cannot move. 9. Maya try to comunicate. 10. Adolin stays up, with Maya. 11. Renarin comms at last.
  21. Sia-Anat is clear for me, she has Shadesmar related Powers and Elsecallers are the closest to Cognitive Realm Order. Powers of Sia are clearly design to counter them in some way. Im just not sure about Ba-Ado and Yelig-Nar. I mean, when Yelig-Nar take Host, he is bonded throu Amethyst Gemheart. Amethyst is realted to Kalak, and Yelig-Nar powers also somehow reflect that - he is Herald of Builders and Craftsmen, so all surges make sence. But I also dont see how bond Ba-Ado with Nale/Skybreakers.
  22. When you put it this way, it is very good anlizys. So we can do better: Nergaoul - Jezrien/Windrunners Re-Sephir - Shalash/Lightweavers Moellach - Paliah/Truthwachers Sia-Anat - Battar/Elasecallers Ashertmarn - Vedel/Edgedancers Ba-Ado-Mishram - Kalak/Willshaper - they are assosiated with Freedom, and this is what Ba-Ado hits Dai-Gonarthis - Chah/Dustbringers. He destroyed Aimia after all. Yelig-Nar - Nale/Skybreakers left.
  23. I like it. Also, being Radiant seems to be Family Bussines due to nature - is easiest to be broken due to having bad family conditionds. Almost all Kholins are Radiant, also Kal and Tien, and Bridge Four is sort of foster family for brigemen. And whole Davar family is clearly broken, so it will be not difficoult for all of them to bond spren. So, my predictions: - Balat Dustbringer, this is obvious - Jushu Willshaper, , because of how independent he was - Wikim Truthwatcher, he is described as similar to Renarin
  24. No significant damage? Broken ribs is no significant damage? Also he fall from roof top twice, damage his leg, and was able to stand up. For me it is impressive.
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