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Posts posted by DramaQueen

  1. 1 hour ago, That1Cellist said:

    My apologies, oh great one. But if I defer to thee, what does my allegiance mean? I have trusted all my life in this other royalty. If I were to swear to thee, what would it mean? And one more thing. What is the purpose of this haven of yours? Why do we exist here?

    Tis a place to be safe from the follies of man, a shared haven of like-minded and like-hearted people, where we focus on putting ourselves before others. A ruler such as supposed "Queen" Ajvueoamvhwyoq, who asks thee to provide for her wishes rather than focusing on thyself hath no place in this haven, and I refuse to let my refuge fall to ruins in the hands of one such as she.

    1 hour ago, Aes Sedai said:

    Oh, what doth this be? A pretender to my throne? She is a wise queen, it is true, but I am Empress. Yet, while she sits here pretending, I have been occupied running my empire. Why must you listen to the follies of this mortal?

    There be no room for an Empress within this monarchy of my creation. Thy rule began mere hours ago, while I hath been providing from the background, seeking no glory as thou hath, for years longer than thou hast been here.

  2. Just now, That1Cellist said:

    How mayest I trust in thy words, newcomer? Thy boldness is confusing to me in this matter, as it speaks truth to my mind. How canst this be? Tell me that I may believe these words you speak.

    Behold, and I shall show you my first wise words upon consecrating this land:

    On 9/10/2020 at 1:57 PM, DramaQueen said:

    Yep. I'll mostly just post whatever single memes I find, because they're funny.

      Reveal hidden contents


    Twas nearly two and a half years ago when I bravely stepped into previously uncharted territory, and my grateful subjects took my offerings with willing hearts and open arms. Though it appears those days are gone, I have still sworn to protect those seeking shelter within my lands, and this is what I receive in return.

  3. 9 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

    Queen Ajvueoamvhwyoq is our mistress, fair lady. Though you do have a lovely point, she is our master, and her wish is our command.

    Were it not for me, thou wouldst not have this safe haven to retreat to, away from those who hath found true love. Were it not for me, the words thou speakest now may never have come to be. Were it not for me, thou may not have found thy precious mistress.

    9 minutes ago, That1Cellist said:

    Queen Ajvueoamvhwyoq, from whence cometh this... being? Could she be the rightful ruler? Have I been deceived by an impostor? Was your desire for a beheader a scheme to obtain the head of our true leader? Oh, what shall I do?

    I hath been here from the time this haven was founded, for, behold, I was the one who didst form it. I hath been here since before the time that the one you now call Queen was brought into this world.

  4. 1 hour ago, Witless of Shinovar said:

    So I think I finally figured out my sexuality: Bisexual demiromantic grayasexual

    As for gender...I'm starting to suspect i might be nonbinary or something. follow up, how the heck do you know if you're not cis? pls help

    I'm cis, and the way I know is because I very much enjoy looking feminine, and I feel really weird about considering going by they/them, he/him, or any neo-pronouns. I considered using xey/zem for a little bit, but that doesn't feel right, and it turns out I just think those are cool pronouns, but they're not mine. I ended up using them for an RP character, though.

    I enjoy playing male/masculine characters in plays, but I sometimes really really really hate dressing masc at all just in daily life. There are times that the masc vibes work, too. It depends on the day, but I always feel and present like a girl.

    If I have a crush on someone, and I hear/see them talk/text about me using she/her pronouns, I sometimes feel really really happy about that in the weirdest way. Like, those have always been my pronouns?? But I guess it just makes me happy that they're referring to me, and because those are my pronouns, it's really nice and correct.

    I know that's the opposite of what you asked, but maybe it'll still help a bit?

  5. 1 hour ago, Friendly Cremling said:

    Do you guys think 13 is too young to know if you’re aro? Because I know people who didn’t have crushes until they were older than I am, but like most of the people I know who are my age have crushes or are dating. So I don’t know if maybe I’m just a “late bloomer” or something or not. 

    Even if you do end up being a "late bloomer," it's okay to identify as aro for as long as the term feels right for you!! It's okay for you to change the labels you identify with, and just because you say you're one thing right now doesn't mean that has to be your final answer.

  6. 1 minute ago, Cinnamon said:

    Um what??? PIZZA BAGELS??? THOSE ARE A THING!!???

    how did I not know this???

    They're very easy to just make for yourself.

    All you need are bagels and pizza toppings lol

    Top the bagel with tomato sauce, cheese, and whatever other pizza stuff you desire, then pop it in the oven on broil till the cheese is melted and the edges are crispy, then enjoy your own personal mini pizza on a bagel.

  7. 4 hours ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

    Why… why did I click “Being of Cacophqny mentioned you in a topic”…


    12 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

    look, it was your turn. @SymphonianBookworm, it's your turn now.


    13 hours ago, 2EmLee2 said:

    I really should unfollow this thread. Why do I do this to myself?


    14 hours ago, Aes Sedai said:

    What the fiery meteor of death child, this is like the 10th time I’ve been forced into making this journey.


    18 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:



    On 1/31/2023 at 1:40 PM, InfiniteInsanity said:

    I was bored.


    On 1/31/2023 at 10:38 AM, Frustration said:

    Well, I didn't.

    And I'm going to not do it again!

    Do it again?

    Do, not doing it again?

    I'm going to not mention anyone in this post, and may again in the future.


    On 1/31/2023 at 10:23 AM, The Wandering Wizard said:

    Nah, just was surprised was all.


    On 1/31/2023 at 10:18 AM, Sequence said:

    This thread is kinda like the Last Post Wins but in reverse. Instead of constantly winning, you're constantly losing :P.


    On 1/31/2023 at 1:18 AM, Morningtide said:

    Well this is an interesting experience. I have never before lost the game in the middle of the night :P


    On 1/30/2023 at 3:15 PM, ExoticAlmond said:



    6 minutes ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:


    And now you all get to lose again! Congrats!!

  8. 4 hours ago, TheGreatSnail said:


    Really????? oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i can see it now


    4 hours ago, TheGreatSnail said:

    Gay corner is best corner, also nice bro!

    (Just so you know, double posting is discouraged; if you have more to say you can edit your previous post or wait for someone else to respond before posting again. There's also a handy dandy multi-quote function if you click the "+" button instead of "Quote" and that'll let you address more than one person per message)

  9. My ace-ness...uses many terms lol

    I'm very ace, but within the ace-ness is demi-ness and ace-flux-ness

    Let me explain.

    I'm asexual all the time, very much so. But, when I have a strong emotional-romantic connection with someone, I fluctuate between sex-repulsed, sex-neutral, and sometimes even sex-positive. Still no sexual attraction, but a different relationship with the idea of sex.

  10. 3 hours ago, Shadowed said:

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest that I wanted everyone else here to play by those rules, I was just initially confused because it’s a different version of the game here. I get it now, thank you :D 

    Oh sorry I didn't think you were suggesting you wanted us to play by those rules, just letting you know that those rules won't get you out of playing it this way when you're here :))

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