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Posts posted by DramaQueen

  1. 18 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

    This roast tournament has come to an end! Thank you to 

    @stormform wert

    @The Sibling (LOL I didn't know you could mention yourself)

    @Channelknight Fadran




    Well, that's the end of the round. It was a close one, but DramaQueen is the winner. Great job to all the contestants!

    Should we start another round? I'm not able to run it because I'm going to be away next week.

    I think @Thaidakar the Ghostblood wanted to join the next round. Anyone else?

    I can run this next round!

  2. One hour late, but I got it done.


    Well, folks, I'm back; let's do this again

    We'll see who's still standing when this round hits its end


    Wayne, I'll admit, you never make things dull,

    But seems your favorite pastime's making Marasi uncomfortable

    And, might I add, it also seems she's not the only one;

    You chased after Ranette till she chased you with a gun

    She shot not one, not three, but four

    Still you'd insist on chasing more

    It wasn't till you knew she's gay

    That you finally went away

    Your respect for women is seriously lacking-

    And if it's me who's saying that, you know you must be slacking.

    I'll confess, my attitude towards women at the balls

    Was far less than ideal; why'd Vin fall for me at all?

    But at least I didn't actively seek to make her squirm

    You play to Marasi's discomfort, you're lower than a worm


    Now, this might be low-hanging fruit,

    But you, dear man, will never shoot

    See, you can hardly touch a gun,

    And when you do, you come undone

    Disguises, healing, and speed bubbles

    Barely get you out of trouble

    Some may call you a coward,

    In truth you're a brave man who cowered

    Which is, debatably, far worse

    It's not shameful, it's just perverse

    Your greatest talent is your skill

    At pretending to be Bill,

    Joe, or Bob, whoever else

    You hardly ever play yourself

    Do you have a personality?

    Or did you steal that from your disguisees?

    In fact, I'll add on the subject of stealing,

    Your "trades" are far from appealing

    Kleptomania is what I'd call it

    If I didn't think you'd throw a fit

    It's not a trade if what you get,

    If paid full price, puts you in debt

    When all you give in return

    Is your dead grandmother's urn

    Trades are meant to be

    Of equal value, so you see

    You're swindling all these poor folks

    And laughing like it's just a joke


    Okay, fine, I'll agree

    You've certainly done some good things

    But at your core, no matter what

    Good sir, you're just a little butt

    You've never heard of boundaries,

    You take things that aren't yours with ease,

    Too in your head to hold a gun

    Can't converse without poking fun,

    You're someone else all along,

    And when the train was attacked, you just got busy with MeLaan

    Allow me to propose a trade:

    Me for you; it's been delayed

    But now this roast has reached its end

    You might as well surrender to Elend.

    @Channelknight Fadran I want to win, but not by default, so you'd better submit something soon.

  3. 18 hours ago, TheAlpha929 said:

    I apologize, I am late. But! All three submissions for Round 2 are in, and it’s time to vote! You will have 24 hours in which to do this. Remember, the winner will have a shot at winning the whole Roast Battle, so choose wisely!

    Important Note: I will be unable to officiate in the final round! Someone who is not competing will need to take my place. @The Sibling, would you be willing to?

    It is not letting me vote and I don't know if it's because my service sucks rn or what but uh add one vote for me please and thanks <3

  4. Spoiler

    Alrighty then, let's get this battle started,

    Two of us inevitably will be leaving broken-hearted

    Looking at my competition, though, I must say, I'm not scared

    No offense, but it's clear that I'm the most prepared

    Two of us are royalty,

    Two of us divinity

    Only one with both, that's me

    The best out of this trinity


    Lightsong, my man, a god who doesn't want to be one

    But a good man like yourself knows how things should be run

    See, when you're given power, you must take it with authority

    You gotta let the people's lives become your top priority

    You might be thinking "wait, hold up, I didn't ask to qualify

    "Why are all the common folk deciding it's me they glorify?"

    Chances are,

    It's cuz you are

    The best they got,

    The rest ain't hot,

    So pop a squat,

    I'll tell you what

    True cowardice is what you got

    Sure, some folks bury heads in sand

    But you refuse to take command

    You're trusted and respected, too,

    But you deny these things are true

    You have the capability

    To take responsibility;

    Instead you play the fickle fool

    While doubting your divinity

    Who cares if you're a god or not?

    With the admiration that you've got,

    You have the chance to do something

    Instead your life's an endless ring

    You do the same things every day

    Your life will never fade away

    But surely you find no true joy

    Just looking like a golden boy

    Instead of you, Siri and Vivenna

    Have to sort out your dilemmas

    Hallandren is your own city

    But you hardly do more than just sit pretty

    Sure, you give them the occasional tip,

    But mostly all you give is lip

    In short, you play at apathetic;

    Shorter, you are just pathetic.


    And now for Adolin, a prat of a prince

    Just the thought of you is enough to make me wince

    To roast someone like you is an insult to my talent

    You roast yourself daily just by trying to be gallant

    You tried to fight for Kaladin by being your own jailor,

    You've pooped yourself on purpose, and your best friend is your tailor

    You're reckless, irresponsible, and can't keep a relationship

    The only one that lasted had to be an arranged courtship

    Dude, I read books at balls, I barely even tried,

    You offended half the country then got a mail-order bride

    You seem to spend all of your time out gallivanting

    While everyone else tries to stop the world from ending

    Honestly, you're mostly there for comic relief

    And to have another person giving Kaladin grief

    How many things have you done without a thought?

    And how many of those things made everyone distraught?

    Your impulsiveness can have its moments, that I'll admit,

    Killing Sadeas was approved of, even by Wit,

    But you gotta think things through, when push comes to shove,

    Maybe that explains why you always struggled with love.

    You need to learn when to trust your instincts and when to let them lay

    Unless you want to push anyone and everyone away

    Lighthearted conversation has its place, to be sure,

    But when things are going wrong, it's not always the cure

    You would risk everything on the slightest whim

    What spren would ever want to bond with someone so dim?

    Of course, powers aren't necessary to prove to be useful

    Too bad so few of your efforts have proven to be fruitful

    I know how it feels to be overshadowed by your wife,

    But that's no excuse to run around wasting your life

    I'd like to think there's hope for you, but looking at the stats,

    It seems that all you'll ever be is Prince of the Prats.


    So, Adolin, Lightsong, thank you for your efforts

    I wish I could apologize, but the truth is that truth hurts

    You did your best,

    You took the test,

    We'll soon discover who'll rise above the rest

    You'll find that you're the losers when this round comes to its end

    That's the price you pay when you face off against Elend

    Fair warning: it's really really freaking long.

    But your man Elend is IN THE HOUSE

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