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Posts posted by DramaQueen

  1. 2 minutes ago, Frustration said:

    "Val, what are you doing here?" Itzel asked.

    "Itzel! I didn't think I'd see you here of all places! I'm just picking some stuff up for the farm. Spence was going to come himself, but I wanted to see more of Midway than I did just passing through to get to Ivinan, so I volunteered to come in his place!"

  2. On 5/4/2023 at 5:50 PM, shortcake said:

    i'm curious about how ya'll imagine me...

    A lot like your pfp, but older. Maybe 14-16? (after checking your profile, yes I was correct mwahahah) I haven't interacted with you a ton.

    I'm also assuming your pfp is a character from something and therefore probably doesn't look a whole lot like you, but I imagine you to be short with long wavy brown hair, brown eyes, maybe round glasses, and idk but you seem like the kind of person to wear colorful stripes and/or overalls and/or oversized hoodies.

  3. Val walked around Drakefell Midway, eyes wide open. This was xer first time in Midway and--was that a tavern?? She hesitated, then poked her head through the door, trying to be inconspicuous. Of course, that was hard to do when you were a sprite outside of Vitera, especially one as unexperienced in being outside of Vitera as Meri was.

  4. On 4/19/2023 at 8:47 PM, Szeth's Facepalm said:
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    Hiya guys, what are some really cool neopronouns?

    I rly rly rly wanna start using them but i'm not sure which to try out. Any suggestions?


    Xe/xer/xers or ze/zer/zers are the ones I've considered using, the biggest reason I personally would prefer neo pronouns over they/them is cuz I don't like the way grammar has to change because of it. (Instead of "she is" it becomes "they are"), but with xe/xer or ze/zer, I could still say "xe is" or "ze is"

    Idk for myself personally actually though, I still very much view myself as a girl.

  5. Damsel In Distress (One year/a year and a half ago)


    I'll tell you a tale
    Of a time long past
    A tale of adventure
    That couldn't last

    The damsel in distress
    She alone felt the dragon's breath

    She dreamed of a prince
    To win her heart
    But sigh as she might
    No one played that part

    The damsel in distress
    She alone felt the dragon's breath

    For years she waited
    But no one came
    She saved herself
    But died from shame

    The damsel in distress
    She alone felt the dragon's breath

    She sold her soul
    To be set free
    She lost herself
    But gained the key

    The damsel in distress
    She alone felt the dragon's breath
    She alone felt the dragon's breath


  6. Quote

    I thought that might be the case. Then xe's not currently out to anyone except her dad (he's the person xe has the closest relationship with, she knew he'd accept xer), which means she won't be out to y'all so just use she/her for now, but I will still be using xer neopronouns in my posts. 


  7. Quote

    Hello yes I am the other sprite and my character sheet is fairly chonky so open this spoiler box at your own risk.


    Name: Valtameri (Val/Alta/Meri/basically any other nickname you come up with; she's heard it all)

    Pronouns: She/xer (she/her/hers and xe/xer/xers; all fem pronouns but neopronouns cuz xe is most definitely not cis). However, she's only out to one person who is not any of you, so y'all can just use she/her in-character from now until if/when she comes out. I would prefer that out of character you at least try to remember to use her neopronouns occasionally.

    Race and Origin: Sprite - Vitera, but her father is Ivari.

    Magic: Sage - Allivancy, though xe does also know a fair amount of Fluid Arcana from xer father's side.

    Age: 27

    Physical Characteristics: Long, flowy dark blue hair reminiscent of the ocean, scaled light blue skin, coral horns and other (occasionally inconvenient) coral protrusions. She also has a sand dollar birthmark on the back of xer right shoulder.

    Personality: Very childish and temperamental, but at times has moments of startling clarity and wisdom. She's almost always upset if no one else is, but as soon as someone else needs calming, she can snap out of it and step in to help them. However, xe will (at this point in her life; liable to change over the course of the RP) always put xer needs first, regardless of who it might hurt or who xe may abandon.

    Backstory: Born and raised near an ocean with white sandy beaches and dark blue waves. She spent her childhood playing and swimming in the ocean so often xer family joked that xe spent more time in the waves than xe did out, and in all honesty, that wasn't far from the truth. She also spent a lot of time practicing her Arcana with her father guiding her. It didn't come as naturally as Allivancy, but xe became fairly capable with it. She loved catching all the critters that lived in the shallower parts of the ocean, often begging her parents to let her keep them as pets, but xe always ended up returning them to their home. Xe has also always had an interest in the history and politics between realms and often wished she could be more involved - though, as her family often reminded her, things get less and less peaceful the more involved you are. However, once the elders of her family decided it was time to move on from her beloved ocean, xe decided it was time to leave. Thanks to xer Ivari father, she was able to learn the location of a Parallarity, and she left to Ivinan as soon as she could.

    Skills: Swimming, dancing, catching animals, history, befriending kids, comforting people, debating, and she can be very manipulative if she wants to be.

    Profession: Currently working as a farmhand on a farm in Ivinan as near to the ocean as she could find. She doesn't love it, but it makes xer a living, and she has time to learn about histories and spend time in the waves.

    Val is an OC I've had since October and she fit too well to not use her.


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