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Posts posted by DramaQueen

  1. Hi!!

    My PMs are also always open, though do make sure I'm in a good mental space myself before getting into anything too heavy. Having people trauma-dump without warning can be detrimental to the listener's mental health.

    I probably won't be sharing many of my own experiences here, but I am here to support all of you!! 

  2. Pancakes.


    Mostly because my brother prefers waffles and I must oppose him in all things. But we don't need to mention that.


    Also pancakes are softer and fluffier and also instead of having big pockets of just syrup, the syrup gets soaked into the entire pancake so that each bite is equally syrupy with a very good balance of syrup vs pancake.



  3. 1 hour ago, Being of Cacophony said:

    uh... she's not a super close friend. We only know each other through ballroom. If I describe the behavior, could someone take a guess if she likes me or not? cause I have zero idea. Remember, this is all hypothetical 

    I could attempt to guess. But also like...every girl, like every person, is different and will have different behaviors around her crush.

    6 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

    may i come to the girls only sleepover????

    im a trustworthy lil gay gender-fluid gremlin thingy who writes sad stuff and plays guitar and i’ll bring popcorn and snacks and also i will bring my switch and we can play mario kart :)

    Of course! Welcome <33

  4. 53 minutes ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

    Totally, yes pls!!! (Sorry it took me so long to reply, you know when you open the notification at a time when you can't respond and then forget about it? That happened ;-;)

    I kind of made a tune and chord progression last night for that and the villain one as well ahahahahhaha would you be interested in hearing?

    Sure! The villain one also already has a tune that I made, would you like to hear that one too?

  5. 8 minutes ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

    They're all so good but this one especially :0000 would you be ok of i adapted it into a song, maybe? I'm always trying to write songs but i'm terrible at coming up with lyrics, and this is such a lovely premise. If you're not comfortable with that though i understand.

    Oh I have a tune for it already!! Some of these are songs, I just don't have sheet music or good recordings of them so all you guys get is the lyrics :P. I could DM you a (bad, acapella) recording if you would like!

    But thank you, that's such a compliment!

  6. 35 minutes ago, Shadonin said:

    What is the plan???????

    This, I believe:

    13 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

    He hasn’t read The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and I bought it a couple days ago. When I’m done reading it I’m gonna ship it to him from Australia. Totally feasible. And practical, even though his friend with whom he goes to school owns the fancy 42 year anniversary leatherbound version with a whale on the front (I’m assuming it’s that one, that’s the only one I’ve seen) and it’s also the same price (if not cheaper) to buy a copy of the book. Oh and we aren’t giving each other our addresses because, internet safety … duh so, I don’t know where I’m actually sending it to. Probably a friends house or a PO Box :P 



  7. 41 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

    Oh, I am nearly certain that I have encountered you out of context constantly. But given that your interest list on your pfp is


    Acting, singing, reading, writing, RPing, home decor, animals, Miraculous Ladybug, dinosaurs, flowers, hats, fairies, mermaids, seashells, art (sketching and painting, mostly), makeup, fashion, plants, stars, space, swimming, the ocean, rivers, lakes, pretty much any bodies of water, stickers (even though I never know where I should put my stickers...it's just such a commitment...), stuffed animals, blankets, yoga, and trees.”

    …I’m not 100% sure anymore. 

    but then again, I could be totally wrong! 

    Does anyone have another, perhaps just a hair more accurate evaluation on the one and only?

    Sorry, it's not a big deal, I just found it interesting that that's what you thought of me lol. It doesn't need to be changed or anything, I'm just overreacting.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

    Shall I amend your mark on the Shard to “@DramaQueen: the resident gargoyle that throws pastries at you when you excitedly talk about your favorite animal”?

    ...throwing pastries?

    I'm honestly confused as to which of my posts/comments have made an impact on your impression of me, cuz it seems like you're picking out the absolute randomest things I've ever said, and I feel like that stuff isn't a very clear picture of me as a person lol

  9. 1 hour ago, Koloss17 said:

    Okay, okay I concede. It would be far more realistic for you to host a collaborative storytelling thread about each of the members’ favorite dinosaur set in a Zootopia-esque metropolis.

    I might sometimes ask random things in my SUs, but I never really create threads anymore lol. And when I post in threads, I think I still stay on topic.


    20 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

    Aww.... Frustration you are most kind

    Frustry is also exactly correct. Nath, you are one of the greatest people on here.

  10. 1 hour ago, Koloss17 said:

    …well, so long is that topic is about the intricacies of cup stacking, sure!

    To my recollection, i have never once in my life talked about the intricacies of cup stacking. I think you may be getting me mixed up with someone else.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:


    @DramaQueen: If Fadrian’s the chill dad, Dramaqueen is the eccentric cousin. Very high energy, you will be hard pressed to find her on topic. Fun to have tea and chat with though!

    ......when am I off-topic?? Why is that my legacy?

    I'm fine with the eccentric cousin bit, but I feel like I'm pretty consistently on-topic...

  12. You Deserve The World (But Not This One) (October)


    You deserve the world

    But not this one

    You deserve to run and play

    And have fun

    You don't deserve the pain

    Just sunshine and clean rain

    Yeah, you deserve the world

    But not this one


    [untitled villain song] (October)


    Heroes write history

    The truth is a mystery

    The heroes, they lied

    Now listen to my side


    Haunting Tune (October) (to the tune of jingle bells but in a minor key lol)


    Dashing through the leaves

    On a headless horse named Jack

    Through the fields we go

    Can you hear that whip go crack?

    The werewolves, they all howl

    At the moon shining so bright

    What fun it is to laugh and sing

    This haunting tune tonight


  13. Adventure of our Dreams (over a year ago)



    A dragon's flame

    A sword's blade

    A forest glen

    Or a thief's raid



    Let's go on an adventure

    We'll sail the seas and see the world

    A great big grand adventure

    Racing the wind, our banner unfurled

    The adventure of our dreams

    Stranger than you've ever seen

    So make a wish upon a star

    Our adventure will show us

    Who we are



    We are pirates

    Scouring the seven seas

    We are rebels

    Doing whatever we please

    We could be soldiers

    Going off to fight a war

    And as we go, maybe we'll learn

    What it is we're fighting for





    Let's go

    We can climb a tree

    Let's go

    See what we can see

    Let's go

    Just you and me

    On an adventure of our dreams



    We are warriors

    Fighting off beasts of woe

    We are wizards

    Helping the forests to grow

    We could be astronauts

    Exploring space to its ends

    But through it all, no matter what

    We'll always be best friends




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