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Posts posted by DramaQueen

  1. Hey!

    I've been writing a lot of poetry and music stuff lately, so I figured I'd share some of it :))


    Promises (written more than two years ago)


    If I told you I promised I’d always love you

    Would you return the words and say you love me too?

    And would you promise to stay by my side,

    Never alone, with me ‘till we died?

    Would you promise anything, or are you too afraid

    Of being bound by all the promises you made?

    You long to be free, flying high through your life.

    Would I tie you down by becoming your wife?

    You’d be linked to me, two birds chained together,

    Always by my side, always and forever.

    A promise is kept, and if it is broken,

    It scars your soul, you’re fin'lly awoken

    From the dreams you had, the dreams you dreamed,

    You’ll find your life to be sadder than it seemed

    Flying free sounds beautiful, it’s what you always wanted.

    But if you fly alone, the freedom will be haunted.

    You say you love me, I know it to be true

    Otherwise why would I be here with you?

    I have dreams too, things I want to be,

    But I would like to be them with you right next to me.

    What are dreams if they’re not shared,

    What are vulnerabilities if they’re never bared?

    If someone knows your weaknesses, they’ll show you your strengths

    That might defeat those weaknesses, length by length by length.

    Live my dreams with me, I’ll live your dreams with you,

    And though I can’t promise life will never be blue,

    I can promise I’ll be there if things go south,

    All I ask from you is two words from your mouth.

    “I promise” is all I ask, two words that mean so much

    Those two words, and if we break, we’ll be each other's crutch.

    We can fly together, the chain holding us side by side

    Will never cause an issue if we put it there with pride.

    We’ll build that chain, link by link, completely willingly,

    Then fly through life, fly away, fly so thrillingly.

    So say those words, I beg of you, I ask of you, I plead,

    For, my love, your promise is all I’ll ever need.

    I’ll sign a contract, join our lives, I’ll use my blood as ink,

    To prove that ours is a boat we'll never ever sink.

    You’ll be free, but not alone, we’ll be free as one,

    Knowing that our life together has scarcely begun.

    Will you fly with me?

    Promise me?

    Be with me?

    Because you know,

    I will.

    I do.

    I’ll go.


    Made to Hurt (2 years ago)


    I'm broken

    I'm bleeding

    I'm falling apart

    I'm broken


    I'm broken

    You have destroyed me

    Crushed by your words

    Crushed by your lack of love

    I thought you cared.

    You said you'd be there.

    But now

    You're gone

    But it's fine

    I'm fine

    Yeah I'm broken but it's fine

    Don't mind me, I annoy you anyway

    And I really don't have anything to say

    Nothing that matters

    Nothing but the pitter patter

    Of my heart racing

    Only you

    My thoughts gracing.

    I may have a feeling of loneliness and loss

    Unrealistic expectations with a mighty cost

    I want to be heard, want someone to care

    Someone who wants our lives to share

    But me being me, it's a hopeless case

    A fact that I can't quite bring myself to face

    You are you

    And I am me

    I suppose I may never see

    A day where I find real comfort

    I was merely made to hurt


    Not Lit (2 years ago)


    I know that I hurt, and that's it

    I feel like ev'rything's been hit

    I'm in much distress

    An emotional mess

    My life right now is not lit


    Contradictions (2 years ago)


    Uncertainty is certain.

    The inability to count on anything is always to be counted on.

    Feeling lost is always found.

    Impossibility is possible.


    Hope (2 years ago)


    I felt all kinds of sorrow

    No happiness could I borrow

    I feel so pained

    The terror reigned

    I have no hope for tomorrow.


    Drown (2 years ago)


    I feel broken

    I feel like I need to cry

    But my tears are dry

    They refuse to flow

    They're stuck in the dark hollows of my once-bright eyes.

    I'm in pain, but it's not physical

    My heart aches, a feeling I didn't know 'til now.

    My voice breaks with emotion that refuses to show on my face

    The tears must be flooding my mind

    Because I feel like I'm drowning

    I can't come up for air

    Because my painful emotions weigh me down

    As I drown

    I drown...



    Dragon Lullaby (under two years ago)



    In the land of ice and fire

    The power of desire

    Grows strong and weak,

    Bold and meek,

    Where strange events transpire


    The creatures of fire and ice

    Before you know the price

    Will draw you in

    Adventure begins

    More chance than a roll of the dice


    Ice and fire cover the land

    Impossible to understand

    But find the dragons,

    Follow their passions,

    Then all the pain withstand


    They said the skies won't be ours

    That we cannot go that far

    But on dragon wings

    We'll share vows and rings

    Then write ourselves in the stars



    Depend On You (...year and a half? Ish?)


    A house needs a foundation

    A tree can't grow without its roots

    The earth supports a mountain

    And I could never live without you.

    Cause I depend on you

    And you know that if you need,

    You can depend on me, too.


    Defied (also year and a halfish?)


    Take it in stride,

    Not giving up, throwing away my pride

    I'll come right out the other side

    Cuz way back when, those tears I cried

    Come back to now, those tears have dried

    And I'm stronger now, roll with the tide

    No I won't be defied


    Love? (Yearish ago)


    How do you love me?

    What do you mean 

    When you say those words?

    Tell me the truth

    Even if one of us ends up hurt

    What if I don't love you the same way

    That you love me

    When you tell me you love me at the end of each day

    What do you mean?


    Dino Poem (Maybe a bit over a year ago)


    Diplodocus plods along

    Pterodactyl's terrific in flight

    Stegosaurus is sweet but strong

    And T-Rex is all ready to fight


    Velociraptor is small and fast

    Plesiosaur swims, small tail, long neck

    Parasaurolophus' head thing is vast

    And Triceratops is cool as heck



    Certainly lives up to its name

    All the dinosaurs that came before us

    Deserve tons upon tons of fame


    Voyage (little over a year again)


    You voyage into the bright light of day

    And long to reach that ne'er before sought land

    Where bare a touch, and there you'll always stay

    And there your thoughts and dreams fore'er expand


    It can't be found on map, but in your mind

    The way grows clear, you know where you must go

    You travel through all things, and then you find

    A place wherein all things you somehow know


    A place where those you love are always near

    A place where pain and guilt refuse to be

    A place where you no longer feel fear

    And in this place, you'll fin'lly be with me


    Come taste my sweet, intoxicating breath

    Come have a taste of what they all call Death


    Good In Me (pretty recent, end of March)


    I don't like my hands

    I don't like my nose

    I don't like my chin

    Or my eyes, my feet, my toes.

    There are days when I wish my body was shaped differently

    But you help me see the good in me


    Ocean (written yesterday) (tw mostly vague mentions of abuse) (not based on true events)


    I am the ocean

    You are the sand

    You think you're the strong one

    But I'll take command


    I am the ocean

    You are the stone

    I break against you

    But I'll break down your throne


    I am the ocean

    You are the rocks

    You try to chain me

    But I'll break through the locks


    I am the ocean

    You're acting smug

    As you pull me in,

    Force me into a hug


    I am the ocean

    You think it's bliss

    But my life flows away

    When I feel your kiss


    I am the ocean

    You're kissing my corpse

    But the tide will come back

    And you'll feel my force


    That's all for now, I tried to keep them all fairly in order of when they were written. I'll post more when I write them, or when I find old ones that I want to share.

  2. Fair enough.

    Just thought I'd mention that, since it is called Sharder One-Liners, I believe its original purpose was to document quotable things said on the Shard. However, thread purposes can change so keep doing what y'all are doing lol.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Eluvianii said:

    Well, just watched the episode myself. Spoilered for obvious reasons.

      Hide contents

    Ngl, I was just a tiny little bit disappointed with the roles of Belos and the Collector. I was so storming excited when they revealed the Collector as the villain. Hyper powerful eldritch god with the mind of a child is such a good concept for a villain. But nope, it was Belos again. He also became a bit boring in season 3. I feel he was a lot greyer before, but they turned him fully stereotypically evil at the end so there was a villain to kill. His last scene was almost cool too but sigh, they had to go for the "humiliating the villain in his last moments" cliché.

    The Collector was great though, I love how he learns about human emotions. I just wish he had been the villain in full and that realization had happened as the climax.

    We got closure for almost every character and it was a good one. I'm honestly impressed they managed that in under 3 hours. Although, uhhh does anyone remember what happened to Amity's mom? She didn't appear at all but maybe she died on episode 2 and I forgot? I thought it was a shame because she was an interesting character and you can sort of see she cared about her family, but along the way those feelings got mixed up with her greed, and everything went to hell. It would have been nice to explore that more instead of just, kicking her out of the show.

    Man, that last revelation about glyphs was good. Sort of FMAish. Like sure, you can master magic theory, but where do you think all that energy is coming from? And there it was. I loved Papa Titan, during the 2 or so minutes he was on screen he was everything I could want from King's father. Gosh, I want more of his character.

    Animation was great. The corruption slowly crawling around when Belos possessed the Titan looked pretty sick.

    Ending was maybe too conveniently happy but you'll never see me complaining about something like that. Overall I'm slightly disappointed with how the season developed, but also really impressed the managed to make something good at all with so little time, and happy with the end result. Good show, clap clap. Once again I'm out of animated fantasy for kids. Maybe I'll check out Amphibia next.



    Amity's mom was there for a second during the reunions, she was just ignored while Amity hugged her dad.

    I'm a fair amount through Amphibia, and I do highly recommend it.


  4. Just popping in here to say hi y'all should check out the YouTuber Katherine Steele and join her internet theatre cult :D. She's amazing and has a lot of tips and stuff but also she's just really funny and has a lot of entertaining videos and stuff, it's just a grand old time. 10/10, highly recommend.

  5. 4 hours ago, TheAlpha929 said:

    0D76D278-B0E1-4E39-A165-A155BC8A95AB.jpegCause I could use some. Any advice that comes to your mind is great!

    Prioritize yourself. Be nice to yourself, because you deserve it. Give yourself time to do what you need, and even when it's hard or you're worried that it might hurt someone else, take care of yourself and set the boundaries you need to set. You can't be there for other people if you're not there for yourself first.

  6. Well, now it's done, but President Nelson's was definitely my favorite by a long shot. I think everyone (including non-members) could get a lot out of it, it was so good.

  7. 27 minutes ago, Frustration said:

    How's life?

    It's going alright! Been pretty busy with school, work, choir, maintaining a social life, and keeping myself alive (adulting is hard), but I'm surviving and I think I'm doing pretty good for someone who hasn't even had a year of experience with adulting yet lol.

  8. On 3/21/2023 at 5:00 PM, NerdyAarakocra said:

    Which witch is your witch?


    I'm not gonna rate yours just because I just barely rated someone, I'm just gonna answer your question, so whoever is after me, rate Nerd (is it okay if I call you that for short?) here instead.

    My witch is a picrew I made of myself.

  9. 4 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

    I saw Mary Poppins last night. It was AWESOME!!!! The vocals were i n c r e d i b l e and the props and set? Well let's just say Mary Poppins herself would have been proud. I can safely say that it was one of the best shows I've ever seen. The quality it presented at was at was so high that even if the acting sucked I still would have thought it was alright, the acting however, far from sucked. The Banks children were so small yet so good and Bert and Mary, well, the best way I can describe it is practically perfect in every way. I think what really pushed it over the edge from great to splendiferous is the fact that you could tell that everyone was having fun, they put so much energy and life into it you ouldn't help but get engrossed in their world. I have once again been reminded of why I love theatre so much ^_^

    What makes it even better is that I was having a terrible week, to the point where I would go to the bathroom and cry at lunch and I was starting to feel like I didn't care about anything, not even theatre. Then I remembered I had these tickets and I was worried that my mood would ruin it and i wouldn't get the joy I usually get from performing and watching others do the same. Boy, was I wrong. I'm in no way 'cured' of feeling like cremling droppings, the feeling with come back eventually, it always does, but, it is lesser now. Reminding myself of what I love really revitalised me. I feel like I could take on the world! Or at least my huge pile of homework. :D 

    Oh good!!

    ...my only comment that isn't necessarily positive is that you totally missed the opportunity to say "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" instead of "splendiferous."

  10. 1 hour ago, Aes Sedai said:

    Ah, but thou forgetest, “Queen”.  I never requested this position that I have been tasked with. Indeed, all I requested was a name. When promised wishes, I sang the beginning into the woods. These did not notice, but canst thou truly find fault in such a thing? My aims were low, my reign, an accident. But this kingdom requires protection, and so I shall give it.

    What protection doth it require that I am not capable of giving? Thou mayest not see the good I hath given, but it is there, and I do not wish to accept praise or worship from others for it. Thy reign may have been an accident, but still thou acceptedst the power, and, as Shallan Stormblessed well stated, thy refusal to relinquish the power tis a bad sign.

    We are Single Pringles, Not Ready To Mingle, as we focus on taking care of ourselves before turning to another to worship and provide for. Those who were so willing to fall at thy feet and offer wishes were weak, but thou...thou didst not even remain true to the proper lyrics of the song you meant to quote.

    Thou didst say "I wish…more than life…more than anything…more than the moon…I wish…"

    Any true drama queen would know that the true lyrics to Prologue: Into The Woods are:

    I wish

    More than anything

    More than life

    More than jewels

    I was initially willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, for 'twas naught but a minor mistake, but thou hast proven that thou art not worthy of even that.

    It hath been two and a half years since my reign began. Two and a half years of peace. I hath been given no glory, and I would not accept it, were it offered to me. I am but a humble servant of my subjects. I aim to put myself first in my own life, as I encourage my subjects to do, but beyond that, keeping the peace is my priority. This kingdom requires no protection from one who would accept my subjects' worship.

    48 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

    I said not that she was our supreme being, only that there are many desiring such a thing. If thou dost hide the thread, that creates room for a new one! Then the purpose could change. is that what thou desirest?

    If thou decidest to create a new thread, any harms that may befall upon thee would be on your heads. It is no concern of mine if thy own mistakes harm thee within thy own realm. However, as this is my realm, it is my responsibility to protect it.

    However, if I lose those I aim to protect, I shall not stand in their way.

    I would prefer this thread remain open, and if thou wouldst prefer, thou mayst begin a new thread, away from here, where thou wouldst not need abstain from electing to put one above the many. But as thou art here, thou wilt abide by the purpose in place.

  11. Just now, Being of Cacophony said:

    Ah, but a true empress must show herself as supreme. Thus it requires an amazing name.

    The purpose of this thread is that no one is truly supreme. All that I am here for is to keep things running smoothly and to step in when something such as this arises. If you wish for a so-called "supreme" leader, you may go somewhere other than my haven.

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