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Everything posted by GudThymes

  1. What's your reasoning for this? We know their Identities merge definitely, but to say they have the same Identity? I've pulled a few different WoB's that I think challenge this. Let me know your thoughts? If you can take the Nahel Bond from the spren, then wouldn't you also steal the whole Identity of the mortal? Brandon says "weird ramifications" so I'm not sure if that would be one of them? Still undecided here. Here's another that I found. I'm not sure how it directly changes our arguments but if I read this correctly the Nahel Bond is based off Connection. So presumably what Adolin is doing is restoring the Connection to Maya, thus restoring her? I'm now unsure of my view on this.
  2. Thank you! If you count Arcanum Unbounded then there's your answer. Otherwise I would say Way of Kings. I think the early progression of Kaladin as a character is one of the most captivating things I have ever read. I don't think I could ever get tired of reading it.
  3. Hi everyone. I go by GudThymes (he/him) online, but you can call me Goody or Guddy if you're so inclined. I was introduced to Brandon by my brother a couple years ago and have now read every Cosmere book twice and now I'm working on my third read of the Stormlight Archive in prep for RoW. It's good to meet you all and to start to be active in a community that has meant so much to me.
  4. I'm not sure about that take. I would assume that a Pseudo-Radiant would be like Kaladin in early WoK. Currently representing and living the ideals of one of the orders and attracting one of their spren. Working towards the initial bond. What Adolin is doing with Maya is unprecedented. We know that Maya and the other Shardblades are a direct result of the abandonment of the oaths. What we've seen Adolin do over the course of WoR and Oathbringer is treat Maya not as just a sword but as something more. He personifies her (even before he knows she's a spren) and treats her with respect and Honor. I would assume that what Adolin is doing is more akin to restoring Maya as a Spren rather than restoring the abandoned bond she had. I love, love, love this theory. However, I have one major qualm with it. I'll describe my take on the Nahel bond -- Basically a mortal being (Physical realm being) creates a bond (agreement/oath) with a Cognitive entity (Spren/Splinter) thus giving the mortal access to investiture. I think that as the Nahel bond progresses the Spren's identity is being integrated and merged with the Identity of the mortal. I think that when the bond was broken unilaterally (as opposed to with death, or by the spren) this caused the Spren's Identity to get locked out of it's Cognitive body. I think what Adolin is doing with Maya is restoring her Identity rather than restoring the bond.
  5. I hear you on this, and I don't think I would act how Lirin would. However, I think it would be a little willfully obtuse to say that Lirin isn't fighting back. He's hiding and aiding a general that is seemingly crucial to the Herdazian war effort (the only other one we've heard of so far). I believe that Lirin thinks he knows his place, as a surgeon, and is doing his part to help the people. He isn't willing to pick up arms himself and fight, although he won't stop others from doing so (except for Kal).
  6. The art is absolutely beautiful. However, I have to say the rules aren't that well written. I spent a good amount of time reading and rereading them and it is just very confusing. As soon as I started playing the actual game itself it started to come together and the game doesn't seem wildly complex. Just a confusing rulebook.
  7. But is that really known to most of the characters? We know this is Odiums intent/goal. But is it the Fused's? Is it the listeners? Is it the newly restored parshmen's? I find the term genocide to be carelessly thrown around in this context. For the last year the listeners have not been slaughtering people. As far as most Alethi are likely concerned this is just a new army that was suddenly much more powerful than them. I understand Lirin's opinion, he is a man used to having people with more power get their way. But I don't think he sees this new reality as a threat to his very existence, just a new foot at his neck.
  8. I second this opinion. I think the general principle of them is the same. However, there may be some nuance that Spanreeds are capable of that these more basic Conjoiners are not
  9. In my model the "two horizontal lattices" are rather one lattice with both sets of fabrials in the frame. You're just switching the "forwards/backwards" setting when you switch the chulls. This is the piece I missed with my thinking. I'm fully on board with everything you said now. The aluminum wouldn't be necessary. Here's what you do when the chulls reach the edge of the plateau and need to turn around: This cinches everything together for me.
  10. "The real advancement had come as they’d learned to use aluminum to isolate motion along a plane, and even change the vectors of force. The end result was chulls that could pull for a while, then be turned around—the gemstones temporarily disjoined—to march back the other direction, as all the while the airship continued in a straight line." I think the use of the aluminum is specifically with the horizontal movement. My assumption is that in this lattice there are two sets of fabrials. Conjoiners and Reversers are in the lattice and one is sheathed in aluminum. When you are moving the chull in the same direction as you want to move the ship you have the Reversers sheathed in aluminum. When you turn the chull around to pull the lattice back, you switch which set of fabrials is sheathed. This should allow you to do half as much Work. The thing I don't get is how they changed the vector or force. Am i wrong in assuming that they didn't inverse/rotate the force vector and instead increased it?
  11. hahaha, yeah. I thought of something worse than dropping your radiants. Navani said they can control elevation. You could create a stealth bomber... Get a lightweaver to stealth the Fourth Bridge over the intended drop zone. Go up, like really far up. Then get your Lightweaver to then soulcast something (the air maybe) into a large dense object (stone) and gravity will handle the rest. You don't even need a ship as large as the Fourth Bridge to do this. You really just need a capsule large enough for a Lightweaver, her supplies, and whatever redundancies you want -- maybe a Windrunner/Skybreaker for the gravitation surge, then it could double as extra downward lashings to increase the stone's terminal velocity.
  12. Quick aside. How do I do those nested quotes to show what you were quoting? TBH I don't think my theory has a lot of merit. It was a more of a "hmmmm, WHAT IF?!?!?!" type of deal. I personally just don't want every new interesting character to turn out to be a budding radiant, and I recall seeing that the Dysian have an importance. I also think how the Mink/General talks to Dalinar is proof that he really is a Herdazian, however, I really want to see a Dysian become a minor or even major character.
  13. Use Lightweavers to make the Fourth Bridge look like a cloud. Then BOOM drop your full army of Radiants into the middle of the enemy encampment.
  14. He *could* but I would assume he would be hesitant to doing so for a couple reasons. 1) It's unlikely that some if any of his army knows that he is a Dysian (if he is) and changing his face would be a dead giveaway. 2) He needs to be recognized by someone who is in contact with Urithiru/Dalinar. "with practice, a Sleepless can mimic the shape of other creatures, including humans." Pulled from the coppermind wiki. Just because Arclo isn't great at hiding as a human doesn't necessarily mean that other Dysian's aren't. Take the Kandra for example, we know that some are better than others. Additionally, we know that Dysians exist in other parts of the Cosmere, I don't see why some of them aren't really good at pretending to be human.
  15. That's what I'm not sure of. I looked into the other two Dysian's we've seen (In Edgedancer and the Cook) and in both of those situations the people interacting with them don't know until the Dysian "shows" themself to them. Now, I haven't found any proof or references to cremlings where the General is mentioned. But now it's my theory until proven otherwise.
  16. Haven't seen this theory here yet. My theory is that the Mink is a Dysian Aimian. It could explain how he is able to "disappear" as well as could provide an alternative explanation for how he was able to lock the Herdazians in a stalemate with the Fused army for over a year (rather than being a budding Radiant).
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