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Posts posted by ProfetessaOscura

  1. Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "I really don't know how it works. I didn't even know it was an Aspect until a few days ago. I thought it was a curse from the Queen, not a gift." Janice looked down at the qhoral veins running over her hand. "So I don't really know how powerful it is given any amount of pain... though maybe I should've figured that nothing you would do could kill you. It took a lot of pain in to..." She trailed off. "Anyways, I guess... I guess I'm just not really much of a fighter yet."

    He stiffened. “The Queen?  Whatchya got to do with her?  And maybe you should talk out your thoughts. It’ll help ya figure out what you can do and what you shouldn’t.”

  2. 12 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Well I didn't want to kill you!"

    "Yeah, but you sure as heck weren't gonna win," he said, "And I'm sure if you save up the right stuff, you can knock someone out.  Like... five.  Ten punches?  Given in a burst, or in a lot of bursts one after the other?  I'm guessing that's what you did, cuz it sure felt like you hit me."  He raised an eyebrow.  "Better yet, you could learn how to give a punch."

  3. 9 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice, being Janice, did nothing to guard. She tried throwing a weak punch at his face, but couldn't tell if she'd hit or not. Instead, she found herself collapsing to the ground under Corwin's weight.

    "Jeez, are you happy now?" he asked, sitting on her back.  "Now, do you want to replace your actual weapon, or do you need to get lobbed in the face again so you can try smacking me?"'  He folded his arms and crossed his legs, still perched on the small of her back.  "If you need to save up damage to deal damage, don't let on so early, dolt.  You need to learn how to outlast a fight and take multiple hits, so when you do whatever you did, you can instantly overwhelm your opponent.  What you did, though, it might be best in a one on one fight.  I don't think it'd hold up against a lot of opponents." 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice let out a sigh and cautiously mimicked whatever Corwin was doing. She probably looked ridiculous, though.

    He approached and got close.  This time, he wasn't taking chances.  There was a reason she'd demanded that he hit her before she could do anything powerful.  He wasn't going to play into that.  He went for a grapple.

  5. 1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice concentrated her power—her pain—into a tiny, invisible sphere hovering just between her palms. She’d never really done this on purpose before, but it felt natural; to an extent, anyways.

    She grunted and hurled the bead of force at Corwin, detonating it inches from his chest.

    "I don't get you at all," he was saying, hands on his hips.  "I'm trying to take you to get you all set up so as you can learn how to protect yourself, and all you want is to get beaten up.  And now you're doing another pretend ninja pose.  I think I'm done talk-" The explosion of force pushed him backward.  He felt the force of the hit he'd given her, and he staggered backward.  He was better off, since he was taller, and since it had hit him in the chest and not the face.  Still, he looked down at his chest, stunned, where the front of his already ragged shirt had torn.  A purplish bruise was already settling on his sternum.  "Alright, so we're doing this," he said, and lowered himself into a fighting stance.

  6. 1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice flew across the floor, tumbling over herself as she crashed down five feet away. She grunted, but didn’t cry: she’d grown quite tolerant of pain recently. Her nose was bleeding, though, and it felt a little broken.

    With a grunt she pulled herself to her feet. “Kay. I’ll do my best to not kill you.”

    “What the heck are you on about?” He asked, dropping his guard, standing relaxed. “I don’t understand you at all.”

  7. 9 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "We're not outside a match. I'll show you what my Aspect is; just punch me in the face already!"

    He grunted, spun on his heel, and fudging decked her, full force, in the face, with enough power to kock a teenager on his butt. 

  8. 19 hours ago, Fallapede said:

    Brother Sparrow sighed. "You are not a murderer, Vespyr. You are not a tool, and you are not a monster. You are a person; a flawed one, to be sure, but no more so than myself. I will not force your hand, but the very least I can do is try to make you aware of other choices. I hope that eventually you will aspire to something other than destruction, but I will make no further attempts if they are unwelcome."

    Vespyr tilted his head.  "I am a tool.  I am a monster.  People can be both, my friend.  Should you pose a better plan, perhaps a more idealized one, I will gladly consider it.  But with an ancient one like her, who desires nothing but destruction...  I see no other path.  But I do not see many things.  I appreciate your perspective."

  9. 19 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    “Just punch me in the face! It’s not that hard!”

    "I'm not going to punch a small girl outside of a match.  You trying to get me expelled or kicked out or suspended or something?"  He frowned at her.  "You have a mouth, so talk!  It's not like I'm just happy to punch ya senseless."

  10. 12 hours ago, Fallapede said:

    "I meant foe only in the sense that I am your current opponent. And as for defeating the Queen, what do you mean by that, precisely? Could you bear to leave her alive? What of those who serve her? You may not care for my beliefs, but what made you decide to fight in the first place?"

    "No.  The Queen must be killed, and her followers routed."  He lowered his head.  "There are those who are her prisoners, captive to her will through her influence.  There are those who would willingly die for her twisted rhetoric.  This is a war.  I will be killing.  I have killed.  I am a murderer, Sparrow.  I can only hope to murder the worst of monstrosities."  

  11. 21 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice swallowed. "Punch me in the face."

    “Tempting as that is, you’ve already proven how unsatisfying that’s gonna be,” Corwin smirked. “Why are you hiding it?  You said you used a weapon.”


    19 hours ago, Fallapede said:

    "The lofty words of a tyrant, convinced by power of his right to rule and judge. Suppose that you succeed, that this Queen is defeated and the looming threat eradicated. Your responsibility does not end there; I shall hold you to it in the same manner that I hold that you shall live and be well. For now, however, you must prepare yourself to fight, for it would appear that you have so committed yourself. Face me, then. Until you defeat me, I am your only foe."

    Vespyr sighed and dropped his arms to his sides, lowering himself to the ground. His foolish friend was projecting lofty notions of kingship and grandeur onto him. “I am no king. I am a temporary tyrant, my friend.  Once the Queen is defeated, I can fade into obscurity, and grant power to those better suited to hold it. I act now only to preserve life in the only way I can see.”  Vespyr glared at his friend, which wasn’t much of a glare, as he was scarred and eyeless. “You have never been my foe, and this goal is not about fulfilling your ideals.”

  12. 3 hours ago, Fallapede said:

    "Their control was not... agreed upon, originally. There was a great deal of fighting before the nations resigned themselves to their current lands. This is not terribly relevant, save for the abominations that many unleashed. Horrible things, fit only to slaughter and destroy. To this day, I struggle not to count myself among them. Do you truly believe you can measure up?"  Brother Sparrow stopped suddenly, staring at Vespyr searchingly. "Do you desire to?"

    "You ask if I will dominate through death," Vespyr said, "But I do not seek to dominate.


    13 hours ago, Fallapede said:

    "Their control was not... agreed upon, originally. There was a great deal of fighting before the nations resigned themselves to their current lands. This is not terribly relevant, save for the abominations that many unleashed. Horrible things, fit only to slaughter and destroy. To this day, I struggle not to count myself among them. Do you truly believe you can measure up?"  Brother Sparrow stopped suddenly, staring at Vespyr searchingly. "Do you desire to?"

    "They dominated through force," Vespyr said lightly, "And so have I, despite how humane most people consider my actions to be."  Vespyr had been about to unleash some of what he'd absorbed right back at the Brother, but he stopped as well.  "I do not seek justification or forgiveness.  Those are beyond me.  I do what I must to save whomever I can.  After this assault on the Queen, I do not know my fate or future."

  13. On 4/22/2021 at 3:04 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "I... learned how to avoid fights, to be honest," Janice replied. "I was always a bit of a pushover on the streets. It's honestly an miracle that I'm still alive."

    "Tha's not what I asked," he sighed, "Everyone's got a story, and most of 'em are all the same.  What's your weapon?"

  14. 6 minutes ago, Fallapede said:

    "Are you familiar with the history of these islands?" Brother Sparrow pulled back, lashing out with his Veil in order to clear space.

    “No,” Vespyr said, taking the hit. It, again, didn’t seem to do the expected amount of damage. Vespyr was absorbing the force of it. 

  15. 37 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    “I... threw away my weapon,” Janice replied. “Apparently it was made of qhoral and the Queen was using it to control my Aspect.”

    “How are you gonna fight, then?” He asked, dropping his fists. “Jeez, you’re just signing up to get beat, just to talk.  Oh, alright. I can’t hold much of a grudge. You might be weird and rude, but you don’t mean no harm.”  He sighed. “C’mon. Let’s get you something. What do you fight with, usually?”

  16. 2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice yelped and guarded her face, grunting as she took a hit to the shoulder.

    No. No she did not.

    "The hell are you doing?" he asked, putting his hands on his hips.  "Ain'tchya got a weapon or a power or anything?"


    13 minutes ago, Fallapede said:

    Brother Sparrow twisted away, beginning to fall back down to the sands. "Your power is immense, but you lack creativity."

    Vespyr smiled, the expression stretching his skin oddly.  "Yes," he agreed, "I am not fighting you creatively right now."  He lowered himself, staying close, keeping his moves reactive to Sparrow's attacks.

  17. 50 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Alright." Janice warily put up her fists.

    ((Ooooooh. So Janice could also be a security risk that no one will consider!  Interesting... ;) ))

    He lunged at her in a boxer’s stance, landing a wary fist in her shoulder.  Did she... even know how to fight?

  18. 8 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "O--okay." Janice hopped out of her seat. "I'm not very... good at it. Like... at all."

    I'll help you out, Trace spoke to her mind. Give you a few pointers.

    I don't want your help, Janice countered.

    Too bad. You're gonna get it anyways.

    ((Is Trace actively ignoring the condition that she needs to stay out?))

    “That’s why you signed up, isn’t it?  So you don’t die when we go fight, right?  So practice then.”


  19. 1 hour ago, Fallapede said:

    Brother Sparrow made no reply, striking out at Vespyr's neck with the edge of his hand. He could feel a tingling going through him, that hated, joyous feeling returning after a seeming eternity.

    Vespyr took the blow directly to his skin, but although it struck with force enough to crush a normal man's throat, it now only bruised, the worst of the impact absorbed.  Vespyr dug both hands forwards, jabbing them into Sparrow's stomach.

  20. 3 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Because she needs my help to fight the Queen. She's... more like an ally than a friend, I guess you could say."

    "Yeah, attack people at the school you're applying to that actually plans to fight her royal witchiness," he snorted.  "Excellent strategy there, mate."

  21. 3 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    “Not my friend and not anymore. She escaped her to help us.” Janice shrugged.  “And you don’t need visible corruption to be captured. Just one touch would provide be enough.”

    He wrinkled his nose and glanced at her uncertainly.  "If she's not your friend, why was she helping you stop me?"

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