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Posts posted by ProfetessaOscura

  1. 33 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "A creature that's been corrupted by qhoral. Most people don't know why it happens, but Vespyr and I do. The Qhoral Queen and her servants can control you to an extent if you have any qhoral corruption whatsoever. That's why Trace could control you, but only for a moment."

    "I don't have any corruption," he said, clearly not very knowledgeable, "I'm just a kid.  And...  Your friend is a servant of the Qhoral queen?"

  2. Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "...The... demon... creatures?" Janice was skeptical. "Are you joking? Do you really not know what a yevon is?"

    He shrugged.  "I didn't grow up around no demons," he said, and his face flushed red.  "You don't learn stuff like that in the gutter.  You learn to live, not all the names of everyone who wants to kill ya."

  3. 7 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice swallowed. "No, I'm... really, really sorry. I know what I did was wrong. I know I hurt you; I always hurt people. I was being... stupid and... selfish." She sighed. "And I wasn't the one that tried to control your mind. That was a yevon." Not that I'm not a yevon, but I'm certainly less of one than Trace.

    He chuffed skeptically, but he didn't deny her apology.  He didn't accept it either.  Not yet.  "What's a yevon?"

  4. Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "I wanted to apologize for being mean."

    "You weren't mean," he said, getting up.  "You were controlling.  When I wasn't comfortable, you pushed and pushed.  You'd hurt me to get what you wanted.  You're not sorry for what you did.  You're just sorry it didn't work."  He glared at her, crossing his arms on his chest.  "Do you want me to make you feel better about what you did?  Because it was wrong, and if you were sorry, you wouldn't just stand there and try to get me to brush it off."  He turned away, and he was shaking.  From tiredness, he told himself.  "What- what was it that happened.  When the thing... hurt my mind."

  5. 11 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice looked up, tapping her feet impatiently. "Corwin?"

    He wiped at his eyes, sweat dribbling from his forehead to his cheek, then glanced at her.  He didn't seem to register at first, but then he flinched slightly, shaking his head.  "What do you want?"

  6. Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice pushed her way through the duels, spotting Corwin as he dueled someone else. It seemed like he could be losing, but all her attacks kept sliding off for some reason.

    Well... patience would probably be best here anyways. She sat down on a nearby bench and waited for them to finish.

    It was a long game.  He grunted.  There was still pressure, but he wasn't actually taking damage.  Not enough to even wind him.   Eventually, something in the woman's aura slipped, and he struck, lashing out.  With an intimidating speed, he had her pinned on the ground, knees on her arms.  The boy was breathing heavily, but he looked okay.  Corwin seemed able to outlast other people, and in this case, he'd been able to take down his opponent once she'd run out of energy.

  7. Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Kay. Thanks." Janice stepped down and made her way into the arena. She just hoped that he wouldn't run away at the first sight of her.

    Corwin was currently engaged in a fight with a rather attractive young woman.  The woman had skin that seemed to turn metallic, but she couldn't seem to land a hit on him.  Somehow... her blows just kept sliding off of his skin, no matter how solid her hits were.

  8. 4 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice approached the front desk, standing on her tiptoes to see a bit higher over it. "Hey, uhm... I'm looking for Corwin?"


    The woman looked at her blankly.  "He's probably fulfilling his combat hours in the main arena," she said, pursing her lips.  

  9. On 4/18/2021 at 2:49 PM, Fallapede said:

    "It is impossible to be truly ready for such a thing. It is horrific that we would even consider the option, but such is the world that we live in. Know this, though; I will die a thousand times over before I let harm come to them." He pulled on the disparate threads of his Veil, wrapping them around Vespyr and pulling the two of them together.

    Vespyr nodded his head.  "They... are too childish.  Too caught up in their squabbles.  I would not willingly put them in danger; they have much to lose, and have never learned to appreciate it."  He shook his head as he wove his hands in a pattern, then threw them to both sides.  The air lashed out precisely, and he shot up towards Sparrow, free of the threads due to his blast of energy.  Sparrow wanted to get close?  Well...  Vespyr wanted to see what the man could do, anyways. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Fallapede said:

    Brother Sparrow sprang into motion, leaping up after Vespyr as he opened the front of his Veil.

    "What do you think of the children?" Vespyr asked.  He had noticed that they'd all immediately signed up for his combat training, then left.  "I do not feel as though they are... ready to commit to something so dangerous."  He spoke all while flitting around, twisting in mid-air around the Brother.  He stayed close, appraising his friend.  Would he be able to land a hit?  What kind of skill did this pacifist truly have?

  11. On 4/13/2021 at 3:26 PM, Fallapede said:

    Brother Sparrow ignored the sand, moving faster towards Vespyr. A strange, threatening smile began to spread across his face.

    ((Sorry for the slow responses))

    Vespyr shot into the air, and the air below him whipped into a frenzied, confined sandstorm. 

  12. On 4/11/2021 at 2:35 PM, Fallapede said:

    Brother Sparrow remained unfazed, rolling with the movement of the sand as he methodically approached Vespyr.

    Vespyr whipped the sand into a frenzy.  It lashed in a ring of stinging needles around the brother’s legs. He frowned, all the same, as though he wasn’t exactly sure how to fight this man without hurting him. 

  13. 16 hours ago, Fallapede said:

    Brother Sparrow breathed in deeply as he allowed his Veil to extend around him. "Come, then, Vespyr. Perform."

    Vespyr set up a barrier of wind around them, then lifted quietly into the air, hovering.  The sand beneath their feet began to shift, gyrating and twisting, and Sparrow felt his footing shift under the top layer of sand. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, Fallapede said:

    "You mock me, boy, but you understand less than you think. Now, come. Face me."

    Vespyr stared blankly for a moment, very unsure how he was mocking his friend. He had a moment of brief panic where he wondered if he’d said something dreadfully wrong, but finally stepped forward, deciding to go along with it. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Fallapede said:

    Brother Sparrow turned to Vespyr again once the spirit had left. "You keep rather strange company, myself included. I apologize if I appeared arrogant earlier; I simply sought to find a way to make things fair. Engage me without any such provisions, then, for perhaps I have misjudged your skill."

    Vespyr drew scarred, pale lips to a thin line. “Would you fight, going against your beliefs?  I would not ask that of anyone.”

  16. 29 minutes ago, Condensation said:

    "Did something to your head?" Cadenza shrugged as he walked off. "Okay, I'm done."

    The woman from before, who had de-escalated the situation between Janice and Corwin, watched from a distance, a frown on her face. Corwin was usually such a sweet kid. Something had really rattled him. She resolved to keep her eyes open, and she appraised Janice again. The kid didn’t look dangerous. 

    Then again, neither had that pirate who had murdered her brother and maimed her sister.  She clenched her jaw from the memory. No. She couldn’t judge purely from first glance. There was something about these girls...

  17. Just now, Condensation said:

    "Although true... not really the way I'm handling it. Janice and I are like sisters. I wouldn't do something like that to her, even if I could."

    He shrugged again. “Your friend did something in my head. I don’t trust her, but you do you.”  He shot a very suspicious glare at Janice, then stormed off, muttering something in frustration, finally ending with an exasperated “Girls!”

  18. 30 minutes ago, Condensation said:

    Cadenza held up one finger. "Of course not! Corwin, do you have a sister?"

    “Nah. I’m an only kid. Lived at a shelter, and there are plenty of other people I’d call family, though. Why do you ask?”

  19. On 4/7/2021 at 0:48 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Who else thinks you're mean? You don't think she's mean, do you?" Janice was asking Corwin.


    "Well... when we fought, she froze me solid, but she hasn't intentionally tried to kill me yet," he said, and color flooded his face as he looked away.

  20. 19 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice smiled and held out her arms. "C'mere."


    19 hours ago, Condensation said:

    "Um..." Cadenza let out a breath. "Yes."

    Corwin's jaw dropped, and his mouth gaped wide.  "Really?  That was the conversation you needed to have?  You aren't going to fight for the death or try to lock her in a cage or possess her mind or something crazy?"  The boy, of course, had been assuming the greatest danger and highest drama situation.  

  21. 8 minutes ago, Condensation said:

    "I need to leave."

    "Creepy girl?" Cadenza turned.

    Despite the concealing outfit, Cadenza guessed who it was. She put her fists behind her back, reaching for her hilts. But they weren't there. Cadenza took a step back.

    Corwin saw her reaction. Perhaps bravely, but definitely stupidly, he stepped between the two and put a hand on a small knife at his belt. “Leave her alone.”

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