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Posts posted by ProfetessaOscura

  1. Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

    I could possess her, Trace offered, for maybe... three seconds?

    ((You said that only works with people who have a qhoral connection to Trace?  Also, if she tries and fails, wouldn't the woman be aware of Trace pretty much immediately and sound an alarm?))

  2. Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "I--I can..." Janice tapped the countertop. "Well... okay. But I want to get training soon."

    "We'll see," the woman said, picking up her device and typing in some numbers.  She gestured for Janice to have a seat, from which she caught scarce parts of a conversation.  "Yes.  She's maybe eleven, no parents or guardians, has no contacts...  Costumed like...  Struggling to write...  Needs help..."

  3. Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Uhh... I don't know her... I don't think she has a phone."

    "I also meant all the other questions," she said, gesturing at the list of basic information requirements.  "Dear, why don't you have a seat, and I'll call somebody for you?"  The old woman's voice was full of legitimate concern now.

  4. Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Uh... okay." Janice thought for a solid thirty seconds, spelling out the name she was thinking of in her mind, then wrote down Aryanna [whateverherlastnameis].

    The woman was skeptical, looking at the name.  "Could you fill out the rest of this?" she asked, with restrained patience.  

  5. Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "No. And I can handle myself."

    She heaved a sigh at Shade, turning to Janice again.  "Well, you need to put contact information of your parents -or whomever is legally responsible for you, so we can contact them and ensure that they're alright with you joining this institution.  If you don't have guardians, I'll contact social services so we can assess your needs."

  6. 3 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "I don't have any parents."

    “Do you have a guardian?  Someone I could call?  It’s dangerous here.”  It seemed slightly odd that she’s let Cadenza in so easily, but was having such an issue with Janice. Simply put, there was something very odd and offputting about a young girl costumed as a ninja wanting to join a deadly mission. Clearly, the woman was not taking her seriously, or in the way expected. She saw Janice as a child who didn’t understand what the school was about, or the risks, and was mothering her. 

    in fact, she looked over Janice dismissively and addressed Shade. “Can I help you?”

    @Random Bystander

  7. 13 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Okay. Will I be able to train with someone before then?" Janice picked up a pen.

    “Of course,” she said, then smiled endearingly. “Do your parents know you’re here?” She asked, clearly thinking Janice was here without permission. 

  8. Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

    A short figure dressed up in blue and black wraps approached the desk lady at Vespyr's warrior school. "Hi, uhh... how do I join?"


    The woman eyed the child, who was wrapped up, head to toe, in cloth like a ninja.  "Well, aren't you darling," she said, a smile creeping over her face.  "Well, you fill out a form here," she said, "And you do need to take that mask off for a picture in a few days.  You can't exactly hide your identity from the institution you're attending."

  9. 1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    I'll scout out the city and stay invisible. Be back in a few.


    ((Well, if she attempts to enter the same room as Siren, she’d get caught, as he’a controlling the air in the room to give advice to fighting students and would notice if someone stepped in. If he thought it was a new student, he wouldn’t pay much attention unless they started acting suspicious.  
    Otherwise, the city functions pretty much exactly like a usual city.))

  10. 2 minutes ago, Condensation said:

    "What? What's a shame?"

    "You didn't ask any questions.  It shows that you're stuck in a solid mindset regarding your ability," she explained.  "You weren't curious in learning new techniques, just in winning."

  11. Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:


    ((Vespyr took a city, not an island, and it is still in the early stages of independence.  And even then, they attacked civilians to free a suspect repeat killer in the middle of his trial, which was going better than expected.  Is Vespyr supposed to just shrug and say, "Welcome aboard!  I'll just make sure anyone who tries to have you see justice gets terrified or injured badly enough so they leave you alone."  Vespyr put a call out for help taking down the Queen, but even I need to think about how he'll react when the top #1 wanted serial killers, Trace and Cruz, come waltzing up saying that they changed their ways, broke out of prison, escaped their trials, and now want to help.  It could be just the reason for other nations to come put down his small system of governing, so he'd have to play it safe.

    In which case, please disguise Cruz as you seek out Vespyr's city.))

  12. 4 hours ago, The Ward's Guard said:

    Edgeworth clutched his chest in complete shock, paralyzed as pandemonium consumed the courthouse. As the worst of it passed, he felt a burning in his chest as he realized that he hadn't been breathing for the entire time. He took several enormous and ragged breaths as his posture completely broke. He stumbled slowly to where the defense attorney had fallen and collapsed onto his knees when he saw her lifeless eyes staring into space. All at once his breathing suddenly became rapid and he felt the urge to puke as everything seemed to catch up to him. This sort of thing . . . it only happened in lesser courts, no one would dare to try anything like this in a case of this magnitude, or get away with it for that matter. He stared without focus as his shoulders slumped and his back bent over; he could only barely control his gut and breathing before someone finally came to check on him, but he could barely hear what they were saying. He didn't remember standing up, but he was being led out of the court room by some sort of medical professional as the nausea returned once again. It had to be a nightmare, this sort of thing just couldn't happen, least of at one of his cases, right?

    ((Defense attorney lives, just got knocked out))

  13. On 3/14/2021 at 4:32 PM, Condensation said:

    Cadenza hmphed. "Fine, end the match." She stepped out of the open area. 

    The woman watched Cadenza and tsked her tongue. She resumed her crocheting, as if nothing had happened. 

  14. 28 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:



    ((Nah, you can skip the fight.))

    After a long and drawn out escape, the fugitives escaped.  Cruz, however, did not escape without a mark on his reputation.  Primrose, his most ardent advocate for innocence, had been brutally attacked and was recovering at a hospital from a minor head trauma.  Several guards had been shot, albeit not fatally.  The city had made an unprecedented ruling; Cruz was condemned, wanted dead or alive, preferably dead.  Although most with a brain assumed he had help of some sort, some attributed all the miraculous attacks and shots and weaponry to the individual, and curfew was enacted.  No one was to travel alone at night, for their own safety.  

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