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Posts posted by ProfetessaOscura

  1. 1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    It was a folded piece of paper.


    Vespyr held the piece of paper in one hand. It... was meaningless. A thoughtless gesture cruelly compounding the twist in his gut, just another cruel joke. He would tear it once she was gone, or drop it into the water.

    Instead, he found himself slipping the paper into a pocket of his shirt. 

    He turned to the Sparrow, feeling as though the warmth he’d kindled over the past few weeks had shrivelled and withered into death. “There is no place for me,” he said quietly, “To pretend otherwise is foolishness.”

    The winds gathered in a lashing ring around him. Vespyr sensed the kind old man, and in the distance, sensed the ship. He would slide into the air like a ray of light. He’d... do... something...

    He was worthless. No value left, no service to give. The Queen had made sure that if he left her service, he would have no place, except in death, and that was the one place he feared to go. 

    The winds sagged listlessly around him, and he stood, stooped, face upturned to the sky. 

  2. 21 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Thanks for everything, Vespyr," Janice said. "I hope you get better."

    She pressed something into Vespyr's hand, gave Brother Sparrow one final hug, then jumped onto the boat and left the island.

    @ProfetessaOscura @Fallapede

    Vespyr felt a sudden jolt of regret. He would be alone now, completely. Of course they wouldn’t have wanted him.  What good had saving the girl done him?  Nothing but pain could possibly ensue from his decisions. He really was just a tool, not a voice. 

    Vespyr looked down at the object in his hand. 

  3. Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "She won't. I promise."

    Vespyr stood, solid and still, quiet. Somehow, it was still easy to see that he didn’t believe her. “I cannot save you again if we are far apart, and I know of no way for you to contact me if you need me.”

  4. 1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


    Vespyr jolted, looming at the child, then at the ship in the distance. “Is it too much to hope that you’re considering an education and domestic life?” He asked, certain that he already knew her answer. Doubtless, she assumed he’d rejoin her with her friends shortly. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Fallapede said:

    "No one can deserve forgiveness. It is a question of the will to give it. As for righting what you have done wrong, the only person you have anything to prove to is yourself. The only person you are a burden to is you. Are you willing to shoulder that burden, or will you live out your life seeking to avoid it?"

    Vespyr nodded, then turned to address Janice and her friends, bracing himswlf for their condemnation...

    Only to find that they had darted onboard the ship while he had been talking to Brother Sparrow, and were somehow already on the horizon. “Doesn’t look like they want to bear me either, Brother Sparrow,” Vespyr said levelly. 

    What had he expected, honestly?  What friendship did they owe him for doing one good thing, taking one action. They hadn’t even bothered to learn his name. Rain hadn’t even said goodbye. Their... indifference hurt more than condemnation, somehow, considering the pain he’d endured to save Janice. 

    “Why are you here, Sparrow?  In the middle of nowhere, insistant that no harm come to creature or animal...  Why do you care?  And why do I?  Why should I?”

  6. 7 hours ago, The Ward's Guard said:

    Edgeworth nodded to the judge as he stood up, "thank you your honor. I merely wanted to point out that the Doctrine of Terrorist Management applies to this case specifically, since the defendant is being charged with terrorism. As such, 'the treatment of the defendant, no matter how inhumane, can't be used for the dismissal of any case involving a degree of suspicion towards terrorist actions.' I'm sure the defense was simply seconds away from explaining this, but I'd rather be sure that it gets brought up." Edgeworth sat back down, "that is all your honor, until my cross-examination that is."

    “As a matter of fact, I had mentioned it,” she drawled, annoyed that he was interrupting her to explain something that she already knew about and had already said. “However, in that same article, it specifies that only the treatment of the defendant in an attempt to apprehend, entrap, or subdue, is excusable. And, as I’m sure you’ll remember in the second paragraph of that same law, Mr. Edgeworth, that inhumane treatment of a subdued prisoner is a violation of an officer and soldier’s duty. Our justice system is innocent until proven guilty, Mr. Edgeworth, and do not think me amateur enough to ignore the fact that my client was unduly tortured and neglected with no purpose whatsoever, due to the preconceived prejudice of his captors.” She turned to the judge and bobbed her head once. 

    “Yes, Your Honor. I wish to make a case of abuse of due process.”

  7. 6 hours ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

    Vespyr stared at the Sparrow, if an eyeless man could stare.  "Forgiveness is something I would not expect, ask, demand, or deserve.  Redress for my crimes is something I would not force others to bear.  I am a burden, and I would not expect anyone to bear it."

    ((Oh geez, they left without Vespyr!  No confrontation or asking or nothing.  And Trace still somehow thinks he's a girl..?))

  8. 29 minutes ago, The Ward's Guard said:


    Edgeworth stood up, "your honor, if I might have a moment."



    39 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

    The jury discusses the evidences for a bit, noting things down and talking quietly. Lord Derival watches until it dies down.

    "Would Lady Delacroix like to present any evidence or cross-examine the witness?"

    She ignored Edgeworth's request.  "Actually, I do have some evidence to present," she stated lightly, calmly noting Edgeworth's attempt to butt in on her time before the judge.  "My client was put under undue stress and physical torture by the soldiers who apprehended him.  In statements taken from survivors of the events there, perpetrated by a mysterious kidnapper in a mask whom Mr. Cruz attempted to stop.  Mr. Cruz calmly entered custody while soldiers eagerly egged him on with the idea of fleeing, so they might take a free shot with their sidearms."  She slid some papers forward, and an attendant took them and placed them on the Judge's desk. "The witness accounts of several survivors of (Insert Lena's Crew Name).  Interestingly enough, the woman Lena offered a deposition as a character witness for the young man."  She slid another document forward, which was taken to the judge's desk once more.  "Now, returning to the topic of my client's mistreatment, I have another deposition from two guards of the prison where they admit to not feeding my client for the days he was in custody, until the point where he fainted from the mistreatment.  On top of that, instead of water, he was only granted a single icicle to suck on, despite requesting nourishment multiple times over the course of his arrest."  She slid forward some more documents, and the attendant shot her an annoyed look as he made the third trip between her desk and the judge's.  "Under certain subsets of the law, the case might be entirely thrown out in the face of this belligerent abuse of power.  Understanding the high-profile nature of this case, I freely admit that dismissing the case isn't an option that can be taken.  However, I ask that the situation of my client's arrest be noted, recorded on the official documentation, and considered throughout this case."

  9. 1 hour ago, Fallapede said:

    Brother Sparrow surreptitiously broke off from the group and moved over to stand near Vespyr. "Did you truly believe that I would not have sheltered you, had I known the truth? I am no judge of men. All I ask is that you do what you can to redress your actions, rather than running away from their consequences. Janice seems to bear no ill will towards you, but I have little doubt that the others do. I would suggest that you ask for their forgiveness, or at least how you might earn it. I will not keep you here against your will, but your condition is fragile, and I fear that you may... fall back into old habits."

    Vespyr stared at the Sparrow, if an eyeless man could stare.  "Forgiveness is something I would not expect, ask, demand, or deserve.  Redress for my crimes is something I would not force others to bear.  I am a burden, and I would not expect anyone to bear it."

  10. Vespyr quietly stepped outside the house.  There wasn't really a back door to sneak out of, and he didn't much like the idea of trying to get away out the window.  He'd just have to face the shame and condemnation another time before he left.  He still had his pack, and he'd bundled the nectar in it.  He wasn't sure how to repay Brother Sparrow, especially since the man had apparently unknowingly let him stay.  What person in their right mind would have let him stay otherwise?  He'd been foolish.  His winds glossed over the crowd of Janice's friends, searching, as if they were as faceless as he himself was.  His winds settled on the preoccupied Janice, but he didn't dare attempt to draw any attention to himself.  

    Vespyr gathered the strength within him, taking a long draft of Nectar, and prepared to ride his storm of winds into the sky.

  11. Quote

    They would not recognize the name Vespyr, lol, but that’s okay  

    Vespyr sat quietly in the house. He would leave soon. Janice had found her people. Or, rather, they had found her. And although he was sure he’d explained the situation to Brother Sparrow, he now wasn’t sure that he had, his head hazy from the withdrawal. Hearing the Brother’s shock, he knew now that he should be ashamed for that shortcoming.  It was time for him to leave Rain to people who would not fail her. 

    Something about that sentence wasn’t right. He felt too numb to rethink his thoughts. 

  12. 5 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Did you think that I would ever allow you to rest?" The figure said, holding a black crystal dagger over Janice. "will not rest until you are found, and neither will you."

    "Help!" She screamed, pulling away from the figure. Janice glanced over at her friends, but they stood in same way they always had: their backs turned to her. "Help! Please!"

    Vespyr knew that he shouldn't, and that waking to him was likely as much of a nightmare as what Trace was currently enveloped in.  However, he shook her awake.  He was rather rough, on accident, and immediately grew more gentle.  "Your brain is being cruel," he informed her, "It is lying."

  13. @The Ward's Guard @Knight of Iron

    Ms. Delacroix stood slightly as her opponent ended his drivel, and at the judge's ushering, made her counterstatement.  "A man is murdered," she posed calmly, "And there are ten suspects arrested.  The officers know that there are only nine conspirators, but they physically cannot identify whom the innocent man is."  She twirled lightly, then patted the top of the screen affectionately.  "Does the justice system execute all ten in a sweeping purge?"  She turned her eyes haughtily to Mr. Edgeworth, "No.  Our law system operates on the basis of innocent until proven guilty."  She stepped lightly from the television to the center of the floor. "I believe Mr. Edgeworth clearly knows that for a guilty verdict to be reached, the jury must, without a doubt or a question wavering their determination, believe to the fullest extent possible that my client is the man displayed in this video."  She nodded respectfully at the jury, reminding them of their duty, then glided toward her seat as she spoke.  "Not even ninety percent... it isn't good enough.  The jury must be absolutely convinced.  Faulty, damaged footage..."  she tsksd her tongue and sighed.  "I would expect more than courtroom theatrics from the prosecution."

    That was all his first piece of evidence was, after all, a show to go on, and they both knew it.  It was insulting, almost, that he expected that ridiculous piece of evidence to be intimidating to her, as though she were a backroom amateur.

    Well, he did have more experience, and she was relatively new to the profession... but if this was his opening piece of evidence, she knew that, just like the string of victories against other prosecutors before him, he too would join the ranks of the defeated.

  14. 2 hours ago, Negative_Null said:

    It roars again and disappears under the water

    "Careful what you ask for, guys."

    The jury murmurs among themselves and Lord Derival nods, considering.

    "Very well. The prosecution may bring in their first evidence."



    None of us have real experience.  Let's just give the old razzle dazzle!


  15. 3 hours ago, Negative_Null said:

    "Well spoken. You may proceed."

    Ms. Delacroix held her wrist behind her back, poised and elegant.  "My clients actions are damning," she said casually, "Only if you remove the context of his decisions.  It is too easy to become sterile, poisonously detached from the nuances surrounding fact and motivation.  The defense moves that to disregard this context is to condemn someone absentmindedly, to usher a soul into damnation without checking for the black mark of evil upon it.  If, in reviewing this information with whole, sound minds, the judge and jury do still condemn my client, there will still be victory. What is this victory?" she raised her hands in supplication, "The knowledge that our system of law, order, and justice, does not blindly destroy, when careful acknowledgement could preserve."  She bowed her head curtly to the judge, then swiveled, sashaying back to her seat by Crux.  "The defense pleads Not Guilty," she echoed once more, then took her seat.

  16. 22 hours ago, Condensation said:

    It shattered, pieces sinking below the surface one by one. 

    @Matrim's Dice


    Would you guys like some Vespyr support?  Are you near to the shore?


    4 hours ago, Knight of Iron said:

    Cruz watched both parties with interest, not feeling the greatest. He realized he would probably be answering questions from both Ms. Delacroix and Mr. Edgeworth, and he did not look forward to that at all.


    I almost feel bad for murderhobo Cruz.


  17. 2 minutes ago, The Ward's Guard said:

    Edgeworth sniffed at the statement, but reluctantly tool his seat once again.



    I also apologize because almost every character I've introduced so far has been snide, but it is really fun to RP as morally iffy people.


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