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Posts posted by ProfetessaOscura

  1. 1 hour ago, Knight of Iron said:

    "Maybe," said Cruz, "What do you think is the best case reasonably possible scenario for me?"

    She paused. “You did the crime, so you’ll likely do some time. We’ll be working with a not-guilty plea.  Depending on the prosecuter, we’ll try for a sympathetic approach.”  She played with her hair a little more, then snapped the compaxt closed.  “If they’re a tough cookie, and they probably will be, we’ll point out your obvious mental instability and try for institutionalized instead of imprisoned. If I can get the prosecuter to make a generous plea deal as well...” she smirked. “Then you plead guilty and take the slap on the wrist.”  She held up a quick finger. “I can’t work miracles, honey, but I can get you pretty darn close.”

  2. 2 hours ago, Knight of Iron said:

    Cruz nodded, "A slab of meat and some pudding."


    She nodded primly. “Good. Continue playing pitiful. Nag them for basic necessities. Make stupid puns. See if you can’t get some fool or another to rough you up. It looks better for the cameras in court.  I hear the Captain himself has quite a hatred for you, just from walking through his ship. You might be able to use that.”  

  3. 2 hours ago, Knight of Iron said:

    Cruz mumbled a last comment about the tasty granola bar in the pistol.


    She opened a compact and dusted her nose and cheeks with a thin layer of powder, something that didn't at all change how perfect her face already appeared. She poked at a curl, then tossed her hair over her shoulder.  "Have you been fed since you fainted?"

  4. Just now, Knight of Iron said:

    "Not outside the icicle," said Cruz, "and I did tell them I had a granola bar in the compartment of one of my pistols. It's a very nutritious one.

    She pursed her lips.  "That's no good.  It's evidence if it's stashed in a murder weapon.  However, the fact that you asking for something consistently and being denied and ignored is very important to our case.  We can plead a systemic mistreatment that is consistent with your past and your present, and that will take a few years off the sentence entirely and call the crew under question for their actions.  Publicity for a case like this is necessary, and this is just the kindling I need."


    Oooooh!  Maybe there's a rival?  Someone with mutual respect/sassy retorts?


  5. 2 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

    Cruz's anxiety grew. "Well, the discriminatory lawmaking is, uh, in the records. And there is enough evidence in the... wreckage that was left behind on the island Varar. And I don't know what kind of evidence you would need for the murder of my friends... though I must say that might have been justified by law. Regardless, it was emotionally traumatizing. And as for my arrest, I was already pretty expended from using my Aspect, which draws from my energy. So I was pretty hungry before, I was even hungrier afterwards. I requested food much of the time I was in their captivity but wasn't given anything but a small icicle."

    "I see," she said, "You're a disturbed young man who has lived a hard life and not been granted the necessary medical and emotional care needed to prevent the snapping and disastrously dreadful actions you've taken," she summarized, "It is, in effect, the failure of a system and the fault of society."

    Her eyes lit up at his explanation and she started scrawling extensively on her pad.  "Ah!  So you're saying the guards and the hold's keeper, as well as even the captain of the ship are complicit in abusing prisoners!"  She beamed, standing and strolling from one side of the cell to the next, then taking her seat again.  "That breaks at least several laws.  Did they give you water outside from the icicle?  Cruel and unusual..." her mind was moving faster than her hand, which was writing so quickly on the notepad, that one might imagine it realistically smoking from the friction. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

    Cruz was about to protest and explain the true nature of Trace to the lady, like the fact that she was millennia old, but decided against it. She did have a point, no judge or jury would accept that testimony. And besides, he was at best complicit in Trace's crimes. But he leaned in closer to his microphone.

    "My first targets was Lord Victus De-Ar, who has attempted to pass many anti-Sylven laws," he said, then shrugged. "His was a lesser crime, I suppose, but his legislation was the main reason I had to fight to keep my business open.
    Then, on the day of Dt. Gabril, we went after the most corrupt of the bunch, Lord Tiago Varar. I recommend you research his crimes, as you will find many. He was incompetent as a leader, letting gangs and violence run unchecked, and he was involved in tax evasion, embezzlement of government funds, illegal drug operations, mysterious disappearances, and so on. He was, on the day, quite drunken.
    Lastly we went after... my old mentor, Lady Lena Lacion. She was my mentor, and taught me almost everything I know. As a child, she killed my friends, and I'm afraid I only attempted murder for vengeance. I have since gotten over it, and we have reconciled, but I'm guessing we don't have to mention that."

    She clicked her pen several times thoughtfully.  "You killed someone for discriminatory lawmaking, then someone for embezzling and failing at their duties, then a third for slaughtering your friends.  We will need to produce evidence of their crimes, of which I am sure you had plenty?" she asked, trying to keep skepticism from her voice.  "Let's also look at your arrest.  You said you were starved while in captivity?"

  7. 37 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

    Hm, it looked like they were pinning Trace's own crimes on him, probably because he was the only one they had in custody. Either that, or Trace didn't leave enough witnesses to point out that Cruz wasn't actually there for a lot of it.

    "Nah, they're just mad I killed Lord Tiago," he said jokingly, then realized he probably shouldn't be so joking. And so, instead, he gave her an account of what happened. From the time he met Trace, a young girl being hunted by, as Cruz put in, people who were once her friends. Trace pushing him to murder nobility, and his careful targeting of the most corrupt government leaders (the most obviously criminal being Lord Tiago), and the fact that he only ever killed the nobility, mostly unaware of the true extent of what Trace was up to. And he finished with the fact that while in custody, he had passed out after multiple attempts to get foods. He took care not to mention the Cinder Colonel, as he had some respect for him, but he would still have to use everything that he had.

    She listened, asking the appropriate questions at the appropriate times, seeming enthralled by his story.  Her low-cut top revealed skin that was perfect and clear, and she leaned forward, elbow on knee, knuckles under her chin.  "So," she said slowly, her lips finally curling downward.  "You killed a bunch of royalty and government officials on a personal vendetta of your own self-interest, and now you're trying to blame the literal child you towed along beside you as the true perpetrator and mastermind of all these crimes?"  She raised a perfect eyebrow in a practiced move.  "I doubt any jury or judge will accept that testimony.  Let's run it through the taffy-pulling machine, now shall we?  Tell me the exact ways each of these nobles wronged you personally.  Killing government officials for having to make difficult decisions is largely frowned on.  Justifying your actions will help a good deal more than scapegoating them or attempting to excuse them."

  8. Just now, Knight of Iron said:

    Cruz grinned like a snake, revealing his fangs, and ran a hand through his hair to at least look presentable. Always good to make a nice first impression, even if it was a lie. "Where do you need me to begin? The story'll depend on what the charges are."

    Her smile was thin, the warm eyes eerily cold. “How have you been treated while in custody?” She asked. “The charges as stated are, of course...” she pulled out a long strip of printed paper. It looked like a wholesale bulk store’s receipts. “Larceny of a multitude of objects... grand larceny... mutilation. Attempted murder. Murder. Illegally crossing multipe borders. Evading arrest. Resisting arrest. Wanton disregard of a child’s wellbeing. Wanton destruction of life and property.”  She shrugged slightly. “Going on a murder spree with a preteen seems to have angered multiple levels of authority.”

  9. 2 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

    The guard stiffened. "I can leave."

    Cruz sat up in his chair on the side of the glass. This was his lawyer?

    “Yes. This is a private consultation, after all.”  She swept the glasses off, revealing deep brown eyes, like melted chocolate or thick honey. The woman shifted in her seat the instant the guard was gone. “I hear you’re in a spot of trouble. If you expect me to defend you, I need an accurate account.”

  10. A woman appeared, wearing sheepskin dyed a cotton-candy pink, with fluff at the neck, wrists, and knees. She had perfect platinum blonde hair and long, immaculately polished nails.  She swept her coat off and primly covered a chair with it, as though to keep her nifty little outfit from getting stained by any of the grime. “Hello, darling.  I was told this would be a private meeting?”  She lowered a pair of dark, gold rimmed glasses, staring cooly at the guard. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "No, I... can't write."

    "Kid's pretty dumb, too," Vespyr said in a lowered voice to the Queen, trying not to be overheard by the child.  "Not really worth your time at all."


    ((I am aware of how horrible this looks, and I'm cackling at it, too.))

  12. 44 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

    What was that, then? Found yourself another little rat to keep you company? One that sounds just like our little escapee? If you're going to try and lie to your god, Siren, you should be a bit more careful about it.


    Well, that was something new. Apparently the Queen could hear Vespyr’s surroundings. Living alone had never provided an opportunity for Vespyr to test how the connection worked. Ah, well.  The experimentation had been worth a shot. “The girl is dead to you. A worthless pile of uneducated flesh strapped to a frail skeleton piloted by a rash, impulsive fragment of a mind. A god would not be so foolish to waste resources murdering children for no gain. But then... you have always been exactly that foolish.”

  13. 17 hours ago, Negative_Null said:

    Oddly enough, I don't believe you. But if that's true, tell me where you are so I can come punish you properly.

    Vespyr ignored Janice. Speaking to her would give the child away to the Queen, but he waved at her. “I apologize for the inconvenience. I die without your influence, as she did.”
    Janice sputtered, "Wh--what? No, you can't die!"
    Vespyr removed his mask and glared eyelessly at her. She was getting in the way of a conversation she didn’t even understand was happening!
    ((Waiting on you, @Negative_Null)

  14. 18 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

    Oddly enough, I don't believe you. But if that's true, tell me where you are so I can come punish you properly.

    Vespyr ignored Janice. Speaking to her would give the child away to the Queen, but he waved at her. “I apologize for the inconvenience. I die without your influence, as she did.”

  15. 5 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

    Vespyr feels the weight of the Queen's mind bear down on her. Where are you? You can't have flown far, you useless waste of Qhoral. Why did it have to be the blind one that got away?

    Vespyr staggered to one knee. He slowly composed himself, breathing heavily. “I apologize for the inconvenience,” Vespyr said. “The child is dead. There was a bolt of lightning. It was a painful demise.”

  16. 1 hour ago, PandACT said:

    for real, the song is so perfect with the French Mistborn vibes and grim humor. The other animatics are less "cry laughing" and "more cry from sadness or awe," but there's always the little comments that only last a few frames; I've used the , and . keys on the animatics more than anything else on YouTube :D

    I love putting little bits of dry humor in!  When I made my Kaladin animatic, it took so long and some of the panels were so grueling to draw, that I couldn't help but put a couple of snarky comments in here and there.  Then the people who watched it actually really liked it!  So I've kept slipping in some here and there whenever the opportunity arrives.  This one probably has the most, for being my shortest video, just because this one I did make with the whole purpose of being more light-hearted.

  17. 5 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:



    6 hours ago, Fallapede said:

    "Unfortunately, my supply is rather limited. Since I am frequently absent from this domicile for long periods of time, I tend to keep food that does not spoil. I regret that it may be rather unappetizing."


    So, Vespyr's plan is to get more nerfed.  Plan for a supplement to isolate a few of the drugs that have been mixed in the nectar.  This will still lead to withdrawal symptoms even while transferring over to a diluted nectar, but no death.  Also, grumpy recovering Vespyr will be fun to play..


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