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Posts posted by ProfetessaOscura

  1. 1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice squealed and dropped her book, running out the classroom and down the hall before jumping up and grabbing Jay in a great big hug. "JAY!"

    Corwin jumped from all the way across the academy.  He clutched his arm, wincing.  "Well," he said to Cadenza, "Something had better be attacking your friend, cuz otherwise, there's no justification for being that loud."

  2. 1 hour ago, Negative_Null said:

    Jay looked around the place, trying to get a sense of what was going on. It was certainly larger than he expected for a brand new academy

    She noticed. “It’s built from the earth. Pulled up by the will and mind of the headmaster. It’s... a little humbling to realize there are those who wield power so effectively.”

  3. 25 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

    Jay sighs. "They usually are. Hasn't stopped me before though"

    She nodded.  "Just as long as you and your team are sure of the risks.  I'll be in charge of the journey and ships."  She led him into the entrance of the hall, then towards the infirmary.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

    "Many, but most recently I seem to have dropped out of the one I'm supposed to be in. I was hired to protect Aryanna and things got... a little out of hand. You might know more than me judging by that news broadcast. At this point I just feel some measure of responsibility for them, especially Janice. She's still a little kid."

    “If you’re legally responsible, you can withdraw them from this fight,” she informed slowly. “It’s... going to be dangerous.”

  5. 4 hours ago, Negative_Null said:

    Jay smirked. Why was he not surprised that Janice was injured yet again? He hoped she was alright. And what was the assault  happening? "We'll have to see about that. I'm their friend."

    She shrugged.  "Suit yourself."  She led the way, shouldering the rifle.  "You got a story?"

  6. 5 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

    Well that was easy. "Won't you please?" Remembering some of his manners, Jay held out a hand. "Jay Argentae."

    She took his hand firmly in calloused, weathered hands.  "Wren Clawthorne," she said, as though it was habitual.  "The small one was injured and should be in the infirmary.  I think her friend is in there with her as well."  Wren couldn't have known that Janice had left the infirmary, but at least it would get him to Cadenza.  "Are you looking to join the assault?"

  7. 44 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

    "Er..." Jay wasn't sure if they were trying to keep a low profile or not. Although, he considered, judging by the fact they were on the Scrynet and apparently running an academy, it was probably fine. "I'm looking for Cadenza and Aryanna." Who knew what situation Janice was in at this point.

    “Those two... an Ice girl and an explosive child?  They just showed up the other day and enrolled. I can take you to them.”

  8. 49 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

    Jay ran down the street, searching for a familiar face anywhere.

    The woman sighed abruptly, then gave up any pretense of stealth.  "You, who is it you're looking for?!" she called after him.

  9. 5 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


    ((Well, I need to add them when I get home today!))

    40 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

    Jay barely stayed long enough to mutter out a "Thanks" before dashing off in that direction. What was going on?

    The woman twisted and looked at him oddly, frowning to herself.  After a moment, she began following Jay.  Just to be sure he didn't mean trouble.

  10. 37 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

    Jay rushed up to someone, knowing that his bleary eyed, unkempt, likely slightly crazed face probably didn't inspire too much confidence, but he didn't care. "This academy. Where is it?"

    The woman shouldered her rifle and raised her eyebrows at him.  She had hooded, brooding eyes that seemed to stare through him, as if he was made of glass.  "Are you alright, sir?" she asked.  "It's just up the street a few blocks.  Most of the students are helping clean up from the attack right now."

  11. 16 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

    Jay's eyes widened. "They're doing what without me?" He looked around for a passersby, a sign, something that could point him in the right direction

    There were passerbys, of course. In the distance, he could see rough pavement, where the surface had been damaged. 

  12. 7 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

    Jay blinked. He still wasn't sure where he was or even when it was. Had it been hours? Days? Months? He felt like he'd been in a haze since he'd left the others, however long ago that had been. Or even why he'd left. There were some huge holes in his memory, the kind he'd seen in drug addicts or battle-scarred soldiers. He supposed it had been a traumatic enough experience to have that kind of symptoms, but still. He had a duty to fulfill and he wasn't sure where Janice, Cadenza, and Aryanna were, or even if they were still alive. 
    He rolled out of the alley where he was, feeling twenty years older than he remembered. There was only way to find out what he was missing, and that was to go and start investigating.

    Jay saw the local news projected on overhead monitors.  The attack of the academy, the Yevon, and the defenders.  If he was astute, he might have recognized several of the fighters as his friends.  An elegant middle-aged newscaster gave commentary on the drone footage.  "Despite the initial assault on Vespyr's academy, the attack was rebuffed with only mild injuries and zero fatalities in a matter of minutes.  Several wonder how effective this assault on this mysterious "Queen of Monsters" is going to be, while others are lauding the victory as a sign of the future outcome.  In light of the attack, we are facing a wave of civilians exiting the city to stay with relatives or relocate completely. The majority, though, seem content to remain, in spite of whatever danger awaits."  

  13. On 5/19/2021 at 7:02 AM, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice, feeling cleaned-up and more normal than usual, walked up to Vespyr and tapped him on the shoulder.

    "Hey, uhh..." She tapped her fingers together uncomfortably. "I'm gonna be doing, like... regular school too, right?"



    On 5/19/2021 at 0:27 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice sat down by herself at a single desk in an unused classroom, holding a pencil for the first time in years.


    Vespyr raised the skin where his eyebrows had once been.  "You are eager to learn, after such an attack?"  He quickly regained his still features.  "Very well."  He went to a shelf and drew a book at random.  "Take this to one of the instructors and have them teach you."

    It was a graphic novel anthology, full of text bubbles and pictures.  Vespyr had meant to pull a reader or a math book.  He'd just gotten unlucky.

  14. 10 hours ago, Condensation said:

    "Yeah, she can get that way. She didn't start that way, but I think it might be her natural personality."

    “Pushy, in your face, a little controlling?” He asked, raising his eyebrows. “I don’t get it. You lied about your name and literally hid, but the second she waltzed back in, you all hugged and made up. What was that?  I... I don’t get it.”

  15. 1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice glanced between the two of them, eyes narrowing imperceptibly.

    "Oh, goodness!" Janice yelped, jumping to her feet. "I forgot. I have... uhh... life lessons with Vespyr, and I should probably get changed for that. Bye!" She booked it out of there.


    1 hour ago, Condensation said:

    "What about your back?" Cadenza asked, but it was too late. "Never mind, I guess."

    Corwin grimaced.  He'd only ever spent 3 minutes with Cadenza, and she'd lied to him.  Sure, she was cute and he thought she was pretty cool, but Janice was acting as though she was leaving to give them an intimate, lovey-dovey moment.  He didn't even know what to do, because the awkwardness was thicker than cheese, and it filled the air.  "Uh... So.  Sorry."  He rubbed at the back of his neck.  "Your friend is certainly... enthusiastic?"

  16. 18 minutes ago, Condensation said:

    Cadenza was standing to the side, keeping watch on them without letting them know. She had conjured an ice chair and now sat in it nonchalantly.

    He suddenly noticed Cadenza. “Nothing whatever,” he said quickly, voice inordinately high. 

  17. 3 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "What? No, no... I...." she coughed. "I don't know what half those words mean but no, I did not." Janice crossed her arms and winced as the medics started applying antiseptic. "And it almost sounds like you want to talk about cute--boys all of a sudden." Volts, did I just call him cute?

    “Nah. I’m cute enough for myself. But...” his face turned a little red. “Cadenza... she doesn’t really... uh.  It’s dumb. We only talked once.”

  18. 51 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Why would we do any of those things? Flowers are boring, nails are gonna get scuffed up anyways, and I'm not interested in any cute boys!" Janice panicked for a second, then let out a sigh as one of the doctors checked on the cuts on her back. "Yeah, yeah... go ahead, I guess. I don't know why they didn't heal..."

    He smirked. “C’mon. I know you’ve fallen deeply and drastically in love with me, ya mooning mewler,” he teased, throwing his good arm over his eyes dramatically. 

  19. 1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Listen, Corwin..." Janice sighed. "If you want to have someone to watch your back, then you're gonna have to put up with them fussing over every nick and scratch you get. It's how it works."

    Hopefully nobody tries watching my back and notices that it's still bleeding, Janice thought. Maybe I won't tell him that it's also law that we pretend like we're fine no matter what.

    “Yeah, right!” He said, “I wish someone would fuss over your wounded back so you’d leave me me alone!”  It didn’t look at all like he was annoyed by her fussing. He just couldn’t let anyone see how weird it was to enjoy being cared about. He didn’t even know how to handle being cared about. “Just because you’re getting all sweet and smiles in my face isn’t gonna make me say we’re besties to go flower picking, painting nails, and talking about cute boys.”

  20. 34 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice, over the next hour or so, refused to leave Corwin's side as the people treated his wounds.

    Corwin kept bantering with her about how he was perfectly fine, and how she was getting in his way -which wasn’t entirely true,- and how she now looked like someone had dipped a ninja action figure in ketchup, which was entirely true. His comebacks, though, were lacking. He glanced around for Cadenza. 

  21. 22 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Siren slammed into the pavement, the air twisting in streams of roiling steam around him.  He stood, lips pressed into a thin line, and the ground spread open, the sound of thunder, yet sharp and precise.  Screams ensued, and the remainder of the Yevon were systematically and abruptly slain.  "Who is injured?" Siren asked, strolling no-nonsense directly past the children.  He looked up to the roof.

    The sniper woman dropped from the roof.  He caught her in a breath of air, and she landed lightly.  He repeated himself, and she gestured.  Several of the younger students had been wounded, Corwin included.  He looked ashamed of himself, and seemed rather upset.  Siren noted every individual, and immediately set upon delegating others to assist in moving the injured.  

    Siren then took a long draft from a large flask at his side.  He shot into the air, then to the edge of the city.  It was past time to bolster the defenses.

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