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Posts posted by LukeWasTaken

  1. 2-1 Rule of Affiliation: Players may affiliate themselves with one of the ten princedoms: Aladar, Bethab, Hatham, Kholin, Roion, Ruthar, Sebarial, Thanadal, and Vamah. Affiliations must be posted in blue. The first player to affiliate with a princedom will be the highprince, and each person affiliating afterwards will be next on the succession list. Should the highprince be removed for any reason, the person at the top of the seniority list will become highprince.

    This says that players may affiliate themselves with one of the ten princedoms. It never restricts changing princedoms, just that the affiliations must be posted in blue, which I did.

  2. 8 hours ago, HoidWasTaken said:

    I refute my prior claim of being Highprince Aladar, Instead opting to join the Sadeas Princedom. That would make me Heir of House Sadeas.

    As I said, I refuted my claim of being Highprince Aladar. I never had two positions at once.

    As for the Anti-Secrecy Law, the Law of Job Providers was approved Last Tuesday, before it took effect.

  3. I am Hoid, and I have chosen to affiliate myself with the Aladar princedom, therefore making me Highprince Aladar.

    I will also be claiming my starting bonus of 16 spheres.

    I also have not found that anyone else is the King's Wit, therefore with the King's permission I would like to take up the role.

    I would also like to propose the

    Rule of Position::ph34r: Those with a Unique Position must be listed in the King's Rulebook.

  4. So, it is not apart of a series. So that leaves:

    Skyward (If that even counted)

    White Sand

    And that Leaves us with:
    Shadows For Silence
    Sixth of the Dusk
    Emperor's Soul
    EDIT: Hope of Elantris

    Yeah, I think that is what we have to choose from. Since Parvati Patji and Dusk are not an option, that leaves us with 5.
    Wait, @Hentient this is cosmere, right?

  5. Okay then, Here is what we know. It is not:

    34 minutes ago, HoidWasTaken said:

    - Dalinar to Odium, Oathbringer?
    - Vin to Tensoon, Mistborn 2 or 3?
    - Dusk to Patji, Sixth of the Dusk?
    - Dockson to Kelsier, Mistborn 2?
    - Kelsier to Ruin, Secret History?
    - Kaladin to Gaz, Stormlight 1? 
    - Vasher to Denth, Warbreaker?

    - Sarene
    - Marsh
    - Anyone From Stormlight
    - Vin to Ruin

    moving on from those...

    - Miles to Wax, Mistborn 4?
    - Wax to His Uncle, Mistborn 6?

  6. On 10/29/2020 at 9:03 AM, Hentient said:


      Hide contents

    “I hate you. Thank you for making me hate you” 


    Hmm... That is a good one. Some preliminary guesses of mine would be:

    - Dalinar to Odium, Oathbringer?
    - Vin to Tensoon, Mistborn 2 or 3?
    - Dusk to Patji, Sixth of the Dusk?
    - Dockson to Kelsier, Mistborn 2?
    - Kelsier to Ruin, Secret History?
    - Kaladin to Gaz, Stormlight 1? 
    - Vasher to Denth, Warbreaker?

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