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Posts posted by LukeWasTaken

  1. 11 minutes ago, Omi the Counselor said:

    That's what we'll do. We'll exploit the RP to learn everything we can.

    And we'll do it with immense style.


    Ummm, there is no reason to not let Fadran hear you! This is not my chance to learn about the channelknights, unless of course they just casually come up!


  2. 6 hours ago, Doomstick said:

    So, I was scrolling through youtube yesterday, and I found this amazing video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thOifuHs6eY


    It's great. 

    Share cool youtube videos here I guess.

      Hide contents

    Also this is my 8000th post (don't believe me? check https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topmembers/?filter=app_forums_forums). The real link to the video is the comma after"so."


    What a great music video! so glad I listened to it.

  3. Quote

    Okay I guess I just put my character here?



    Luke Conquest (The Knights Next Door)

    Investiture: Pre 1st Oath Elsecaller


    Spren: Silk (Inkspren)

    Personality: Luke is very introverted, but if you ever get into an argument with him he has a very difficult time dropping it, or admitting to losing it. He always claims it is cold, and is constantly wearing a brown jacket as if to prove a point.

    Description: Luke generally wears muted colors, nothing neon or anything like that. It is generally sweatpants or jeans, never shorts unless he is swimming. He is generally wearing a brown jacket.

    Backstory: Luke’s mother was out of the picture for most of his life. In his early childhood, everyone he tried to befriend eventually ended up moving away, so he just stopped trying. Why try to make friends if they will just leave in the end?

    Luke was bullied by others for most of the earlier grades, but eventually they just left him alone. Luke was fine with that.

    So Luke turned his attention mostly to his studies. He has gotten a full 4.0 GPA For most of his school career, and has no plans of breaking his streak.
    Most of his father’s time was spent at his work in Seattle University. It got even worse when Luke came out as an atheist, whose father ran a Jesuit University.

    Recently, Luke had seen a shadowy figure lurking around him multiple times, out of the corner of his eye. Luke was sure he was mad when it started talking to him.



  4. 17 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

     I missed way too much. Is it worth reading through or should I just go from here? My character would make a good villain or anti-hero if y'all would like, I don't know Wind's plan


    As far as I know, Wind and Fadran are trying to overthrow the gods or something.


  5. Beautiful writing. I only really had one complaint. In Chapter 4, you had Ash say:

    On 11/6/2018 at 7:25 AM, Overlord Jebus said:

    His moment of lucidity had passed quickly.

    I just wanted to point out that we have a WOB stating that Taln's moment of clarity was directly linked to Dalinar opening the perpendicularity.



    Is Taln's brief moment of lucid tied to Dalinar/Dalinar's powers?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, it was tied to that.

    That's all. Good job on the writing though, I think you got all the characters right.

  6. Quote

    K, I think I know what I want



    Name: Clement Hawthorne

    Power: Growth and Water

    Description: 5'11, Portly, Tanned Skin, Male, Hair dyed dark green, Appears to be about 25. Wears a blue cloak.


    Get it? Clement Hawthorne?


    It's because Clement as in Clementine and Hawthorne is "someone who lived by a bush or hedge of hawthorne"




    @A Windrunner

  7. 1 minute ago, Condensation said:

    Oh shoot, you got there first! Do you want me to change or will you? If you want some ideas, I could probably make some.


    I mean, if you are handing out ideas... 


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