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Posts posted by LukeWasTaken

  1. I am ISTP-T. Called me a Virtuoso, which I find amusing because I am not very musically inclined.

    EDIT: I am the same as Hawkeye? Is it movie hawkeye or comic book Hawkeye? If movie, ew, is comic book, yes.

  2. 8 hours ago, Chanarach said:

    Wayne would beat spook like a bad habit.  Spook can probably prolong the fight, but if koloss blooded thugs can't do Wayne in, then tin boy doesn't stand a chance.  


    8 hours ago, ftl said:

    Yeah, wayne would win. Spook isn't really that great of a fighter. I mean, he's certainly proficient, and good compared to untrained folks, but I don't think he'd really hold up against a master.

    So if I were to ask you that while Spook had access to Pewter, what would your answer be then?

  3. 4 hours ago, Chasmgoat said:

    I am not sure about some of these clues, but maybe Dockson? he matches some. and maybe all of them, I don't remember.

    Well, let's go through them one by one

    1.not nobility or royalty. This obviously agrees with Dockson, who came from a skaa plantation.

    2.fears a type of apparent precipitation. I'm assuming this is the mist. It depends on how you define fear, but he is unsettled by it.

    3. Not invested. Dockson is not invested.

    4. Wants to be a leader. This is a bit harder, because as far as I remember, Dockson was upset with Kell for leaving them in charge.

    5. Disagreement with Kelsier. This was the aforementioned not wanting to run the kingdom.

  4. 3 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

    The issue is with gunshots. That amount of noise from any gym will surely temporarily incapacitate spook. And if he stops burning tin, he is numb and can’t hear jack. That’s why it’s tough for spook to be in a gun fight. A cane fight, however, would be a treat. 


    2 hours ago, robardin said:

    Did you arm Tin Savant Spook? It looks like you are suggesting he'd have a gun to use against Wayne, based on the replies, but I don't see that in the OP.

    I don't see how Wayne doesn't have the clear advantage, as the Spook who arrived to Urteau as a tin savant but not (yet) spiked for pewter was not yet a fighter.

    You are both right, of course. I forgot to mention their weapons! I will go back and edit that now, but lets go with Spook has dueling canes, Wayne has Dueling Canes, No guns.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Aspiring Writer said:

    This is a very odd pairing. 

    Hmm, I found it quite fitting. Both really seem like the sidekick to their Wax/Kelsier counterpart, with Wax saving Wayne and Kelsier naming Spook. I felt like they had a strong bond.

  6. Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Something like that. In any case, welcome!

    Time to get posting my ninety pages of worldbuilding...


    I'm sure this will be much easier then finding a time to slid- I mean run into the fellowship of the thing, screaming at the top of my lungs.


  7. 1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    You have to ssssssssssssllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, not just slllllliiiiiiiiddddddddeeeeeeee.


    fine then, I won't slide in. What was that shallan quote? I'll run into it, screaming at the top of my lungs?



  8. Okay, its time for another one of these. Tin savant Spook from book 3 before he became Mistborn, Wayne with 3 1/2 minutes worth of bendalloy, and enough healing for 3 different gunshot wounds, with the wounds closing completely over 5 seconds.
    As a side note, Spook does not have access to allomantic pewter. Also, neither knows the others powers.
    EDIT: Neither of them have guns. Both are armed with Dueling Canes.
    Spook Strengths:
    - Super Duper Senses.

    Spook Weaknesses:
    -Um... I can't think of any. Loud noises?

    Wayne Strengths:
    -Decades of experience 1v1ing people.

    Wayne Weaknesses:
    -Um... He really likes his hats.

    Anything I missed? Thoughts?

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